Edit: I'm now using this space to keep track of what we can be certain of. The process of figuring all this stuff out, as well as some suppositions I cannot support by pure deductive logic, are in the full thread. Thanks are due to Mudhut for figuring out and explaining to me the rival average algorithm, and to Blake for determining how tech impacts army size. Thanks are due to both Mudhut and Blake for correcting logical inconsistencies along the way.
Explanations for where some of this stuff is coming from are in the thread. Reading the thread, I suspect, is like watching someone make sausage - it's an ugly process, but the final product tastes pretty darned good.
Ok, looks like everyone but the Horde has settled. Let's take stock of what we know at this point:
<img src=http://apolyton.net/upload/thumb.php?x=800&file=7830_3920demographics.JPG>
Rival food, based on in-game allocation of Workers and calculations from rival averages:
3960: 5,4,4,0,0,0
3920: 5,5,5,5,4,0
Rival hammers:
3960: 2,2,1,0,0,0
3920: 2,2,2,1,1,0
Rival Commerce:
3960: 10,10,9,0,0,0
3920: 12,11,10,10,10,0
7 tiles within rival city radii as of 3920 are water. At least one of those tiles belongs to civs that founded in 4000, and the one tile that we know about is one space away from that civ's capital.
No one has popped military techs, a Scout or a Warrior at this time.
Two of our rivals founded on Plains Hills and are working 3/0/x tiles. This can be deduced from the impossibility of an unimproved 3/1/x tile and the food/hammer distribution of our rivals. One of these rivals on a Plains Hill MUST be AC or Sara.
At least one of our Creative rivals moved from working a 2 food to a 3 food tile when their borders expanded. Both of those rivals may have, in which case either Sara or AC only has 4 food.
Two rivals currently research faster than us. This may throw a bit of a wrench in the Buddhism works.
We will gain additional information at the following times:
3880 BC: A rival whose borders expanded that was auto-switched by the AI governor to a 3 food tile may not wish to work this tile for some reason, in which case that rival's food (and perhaps commerce) production will decrease and its hammer production will increase. This is unlikely, but it could happen.
3760 BC: The civ that has had 5 food since 4000 BC will grow to size 2, and its food, hammer and commerce totals will be adjusted accordingly. Sara and AC will experience a border expansion, and their production totals may alter as well. We can also use this border expansion to try and figure out whether at least one of Sara or AC is coastal.
3720 BC: Any rival that founded in 4000 BC that went from 4 food to 5 food in the border expansion of 3920 BC will grow to size 2 on this turn. This should answer the mystery of who is currently producing 5 food, and who is producing only 4, if the 3760 BC border expansion cannot answer this question.
3680 BC: An AC/Sara presently working 5 food will grow to size 2 on this turn, and food/hammer/commerce totals will change. Our own Mysticism research should finish this turn, so this is the deadline for understanding what our opponents are up to and determining what our second tech should be.
3640 BC: Any rival that founded in 4000 BC that worked 4 food tiles from 4000 BC on will grow on this turn, and totals will adjust.
These dates will have to be adjusted for whenever the Horde founds, of course. Wonder why they're still wandering the earth - hard to conceive of a start THAT bad. Perhaps their Scout found the Promised Land? (Flood plains valley, 3-4x Gold tiles sort of situation?) If you come up with an explanation for that one, please let me know!
Explanations for where some of this stuff is coming from are in the thread. Reading the thread, I suspect, is like watching someone make sausage - it's an ugly process, but the final product tastes pretty darned good.

Ok, looks like everyone but the Horde has settled. Let's take stock of what we know at this point:
<img src=http://apolyton.net/upload/thumb.php?x=800&file=7830_3920demographics.JPG>
Rival food, based on in-game allocation of Workers and calculations from rival averages:
3960: 5,4,4,0,0,0
3920: 5,5,5,5,4,0
Rival hammers:
3960: 2,2,1,0,0,0
3920: 2,2,2,1,1,0
Rival Commerce:
3960: 10,10,9,0,0,0
3920: 12,11,10,10,10,0
7 tiles within rival city radii as of 3920 are water. At least one of those tiles belongs to civs that founded in 4000, and the one tile that we know about is one space away from that civ's capital.
No one has popped military techs, a Scout or a Warrior at this time.
Two of our rivals founded on Plains Hills and are working 3/0/x tiles. This can be deduced from the impossibility of an unimproved 3/1/x tile and the food/hammer distribution of our rivals. One of these rivals on a Plains Hill MUST be AC or Sara.
At least one of our Creative rivals moved from working a 2 food to a 3 food tile when their borders expanded. Both of those rivals may have, in which case either Sara or AC only has 4 food.
Two rivals currently research faster than us. This may throw a bit of a wrench in the Buddhism works.
We will gain additional information at the following times:
3880 BC: A rival whose borders expanded that was auto-switched by the AI governor to a 3 food tile may not wish to work this tile for some reason, in which case that rival's food (and perhaps commerce) production will decrease and its hammer production will increase. This is unlikely, but it could happen.
3760 BC: The civ that has had 5 food since 4000 BC will grow to size 2, and its food, hammer and commerce totals will be adjusted accordingly. Sara and AC will experience a border expansion, and their production totals may alter as well. We can also use this border expansion to try and figure out whether at least one of Sara or AC is coastal.
3720 BC: Any rival that founded in 4000 BC that went from 4 food to 5 food in the border expansion of 3920 BC will grow to size 2 on this turn. This should answer the mystery of who is currently producing 5 food, and who is producing only 4, if the 3760 BC border expansion cannot answer this question.
3680 BC: An AC/Sara presently working 5 food will grow to size 2 on this turn, and food/hammer/commerce totals will change. Our own Mysticism research should finish this turn, so this is the deadline for understanding what our opponents are up to and determining what our second tech should be.
3640 BC: Any rival that founded in 4000 BC that worked 4 food tiles from 4000 BC on will grow on this turn, and totals will adjust.
These dates will have to be adjusted for whenever the Horde founds, of course. Wonder why they're still wandering the earth - hard to conceive of a start THAT bad. Perhaps their Scout found the Promised Land? (Flood plains valley, 3-4x Gold tiles sort of situation?) If you come up with an explanation for that one, please let me know!