Come on, the patch is out now
On Leaders and Traits:
Um so yeah you've probably noticed that Financial got nerfed, then again I don't think we really picked a Financial leader for the cheap banks and like half the other leaders are Financial. Hypothetically speaking, if another team were to insist they wanted to change leaders? Would we?
Here are some things to consider:
Expansionist has been buffed, with +1 health.
Creative has been buffed due to chopping changes - it's harder to chop in culture, and forests outside cultural borders produce less hammers. So free culture is more useful than before, doubly so in the context of chopping. Cre may be the new power-trait.
Organized has been buffed sort of, with most the no-upkeep civics being changed to low upkeep (ignoring emperor+ upkeep changes, since that's of no consequence here.)
Industrial and Philosophical have been buffed sort of, since obsolete wonders continue to produce GPP. Small effect though, only really applicable to Stone Henge.
Aggressive and Spiritual are basically unchanged in effectiveness. At least I can't think of anything significant. Could be argued that Aggressive is slightly improved by the combat change - surviving fights with higher health is more of an advantage than in 1.52.
Financial has been nerfed, but the early strength is unchanged. Really for most intents and purposes the strength of Financial hasn't changed
Cyrus may be looking better than ever, but I think we can still be happy with Mr Mansa Musa.
On our Start and Bronze Working:
So yah, chopping has been nerfed, rather big time. Slavery has also been nerfed (no longer no upkeep). As a spiritual civ we can still justify the switch to slavery since it costs nothing to do, but it won’t be a free lunch.
Given that we have our Skirmishers I think we should lower Bronze Working in priority in favor of Archery and other useful techs.
We should put more weight on keeping our forests around for longer, maybe until Mathematics, maybe longer for the health benefits. We should assume that other teams will be less chop happy whether or not it is actually in their best interests to be. It's the "It's been nerfed! Not worth doing anymore!" reaction, or the "lets save it for mathematics!". This might reduce the probability of a strong early rush, while also possibly making early rushes more deadly as they are less expected.
Given that chop-in-culture is more difficult, especially in the absence of culture to push out borders, I think we should re-assess the possibility of a strong push for early religion. I have some game theory that suggests we can pick up the cheapest tech (hunting or fishing, but in our case hunting) without significantly reducing our changes of getting a religion.
edit: Oh yah I don't really expect much to happen until after easter, but whatever, doesn't hurt to start breathing life back into this place

On Leaders and Traits:
Um so yeah you've probably noticed that Financial got nerfed, then again I don't think we really picked a Financial leader for the cheap banks and like half the other leaders are Financial. Hypothetically speaking, if another team were to insist they wanted to change leaders? Would we?
Here are some things to consider:
Expansionist has been buffed, with +1 health.
Creative has been buffed due to chopping changes - it's harder to chop in culture, and forests outside cultural borders produce less hammers. So free culture is more useful than before, doubly so in the context of chopping. Cre may be the new power-trait.
Organized has been buffed sort of, with most the no-upkeep civics being changed to low upkeep (ignoring emperor+ upkeep changes, since that's of no consequence here.)
Industrial and Philosophical have been buffed sort of, since obsolete wonders continue to produce GPP. Small effect though, only really applicable to Stone Henge.
Aggressive and Spiritual are basically unchanged in effectiveness. At least I can't think of anything significant. Could be argued that Aggressive is slightly improved by the combat change - surviving fights with higher health is more of an advantage than in 1.52.
Financial has been nerfed, but the early strength is unchanged. Really for most intents and purposes the strength of Financial hasn't changed
Cyrus may be looking better than ever, but I think we can still be happy with Mr Mansa Musa.
On our Start and Bronze Working:
So yah, chopping has been nerfed, rather big time. Slavery has also been nerfed (no longer no upkeep). As a spiritual civ we can still justify the switch to slavery since it costs nothing to do, but it won’t be a free lunch.
Given that we have our Skirmishers I think we should lower Bronze Working in priority in favor of Archery and other useful techs.
We should put more weight on keeping our forests around for longer, maybe until Mathematics, maybe longer for the health benefits. We should assume that other teams will be less chop happy whether or not it is actually in their best interests to be. It's the "It's been nerfed! Not worth doing anymore!" reaction, or the "lets save it for mathematics!". This might reduce the probability of a strong early rush, while also possibly making early rushes more deadly as they are less expected.
Given that chop-in-culture is more difficult, especially in the absence of culture to push out borders, I think we should re-assess the possibility of a strong push for early religion. I have some game theory that suggests we can pick up the cheapest tech (hunting or fishing, but in our case hunting) without significantly reducing our changes of getting a religion.
edit: Oh yah I don't really expect much to happen until after easter, but whatever, doesn't hurt to start breathing life back into this place
