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Ancient World War

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  • Ancient World War

    Well, i stayed out of this bloody battle, but here was the scenario.
    Random map, earth-like qualities, 10 civs, i had come in contact with 5 or 6...
    Im at peace with everyone, but out of nowhere, egytpian troops start stomping on my grounds.
    I tell em "Hey, dudes, get out of here!"
    and they are like "Cool! we just wana get to the other side, right?so can we get some free passage?"
    so the egyptians make their way across my mighty Roman empire (atually, lagging behind in everything but culture...) and they head straight for France. France, being one of my greatest allies, is probably the biggest empire on the map.
    Now, its a complete surprise to me, but Egypt declares war on France! I was like, woa!!! So, im watching egyptian archers coming in waves across my plains, all headed for france. After about the third wave, I get news that Greece has signed an agression pact with Egypt, and now France is at war with two folks, one on each side of it.
    Now, i cant remember how this happened, but one after the other, Greece and then France ask me politely to join them against each other. Being the peacefull, cultural guy that I am, I say no to both, and smile for France when America gets on their side. Now, of all the empires ive come in contact with... America is the only one that i could actually beat if i declared war. Right after America goes to France's side... Germany decides to go on Egypt+Greece's side. so right now.. our little world war looks like:

    America+France Vs. Egypt+Germany+Greece.

    After about 5 turns of Germany mopping the floor with America, America pulls out of the war. no surprise, right? Well, apparently, America got bitter towards France, for dragging them into a losing war. Just one or two turns later... America joins Team Egypt.

    4 empires against one. Im still expanding my cultural horizons. Some of those are just happening to be pushing back some of Egypt's horizons. Egypt is tired from the war that has been going on for near 400 years now (Egypt's a republic).

    Egypt drops out of the war, leaving it in a 3 against 1 ordeal. America drops out of the war next, leaving Germany and France. Germany is able to take a little more of France's land, but then has to retire because it just cant keep feeding troops.

    Once the war is over, Germany has roughly doubled in size. Egypt's border with mine is pushed back, but it makes up ground where parts of France used to be, and in other areas. America is still pathetic. But what about France?

    Well, by about the time I gave up on my own chances, for I was far behind technologically... France was STILL the biggest empire in the game. Despite having 4 other enemies try to sit on it, France came out still thriving.

    Although I was too lazy and delapidated to join in on the war, it was as fun as heck to watch, all those egyptians marching to their death, France fighting like no tommorow.

    True story.
    Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.