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UNITS summary

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  • UNITS summary

    I have had a few complaints about summaries at the begginning at the thread, so here is where the summary for UNITS will be from now on.

    Spy Planes-multiple turns of feul, long range, no armor or weapon. Used for scouting.

    Patriots-draftees from cities

    Sea Engineers-terraform the sea

    Supply Trucks-supply one nutrient/mineral/gold(whichever is chosen) from home city
    to city truck is assigned to.

    Assassin-Like spy, except kills prominent researchers or builders to set enemy back.

    Anti-sub Helicopter-Maybe with a sonar beacon that extends a square in every
    direction so you can pick up the subs?

    Merchant Fleet-Caravans on the sea. I like this one _a lot_.

    Air Transport-Airplane that transports units

    AWAC-Like spy plane, but shorter range. Gives support to any attacked air units
    within 4 squares.

    Spy Sattelites-Keep constant watch over a certain area.

    Refugee-If city is captured, this unit appears. Can add its population to another city. No
    offense or defense.

    Intelligance(sp?) Unit - Anti-spy protection

    Longbowmen-Advanced archers

    Cannonades-Between Cannons and Artillery

    Arqbues-Between longbowmen and musketeers

    Biplane-Drops paratroopers

    Guerrila-ignore ZOCs, but have weak attack. Mainly for pillaging and defense.

    Mobile Radar Jammer-creates "cloud" of blackness one square in every direction

    Crop Plauge Plane-Destroys farm and irrigation

    Mobile SAM-doubles defense of units stacked with it against air attacks

    Mobile SDI-obvious

    V2s-Missle that destroys all units and improvements in square

    Nuclear Bombs-Armed on bombers and dropped

    Decoys-Fake units with no attack or defense that are used to draw the enemy out of

    Officers-Units that add morale to other units with them in stack. Appear randomly at
    first, then trained later in game.

    National Guard-Appointed like elvises or scientists. At first the weaker version,
    seasonal army. Then, with appropriate advance, it turns into the more powerful National


    Losing Experience-Over time, units not in battle slowly lose experience down to the "hardened" level, assuming we have the SMAC morale in Civ3.

    Flags-Not just colors, real flags that you could customize if you wanted to using
    Clarisworks or something

    Graphics-Make sure units look like what they're supposed to be, not like in SMAC.
    Maybe have units from different cultures look different?

    Air-Completely automate air units

    Transport size-Units are given size ratings. Transport units can hold a certain size
    rating. Prevents the eternally annoying transports that can hold 8 tanks but not 9 spies.

    Range-Different range missles depending on tech.

    Cash-Units should cost money instead of minerals to support

    Off Alert-Take units off alert. They gather their own resources when off alert, so
    support canceled. Attack and Defense lowered, though.

    Nukes-nuked area cannot be entered by units for x turns. If city is nuked, city cannot
    build buildings for x turns. Nuked country can launch "retaliation attack" automaticly
    when nuked. Increase range of nukes. Give nukes effects of PB's from SMAC?

    Long-range attacking units-catpults and other long-range units can attack from a few
    squares away

    Raising armies-instead of building armies, you raise them through your cities

    Support-Nation supports unit instead of city.

    Tech upgrades-Option to upgrade units with whatever you discover once you discover
    it. Example: You have an archers unit defending a town. You discover Bronze
    Working.You can now add bronze armor to your archer unit if you wish.

    Seperate armies and weapons-The people are drafted from a city while their weapons
    are built in another.

    Training Grounds-Not letting certain units that have to be trained, like an archer or a
    knight, be built until barracks are built.

    Upgrade-Upgrade unit when new tech comes.

    Cost-Cost of maintinance should grow or decrease over time.

    Morale-Morale levels for units like SMAC.

    Veteran-Over time, units gain morale levels.

    Missle Silos-terrain improvement. Have a 50% chance of surviving nuke blast. Units
    inside not damaged if silo survives, destroyed if silo destroyed.

    COPIED FROM POSTERS(I hope noone minds)

    offense: this value determines the amount of damage done with a successful hit before

    defense: this value is how much less damage a unit takes from a successful hit by
    another unit due to armor, mobility, etc.

    hit points: this value is how much damage the unit takes before it pushes up daisies.

    morale: this value determines the percentage to successfully land a hit and also
    modifies the offensive value by a set percentage modifier. it also eventually increases
    with successive (successful) battles. let's say it ranges from 1 to 5 (as in smac but a less
    prosaic form).

    range: movement points per turn.

    now let's wade through an example title bout: in this corner, a rookie legion is attacking
    the veteran chariot in black trunks... ding ding!
    "legion x" (o:4/d:2/h:10/m:1)
    "chariot y" (o:4/d:1/h:10/m:4)
    let's also assume that the battle is to the death (as in the coliseum of yore)...

    round 1 (part a):
    x attacks y. x has a 1 in 5 chance of hitting y (due to his cruddy morale). x luckily
    manages to hit y. (first blood goes to the young punk!). x does 4 damage (+0% due to
    low morale) and y subtracts only 1 damage due to his defense value and gains no
    bonuses because he wasn't fortified at the end of the previous turn and is standing on
    a plains tile (next time seek some cover at the end of the turn).
    x finally deals 3 damage total to y.
    y has 7 hit points remaining.

    round 1 (part deux):
    y counterattacks x in his phase of combat (if x had managed to deal 10 hit points after
    modifiers and minus y's defense in the first hit, y wouldn't be counterattacking, he'd be
    dead). y has a 4 in 5 chance of hitting x. y hits (hey, you gotta like the odds). y does 4
    damage +80% due to high morale (alright, we can rescale this during beta-testing 'cause
    that might be a bit too high). y actually does 7 damage and x defends 2 hit points due to
    his fancy roman shield. x is also standing on a forest which gives +50% to his defense
    rating. x defends an additional 1 hit point of damage. x is down to 6 hit points.

    round 2: (part one) x attacks y again...

    And so on until one of them (presumably x) is dead. this favors a strongly moraled
    attacker and bonuses could accrue to the defender based on terrain/fortification/city
    walls (adding a bonus to the defense rating). The beauty is that more advanced units
    gain in hit points and defense to the point where even the most veteran phalanx could
    never have enough of an offensive rating to overcome the natural defense rating of a
    tank, let alone dent it's hit points enough to kill the tank before the fatal blow is
    returned. the escalating defense rating of the advanced units would essentially block all
    the damage of an inferior unit whether or not the unit scored a successful hit and the
    retribution strike would be so likely to kill with the first successful hit with rising
    offensive values. even an inexperienced tank unit (which would land a hit only 20% of
    the time) would eventually kill the phalanx before any hit points could _ever_ be taken
    off him.

    Additionally, stacked combat could be resolved unit vs. unit as in smac in this manner
    with collateral damage confered on the surviving stack members of the losing defender.
    This system also works exactly the same with artillery, air to ground combat or ship to
    ship, except that there is no counterattack phase to each round unless the defender unit
    y) has a long distance attack (artillery, anti-air or ship based cannon, respectively) as

    If I missed any, please let me know!
    -Civ3 Thread Master of OTHER and UNITS.
    "We get the paperwork, you get the game!"

  • #2
    I put that. It's under concepts. Look for Transport size.
    -Civ3 Thread Master of OTHER and UNITS.
    "We get the paperwork, you get the game!"


    • #3
      mea culpa. i'm a moron.


      • #4
        No, you're just blind.
        -Civ3 Thread Master of OTHER and UNITS.
        "We get the paperwork, you get the game!"


        • #5
          Nice work! A model distillation. We have to think about what is a practical and usable format for Firaxis; this is probably just what they're looking for.

          Good idea to have summary forums without a lot of tangential posts. 'Nuff said.


          • #6
            umm, that transports have some kind of carrying capacity effect like in starcraft:
            larger units like tanks take up more space compared to smaller ones like infantry; fixing the paradox of how the same unit that can carry 8 armored divisions only capable of carrying 8 spies.


            • #7
              More summary:


              Red Cross: Heals one unit before going back to nearest city to get more medical supplies.

              Train Artillery: Before tanks, with large cannons.


              Partisans: Can move away from a battle if attacked, get double when defending.

              Veteran: Have the ability to prolong units' "build time" so they are "built" with a higher morale.

              Upgrade: 10% of units upgraded each turn until all upgraded when new advance(such as Gunpowder) is discovered

              Longer wooden navy: England built an empire out of frigates and galleons, but by the time we finish one, we already have ironclads. Lenthen the time between frigates and more advanced ships(I personally would like to see frigates come sooner).

              Named units: Ability to name your own units.

              No shields: If you disband units in city, you shouldn't get any shields unless you are building a unit

              Losing exp.: over time, a unit loses experience if not in a battle.

              A/D/M Limit: If Units Workshop is included, have a limit as to how many A/D/M points you can put on(not counting FP or HP, those are decided by weapon and armor). There should be certain # of points you are given, and you can put however many you want into a single catagory up to the category limit and the # of points you are given. For example, I could have 12 points, and put 8 in attack, 2 in defend, and 2 in movement. Have the maximum amount of points increase with tech.

              Missionary/Propagandist - Could be used by any government type, though more
              succesful with some than others. COuld be sent into other cities to make them support
              your government type. Not a spy, capturing cities, but inciting public pressure to get
              another civ to change thier government type (assuming public pressure, civil wars, etc
              is ever implemented). Would be able to select what you want them to work on
              (Encourage democracy? Capitalism? etc.. only your own choices are possible). On the
              home front, they could act to keep your people in line, agreeing with your policies, and
              decreasing fallout from revolution. Would be especially suited to Capitalism,
              Fundamentalism, and Communism. Could lead to fun cold war!

              Pillaging: Partisians do not lose MP from pillaging


              Been thinking a lot about Upgradable Units for Civ ever since I started playing Civ II
              and especially ever since SMAC...
              Most historical 'units' are a result of a combination of developments, not all of them
              technological. If all was related to tech, then the Hittites would have had Legions when
              they developed iron working (forced draft forging) in 1000 BC - didn't happen, 'cause it
              took developments in tactics, formations, and even sociology to result in the Legion -
              an organization, not a weapon type.
              In 4000 BC, you have 2 basic weapons/units available: the spear, either thrust or
              thrown, and the simple or self bow. Thus, in Civ terms you get a bowman (leather
              brown in hue, carrying bow) or a spearman (leather again, spear underarm, no shield)
              Develop Bronze Working:
              You can upgrade three ways:
              1. (Slashing Swords) can now be forged: turn your spearman into a Swordsman, which
              is a minor increase in attack value
              2. (Shields) can now be hammered out (literally!) - increases defense of any unit BUT
              bowman can't use them and shoot
              3. (Bronze Armor) which is more expensive than shields, but can be hung on anyone -
              more defensive increase.
              NOTE: If we adopt Ranged Weapons (one of the good ideas from CtP) then Shields
              increase defense against Ranged Fire, not against hand-to-hand - that isn't entirely
              historical, but usable in Game Terms
              Now, if you also have a cultural development: Armed Citizenry (as opposed to a
              Warrior Class) you can form Phalanxes out of the spearmen. These Require Shields, but
              not body armor (the late Greek, early Macedonian phalanx did not, in fact, use it).
              Phalanx gets attack and defense bonuses over simple spearman BUT it can't operate in
              rough country, gets severely penalized in woods, forests, swamps, etc - anything but
              open ground like plains or grasslands.

              Point is, all these units (spearmen, bowmen, swordsmen, phalanx) can be represented
              by 3 icons (spearmen, bowman, swordsman) with appropriate color changes (leather
              brown to bronze, add shields) to indicate the Upgrades.
              For Ground Troops, mobile Chassis would consist of Horses, Elephants, or Chariots
              until the internal combustion engine allowed you to Motorize (haul in trucks) or
              Mechanize (haul in armored vehicles and build tanks) Horsemen are not Upgraded by
              putting a phalanx on a horse - riding horses is a Special Skill usually connected with a
              Special Class of People (equestrian Order in Rome, Knights in Indo-European cultures -
              the term is found in ancient Rome and Greece as a Social Class) So the basic
              leather-cloth-clad horseman gets bronze armor, changes his spear for a sword, adds
              iron (mail?) armor, adds a Lance (not the same as a spear) and eventually Upgrades all
              the way to a Steel Plate Armor + Lance = Knight.
              Then someone builds Musketeers and Gunpowder weapons have the Special Attribute
              of ignoring all armor effects on non-mechanized chassis! Goodbye knight, hello
              unarmored cavalry again...
              The entire gamut of current military ground CivII/CtP units up to the modern period can
              be represented by less than 25 icons with variations like color changes added to them.
              This is doable, or should be by any competent modern game design group...

              Give certain units better abilities against certain others in a "flexible", tabular format:
              For example assign an "motorized vehicule" flag to units A, B, C and D, then assign a
              "double attack against motorized vehicule" flag to unit E (Call it an anti-tank
              weapon)(This idea stems from my experience with a lot of scenario work where the
              inflexibility of the CivII "rules" becomes noticeable)

              Same idea for air defense, air attack, cavalry defense etc...
              -Civ3 Thread Master of OTHER and UNITS.
              "We get the paperwork, you get the game!"


              • #8
                I copied this from my radical ideas comment but have a supply truck go the units its supplying instead of automatic, maybe make it an advanced option at the beginning of the game, and at the unit editor change the quantities of food, gold, production (since production shield represents parts, fuel, etc.) you should be able to automate the supply truck to trans to units, so you don't micromanange. logistics would make it challenging and more realistic (so you can't have a legion exploring around the globe or the arctic etc).
                Formerly known as "E" on Apolyton

                See me at


                • #9
                  This dont seem like a very good idea! How are people supposed to find the summery, if it disappears the second page of the forum?
                  Next time, put it in front of the thread, this is more consistent with the other threads and easier to find.


                  • #10
                    Actually, it won't be consistent with the other threads much longer. The other Thread Masters are saying that they won't post theirs at the beginning of the threads, either, because it takes up too much space.

                    NEW ADDITIONS:


                    -Chemical and Biological weapons: Like Nukes, but only effect population. Can also put pollution in a square.

                    NOMAD: Like a walking
                    city it gathers food&shield&trade from the field it moves to (nothing if fortified in
                    emergency) while trying to explore the neighbourhood.
                    It needs no support and splits into two nomads when the foodbox reaches 20(?).
                    It can only build warriors & (after discovering riding) horsemen (it can't build other
                    units, roads, irrigation, mines, city improvements or wonders).
                    Through the collection of trade points it can gain the early advances fire making,
                    horseback riding, farming, crafting...
                    Once the farming advance is aquired, nomads may build villages or cities.

                    -H-Bombs: Can wipe a city off the face of the earth.


                    -Be able to choose whether or not you have enhancements on units when you build them.

                    -Get the Unit Workshop with an advance in the future.

                    -Before you can build a unit, you must discover the tactics AND weapon/armor for it.

                    COPIED FROM POSTERS

                    -Terrain Effects and Types have to be better defined, and it dovetails with Unit
                    Capabilities: There are a host of unit types, whether they are game-defined or player
                    -designed, that have special pluses and minuses in movement and combat vis-a-vis
                    To use modern examples for a change, Armor (tracked) is notoriously ineffective in
                    "close" terrain" mountains, cities, swamps, forests, etc. This relates to both its
                    movement, which is much slower and much more heavily penalized than that of foot
                    infantry in those terrains, and its combat factors.
                    I always thought of 'Alpine' as representing all the types of modern Light Infantry - and
                    representing them poorly, at that. Lightly equipped infantry forces, like the Ranger
                    battalions, German Jaeger Divisions, everybody's Mountain units in WWII and modern
                    Light Divisions in the US Army, are designed to be easily moved strategically (by air or
                    sea) and to operate effectively in all types of 'bad' terrain - like the list of
                    armor-unfriendly stuff earlier in this post.
                    What's left out is that they are also relatively lightly armed, and unless equipped with
                    light motorized vehicles (which the US Army experimented with right down the road
                    from me at Fort Lewis) they are slower than regular troops on roads, plains, grasslands,
                    etc. Their combat factors are pretty good relative to everything else in the bad terrain,
                    but they get ground up in the open: don't have the heavy firepower of armor or mech.
                    infantry. The reason they do well in the bad terrain is that everyone else's combat
                    factors go DOWN dramatically there, because they can't bring their firepower and
                    mobility to bear in swamps, mountains, cities, etc.

                    -The six thousand years of human civilization has involved more significant advances
                    than merely snapping bits and pieces together. The evolution of Legions into
                    formations of Pikemen was more than just adding wooden sticks to their arsenal. It was
                    a tactical evolution. Groups of pikemen gathered into square formations, able to point
                    their pikes in all cardinal directions to withstand any enemy charge.

                    Battleships, destroyers, cruisers, carriers, frigates, transports, ironclads... they have
                    different and distinct names for a reason. They're different, inside and out, through and
                    through, in terms of the hull, the armaments, and the crew. You could strip all the
                    weapons off a battleship and use it as a troop transport, but it wouldn't be as effective
                    as a troop transport. You could mount dozens of huge gatling guns on a cruiser, but it
                    still wouldn't be as effective a combat vessel as a battleship.

                    And what if the workshop does give you the ability to construct fantastical
                    wonder-ships, say, AEGIS Battle-Carrier Transports? Well, it creates a schism between
                    the real world, in which such units are fanciful and impractical, and the game world, in
                    which such units are highly desirable for naval superiority. Got a problem? Just take
                    three ABCT's, fill them with nuclear weapons and mechanized marines and watch the
                    enemy fall. And while you're at it, construct a few Stealth Heli-Bomber Tanks, and
                    guard your coastal cities with Submersible Infantry, and conduct your city sieges by
                    parachuting AEGIS Howitzer Para-Tanks into the enemy's territory... bleah!

                    The trasport plane would add another layer of micromanagemnt without improving a
                    players flexibility. I think all air and ground units should be 'deployed'.
                    When a unit is built (i prefer regions and units built by a region) it is placed in a list of
                    units to be deployed. Other units can be added if they have not moved yet. At the end
                    of your turn, you deploy these units. The AI suggests a location for each unit, and you
                    can change it or keep it as is.
                    Deployed units are not combat effeective until your NEXT turn, preventing instant
                    defenses. They are destroyed if attacked. Deployment can only be made to cities,
                    bases, and some naval vessels. cities under siege, bases and ships have a limit to the
                    number of units that can be deployed per turn. You can deploy to allied cities and
                    bases as well.

                    For a historical civ game i think the unit editor is cumbersome. it is too dificult to trim
                    unwanted units, too many variations are available, and they don't have much impact on
                    the game, especially if all it is doing is giving your armour +1 attack (pazers), for an extra
                    row of resources.

                    Units should aoutomatically upgrade. any obsolete unit has a 5% (random number)
                    chance of upgrading each turn.

                    To simulate the economic burden of waging war, units should be supported by gold.
                    Repairs also cost gold. The support cost is unaffected by unit status (1 gold / 20
                    shileds?) Repairs cost 1 gold per shield worth of repairs. Units repaired in the filed pay
                    full price. At a city they pay 2/3 price and if the city has a barracks/airport/port it costs
                    1/3 price.

                    -The reason for having a "unit workshop" - which in ancient/historical times could be
                    called the Armory or Field of Mars - a place where units are put together, is both that
                    there are 100s of variations of historical units and that those variations existed because
                    different civilizations had different requirements for units based on their historical and
                    grographical situation.
                    In other words, as long as you have Random Maps, someone is going to get stuck in a
                    set of terrain that does not favor his historical unit-type, and the player and his civ are
                    therefore automatically Screwed, Blued, and Tattooed.
                    Within the limits established by the technology available, a civ should be able to
                    modify/adopt units to adapt to the situation it faces: if I am playing Mongols in a
                    forested, mountainous area, I am not gong to want Unarmored Horse Archers, I want
                    Legions. And if my sociology/politics doesn't allow Legions, then I want the best
                    infantry outfit I can build for that terrain, and not be limited to Phalanx, which (should
                    be) seriously penalized in rough terrain.
                    SMACs graphic problems do not have to be universal. Let me give some examples of
                    how Workshop and historical units go together:
                    The starting weapons/units for almost everyone in 4000BC are Archer (the bow was a
                    neolithic invention, if not earlier) and Warrior (armed with thrown or thrust spears or
                    club). They have no armor (leather and fur doesn't give any bonuses!). Graphic icons
                    would be a spearman or bowman in brown fur/leather.
                    Discover Bronze Working.
                    Possible Upgrades: Bronze Scale armor, Bronze Shields, Bronze Swords, long
                    bronze-pointed spears.
                    Changes to Units:
                    Archer: Can now be armored in bronze: same icon only now he's got a gold/bronze
                    colored torso. You CANNOT give shields to archers, and giving him both a bow and
                    another weapon would be either disallowed or would penalize BOTH weapons.
                    Warrior: Give him bronze armor, and the torso becomes bronze-colored. He can get a
                    shield, which is an icon change (shield in left hand, round and bronze-colored). The
                    point of his spear can change to bronze.
                    If he has armor, shield, and long spears, he can be formed into a Phalanx, which adds a
                    Banner behind him (showing a specialized Formation as well as weaponry). Phalanxes
                    have increased defense against mounted units, but decreased factors in terrain like
                    woods, mountains, or hills.
                    You can build a brand new type of unit: the Swordsman. The icon would be a
                    barbarian-looking type waving a bronze sword over his shoulder, dressed in leather/fur.
                    Add armor and shield, and he turns bronze and adds the shield icon as above.
                    Armored swordsmen might be limited in that you can only form them if you have a
                    Military Aristocracy in your social forms, but that discussion belongs in another
                    Discover Iron Working
                    Possible Upgrades: Iron Mail Armor, Iron Stabbing swords, Iron-pointed Pikes (two
                    handed spears)
                    Changes to Units:
                    Archer: Change his torso to iron-gray, with texture, and he's now armored in mail.
                    Spearman: Change in armor as above.
                    Phalanx: Upgrade to Pike Phalanx: new icon with figure holding two-handed pike: basic
                    figure shieldless and clothed in leather/fur, but upgrades would include Shield icon,
                    and bronze or iron armor color-texture changes. (NOTE: This represents Alexander's
                    Macedonian Phalanx, it was NOT a Medieval invention)
                    Swordsman: Iron armor, iron sword (color change).
                    If your social/political system allows, either Phalanx or Swordsman with iron weapons
                    can Upgrade to Legion - this icon would have a rectangular shield, iron armor and
                    sword, vexillium banner flying overhead.

                    Now, most of the weapon and armor changes wuld be handled the same way for
                    Mounted Units, but to save space here I'll merely note that by changing color to denote
                    armor/weapons changes, virtually all the ancient infantry units can be accomodated
                    with 5 basic icons plus 2 shield variations.
                    Using color change to show the differences between, say, Steel Armor, Face-hardened
                    armor, and composite (Chobham) armor, 2 - 3 basic icons could show all the variations
                    of modern tanks and APCs and their Upgrades.
                    This does not appear excessive to me, either for the player or the programmers...

                    -I know that it has been said before, but I'd like to stress here that it would be great if
                    certain units were more effective against a distinctive type of unit. It would be nice if
                    artilery would be very effective against infantry units, but almost useless against tanks;
                    alternatively, it would be great if an anti-tank artilery piece could hold it's own against a

                    We've seen that a little in CIV II and SMAC where an infantry unit is more effective
                    against cities. Now it's time to take it a step further.

                    It would also be nice to expand the active defence principle and the ranged defence.
                    Tactically, it would be great if one could place an infantry unity on the front line, an
                    artilery piece behind it, and an anti-air defence unity behind the artilery piece. The
                    artilery and the AA gun would have a defensive cover of one square all around it,
                    meaning that if a unit beside it is attacked, it will fire upon the unit attacking. I believe
                    that an improved combat system to the game would vasty improve the overall appeal of

                    -Firstly, a new build option would apprear in your city menu if you had units in the city.
                    You could upgrade these units for a minimum cost of 2 rows of shields, plus the
                    absolute value difference of each units cost. (Say upgrade a cruiser to a carrier, 2 rows
                    of shields plus the 8 row difference = 10 cost). Cheaper than building a whole new unit,
                    but not exactly easy. You could do a que build for this, as in "change all my Phalanx in
                    City/My Empire to Marines", in all your cities, the build que would fill with the new
                    upgrades after the current project. Capitalization would be automatically deleted from
                    the build que of course.

                    -Firstly, a new build option would apprear in your city menu if you had units in the city.
                    You could upgrade these units for a minimum cost of 2 rows of shields, plus the
                    absolute value difference of each units cost. (Say upgrade a cruiser to a carrier, 2 rows
                    of shields plus the 8 row difference = 10 cost). Cheaper than building a whole new unit,
                    but not exactly easy. You could do a que build for this, as in "change all my Phalanx in
                    City/My Empire to Marines", in all your cities, the build que would fill with the new
                    upgrades after the current project. Capitalization would be automatically deleted from
                    the build que of course.

                    "Stealth" exists in several forms in both naval and air units already.
                    WWII naval ships depended on armor for defense. Modern ships depend on Radar
                    jamming, decoys, and basically being hard to target rather than trying to survive a
                    direct hit. That's why even the smallest warships these days have their own helicopter
                    or drone aircraft: they're used to put up false imagry, jamming chaff, infrared sources to
                    decoy missile trackers, etc. - all forms of Naval Stealth. That's your real current defense
                    against the Cruise Missile for non-AEGIS ships.
                    Similar with aircraft: Stealth is relative, and the real defense is the combination of
                    satellite, AWACS, and other surveillance and counter-surveillance systems that work
                    together: for every strike aircraft there are a dozen other aircraft covering him physically
                    or electronically: the 'Stealth' craft just need less separate cover.
                    Not as technically sophisticated, but in the US Army even 20 years ago we already had
                    infrared-absorbing paint on tanks, the Soviets were 'cooling' tank exhausts to foil
                    infrared detection, camouflage nets were made with 'anti-radar' pigments and materials:
                    in any kind of half-covered terrain, it is still very, very difficult to target a ground force
                    that knows how to hide.
                    Stealth technology should be related to earlier Advances like Camouflage (a WWI
                    French advance) and Maskirovka (the Soviet set of techniques for faking and hiding
                    military capabilities). The three could make a Heirarchy of defensive capabilities,
                    something like this:
                    Camouflage: Each stack appears as a single unit to the enemy
                    Maskirovka: Units and Stacks only appear to the enemy if his ground or air unit is or
                    passes next to them.
                    Stealth: Allows you to build air, sea, and ground units with X % greater Defense Factor
                    against any air attack (playtest to determine what's appropriate: my gut feeling is
                    something between 10% and 33

                    -My twist on something I've seen suggested before--the Colonist.

                    He costs 40 shields, and costs like a settler (in food and shields). He goes anywhere
                    outside the city radius, but within X squares (15 on med. world?). Once he's at the
                    colony site, you order him to exploit, and whatever that square produces, goes to the
                    city. Then he improves the land--builds a road, irrigates or mines, etc. The enhanced
                    yield (arrows and food or shields) is transferred to the city. He ends by building a
                    fortress, and then performs his final function--he Converts, into the appropriate military
                    unit--phalanx, or pikeman, or musketeer. Or maybe you just convert it into a Garrison,
                    with 2d, 2a, costing one shield and one food (never two, or else he's not to useful in
                    republic). The unit becomes obsolete at industrialization or communism. Or, maybe at
                    this time, it becomes a minor tribe. It CANNOT found a city. It cannot exploit a square
                    in a city radius, even if that square isn't being used at the time.

                    This adds to the strategic options. When you have those cities that are all food, or all
                    shields, you have the option to exploit fully what it is, or build a Colonist to make it a
                    more well rounded city. You probably shouldn't allow more than one Colonist for a city
                    until it reaches size 9.

                    Another adaptation of someone else's genius;-)--the Scout. It's a modern unit, available
                    with combined arms. It can paradrop. It sees two squares. It moves like a partisan. It can
                    pillage. It instantly heals, every time it survives combat (which won't be often, it should
                    be weak, maybe 2a, 4d). It does not cause unhappiness in a democracy, no more than a
                    spy does. It would go together with enhancements to bombers (either cheaper, or able
                    to attack and return) very well.
                    -Civ3 Thread Master of OTHER and UNITS.
                    "We get the paperwork, you get the game!"


                    • #11
                      Great job!
                      Could you add this to the summary or represent it somewhere:

                      I would rather have a bit toned down version of the unit workshop. You get all the normal units preset. For each unit you have a few modifications you can make. Most of the you wouldn't have to research.
                      You discover Steel which allows you to build crusiers. You can add antiair guns to your cruiser and make it agis cruiser. You can also sacrafice some armor to make the ship faster. Or you can a helicopter landing pad which will allow it to refuel helicopters. These modifications will either have a downside trading armor for movement, or they will increase the cost. Some modifications will have to be researched(ex. anti air guns for crusisers, longbows ...)


                      • #12
                        JT, could you please add this summary (or a brief version of it) in the UNITS thread, so that we know what has already been suggested?

                        And do not forget Airships!
                        The best ideas are those that can be improved.
                        Ecce Homo


                        • #13
                          The Notorious P.I.K.
                          "Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out of it alive."


                          • #14

                            Ditch caravans/freight (they're a pain in the arse). I would like to have a leader/emperor unit that:

                            . Started the game for you (but still have settlers)

                            . had a defense factor higher than zero (reflects bodyguard)

                            . Could establish cities (like but not replacing settlers - reflecting the court/nobles and retinue)

                            . Carried the "crown jewels" (which could be built up over time and captured by other nations - replaces the palace/throne room interface).

                            . Acted as the capital (like Louis XIV, where the leader is, that is the capital - "palaces" become regional government centres unless the leader is there).

                            . can directly control some units (i.e. when accompanying them or within capital city radius - so even if your last city is destroyed, all is not lost!)

                            . Give a combat modifier to controlled units, i.e. when travelling with them or within the city radius of the capital (improve factors).

                            . had to be killed/captured to destroy a civilisation (but can be reborn/built after a period of civil war/anarchy if killed while your empire still has cities).

                            . If travelling, can buy cities of other civs like diplomats.

                            . Has other diplomat/spy qualities (incentive to sometimes put the emperor in the frontline, leading his/her troops).

                            . Moves at a rate of three across all terrain (easier to flee enemy units).

                            Why do I want this? Because I think would be fun to flee on the last ship from your last city as it was being destroyed and set up shop elsewhere. Equally make it much easier to establish elsewhere if the computer put you on a poor part of the map at the start of the game. Also would like to hunt down the leaders of other civs and capture their treasures. Assasination of a moving leader also becomes a real possibility. Emporer flees and use treasures to buy some cities from another civ is another. Civil war would generate two leaders and one would have to kill the other to win etc. etc.

                            Also would like to have generals which modify combat/command armies/navies (but they should be expensive and limited). With regionalisation, every province could have a governor and a general for example.

