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Get Rid of Roads and Railroads!

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  • #46

    Originally posted by Admiral PJ on 05-19-2001 06:54 PM
    Make railways much less effective, and only become really useful when Diesel Electric trains are invented.

    I ALSO think terrain should affect movement EVEN with roads/RR etc , even a Railroad has to go over some slopes and twists around hills, slowing it down further than hills.

    RIVERS there shuld be a penalty for crossing rivers, just takes 2 MP's to go on or off a river between nonriver tiles. Unless theres a bridge.. otherwise youd need barges or maybe ponttoon bridges to cross.

    Above suggestions certainly complicates the game-rules for railroad-travelling, but does it really add more FUN to the game? I say, honour the KISS-rule (Keep It Simple Stupid). Choose between fixed RR move-radius (default) or infinite RR-moves through the Rules.txt files.

    [This message has been edited by Ralf (edited May 19, 2001).]

