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Unique Civs Solved

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  • Unique Civs Solved

    OK, I know how everyone can be happy. Let's say there is no checkbox optional disable for unique civs and units. Here's what to do:

    (1) If you like the unique stuff, quit reading. Play game as is.
    (2) If you don't, open rules.txt (or whatever its called in civ3)in a text reading application. Level out any civ specific bonuses. Then disable all unique units - or set the stats for the unique unit equal to the corresponding regular unit. Namely, change Panzer stats to tank stats. Then the Germans merely have a different-looking tank. No harm, no foul. (at least no worse than the germans automatically having those medieval looking cities no matter where they start).

    I know, I know. Some of you are saying "But Mister Pleasant, why should we have to go through all the effort of editing a few lines in a text file? What if I don't know enough about computers to do this? What if I'm lazy? Why can't Sid do exactly as I want him to?" Well, the answer is simple - play the game as is out of the box! If your not willing to do the work you give up your rights to moan about it. Besides, I'm sure someone around here will post a rules.txt that already levels everything out for you. Thus sparing you ten minutes work. So knock off the complaining already!

    (worry about hardcoded "features" instead)

  • #2
    Let´s wait for CivIII and see if (2) is possible...

    Civ2000 hosted by CivII Universum


    • #3

      Originally posted by Mister Pleasant on 05-06-2001 05:07 PM
      (1) If you like the unique stuff, quit reading. Play game as is.
      (2) If you don't, open rules.txt (or whatever its called in civ3)in a text reading application. Level out any civ specific bonuses. Then disable all unique units - or set the stats for the unique unit equal to the corresponding regular unit. Namely, change Panzer stats to tank stats. Then the Germans merely have a different-looking tank. No harm, no foul. (at least no worse than the germans automatically having those medieval looking cities no matter where they start).

      I know, I know. Some of you are saying "But Mister Pleasant, why should we have to go through all the effort of editing a few lines in a text file? What if I don't know enough about computers to do this? What if I'm lazy? Why can't Sid do exactly as I want him to?" Well, the answer is simple - play the game as is out of the box! If your not willing to do the work you give up your rights to moan about it. Besides, I'm sure someone around here will post a rules.txt that already levels everything out for you. Thus sparing you ten minutes work. So knock off the complaining already!

      (worry about hardcoded "features" instead)

      I completely agree with everything you say in this post. I don't know whether the limited uniqueness of different civs will be an enhancement or detriment to the game, but if it is the detriment I can just edit the civilizations in rules.txt to level them. We already know this will be possible since Firaxis said that we will be able to build and customize civilizations.

      That's why I am worrying about hard coded "features" such as the possible 7 civilization per game limit.
      Rome rules


      • #4

        We already know this will be possible since Firaxis said that we will be able to build and customize civilizations.

        I hope that it is so, Roman, but I only do believe it when CivIII is out and I can see it...

        Civ2000 hosted by CivII Universum


        • #5
          In the unlikely event that units information (and civ specific bonuses for that matter are hardcoded) I won't be buying the game. That would be going to far.


          • #6
            Don't you think that Firaxis will provide a feature to turn off unique civs in game?

            They did that with most of the rules in SMAC.
            About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.

