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The Resource System

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  • #46


    I had no interest starting another huge debate thread about resources.

    me neither.


    You will hopefully remember that although I argued against mandatory resources, I agreed that even they would be better than Civ2

    Although I don't recall that, I'm very glad to hear that.


    What I do know, and I believe you will heartily agree with me, is that it is better than Civ2... and that is a reason to be glad.

    True. The new model is definitely better than the one of civII.


    • #47


      Of course it is true that more mines gives you more . However, more coal/steel/whatever does not neccessarily give you more production.

      I agree! That's just the point. You also need labour. Which is not represented in civ2 shields for a number of reasons I've mentioned in my previous post.

      By the way, you didn't respond to my reply to your assumption that shields represent both resources and labour:


      So it's kinda obvious you get more shields (in my eyes, resources) if you work two mined hills tiles than if you work one tile. Nothing to do with labour, in my very very humble opinion.

      Can't you prove I'm wrong?
      If no, then I persist in my demand for at least a Labourer specialist in Civ3.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #48
        If you are working two mines instead of one then you are employing one more point of population. There is the labour element of the equation.
        To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


        • #49
          For strategic resources like iron, surplus resource mines may actually matter even if access to 1 iron mine is as good as access to 100 mines for building, say, your own swordsmen.

          This is purely speculative so hopefully a Firaxian can confirm this but it may be that when you trade resources, you can only trade in whole units.

          So if you have 10 iron mines, you will use one and can use the other 9 surplus mines to trade for access to 9 other resources.

          But if you only have access to 1 iron mine, you would then be trading away your only access to iron and would thus not have access to iron yourself.

          Like I said, this is purely speculative but could explain why access to surplus is absolutely critical.

          If my understanding is correct, then it satisfies cyclotron7's insistence that no stockpiling concept is implemented but still would mean that surplus access matters.

