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CUSTOMIZATION v.1.0 by mindlace

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  • #16

    Is there any change that someone who is really doing with civ3 project will read this ?

    there is it, my little list, more ideas after comments...


    I ask for one thing for civ 3. Let user make modifications.

    First, user must be able to change, add or delete any tech and how many
    he want.

    Cost of tech;
    requirement (no limits );

    Second, user must be able to change, add or delere any unit and how many
    he want.

    Cost of tech;
    requirement (no limits );

    Second, user must be able to change, add or delere any unit and how many
    he want.
    Req(also multible);
    movement for any specific terrain;
    attack bonus fo any specific terrain;
    defence bonus for any specific terrain;
    defence and attact bonus(any %) for any specific unit,
    defence and attack bonus(any %) for all specific type of units
    (airplane,heli,tanks,hormen,infary etc);
    User must be able to change, add or delete any units class
    (airplane,heli,tanks,horsemen,infary etc.);
    User must be able edit unit image and sound;
    every unit should be "history file" where units all victories are etc.
    are listed;
    There must be "long range fire" posibily as ability;
    "long range fire" can be also set to bet able to fight close range;
    User must be able to change any unit attack or defence sounds;
    User must be able to set air units flight time (turns);
    User must be able to set any specific unit (type) upkeep productin, money
    or somthing else ...;
    User must be able to set amount of production and money unit need to be
    upkeep by range from home city or friendly city;
    And some others units abilities would be nice to be able to change.
    Just don't remember them now.. (help me and add some if ..)

    Third Thing are city advances and wonders.
    User must be able to change, add or delete any city advance, as many as
    user want;
    User must be able to set % effect for any city building and wonders for,
    product, money,happines etc (everything);
    User must be able to edit all city advances and wonders images;
    User must be able to change city advances special effects, like training
    mil units, City walls, ISD def etc

    Fourth, Economy and goverment.

    User must be able to change, add, or delete any govement;
    User must be able to set tax what ever rate by accuracy 1% or 0,1%
    User must be able to change economy, govement and values etc. separately;
    User must be able ro change, add or delete any govement type(all bonus and
    speacial abilities) as economics bonus etc.. (alpha centauri style
    but editable...);

    And some other thing, just can't remember now (just add...)

    fifth, some misc things

    User must be able change any terrain or city image and add (like 6
    different city image instead of 4);
    User must be able to change, add or delete, any specific terrain;
    different city image instead of 4);
    User must be able to change, add or delete, any specific terrain;
    Terrains must be editable, production, trade, etc, and road etc, bonuses;
    Sea must be change colonize, or user must be able to add tech for that;
    Map editor and scenario editor must be(all fully editable);
    Barbarians also editabel...;
    User must be able to terminate whole city, atleast under military
    And that ability should be editable;
    Very very very big AI improve;
    unnumbered amount of countries (all editable);
    Large maps, > means unlimited;
    Much more advanced diplomacy;
    Unit upgrades..(money or product)
    Cities productions queries...;
    AI shouldn't cheat, or atleast be set optionally...;
    Advanced AI...Said already ???;
    Economy screen, all incomes and expences...
    Multiplayer up to 10 or 20;
    Unlimited map (memory)
    Editable time line...
    Natural diaster optional (also editable);
    Every nation own interfere...(all graphic customisable);
    More options..;
    More data(about everything, statistics..), even unuseful..;

    Editions would be make to txt file (like rules.txt but much wider)
    And images would be .gif (maybe PNG..)

    Game atmosphere as Civ2, not like AC No way ...

    And much much much more more....
    So, all what I want is to change to make some modifications...

    And no 3d map or units ... please, just waste of cpu power (should be
    used fo AI, it's never too good)



    If creators of civ3 are thinking what way they will do something
    (like bordes) I hope they let us make the choice...

    And once more, use cpu to run game and AI not those fancy 3d graphics ...


    • #17
      One more thing

      It is not good idea to have unit designer in game, atleast not same one in SMAC...

