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  • #31
    [SIZE=1] It is where a few people came up w/ the idea for a government used by numerous countries now. [This message has been edited by Beckdawg (edited May 21, 2001).]
    I believe that was the ancient greece. Ca 2000 years before the US.
    And during WWII. There was about 14mill russian soldiers and 20mill sivilian who died. The fact is, nobody knows exactly.
    And, yes US controll a lot of trade and fix things. But who doesnt.
    If we norwegians stopped oil export, as the world second largest oil exporting country in the world, it would affect world trade.

    So Beckdawg, stop bothering a CIVILIZATION FORUM with your US crap. Who cares anyway. You have a nutcase president.
    The samurai has spoken


    • #32
      Originally posted by samurai
      If we norwegians stopped oil export, as the world second largest oil exporting country in the world, it would affect world trade.
      Ok don't take this the wrong way cuz i just wanna ask a question. Norway is the 2nd largest producer of oil? I never knew that. I am not sayin your are a lair. I didn't know. Guess i just was thinking middle east as the main oil producers. Darn Hussien (or however you spell it) and OPEC.Well tell your government to start producing some more cuz i am tired of paying $2 for a gallon of gas. Ya i know that isn't as bad as in England but we have damn near roits here when they up the price. That is alright. Who needs gas? lol And I am sorry samurai. If you would have read my earlier message i said sorry. Anyways thanks for the info about Norway.
      "If peeping your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis" - Billy Madison
      "i know there was something i was supposed to do today..... Drink 5 daiquiris.... No u did that" -Billy Madison
      "just call me santa with a pissed off attitutde" - ME
      AIM is beckdawg83 and MSN is

