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New Screenshots, really new?

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  • New Screenshots, really new?

    The thing about the graphics is that they look very familiar to Civ2. The first thing that came to my mind when I looked at the screens: "Its Civ".
    But then I was also a bit sad that it looked all so familiar. And I wonder how Sid would better the combat system, when he keeps the tile thing. Strategy I guess will be again very low in Civ3.
    Thats whats disturbing me most of the time. There is no really Strategy. In Civ2 the Strategy reduced to: "Attacking with loads of troops from both sides" or something similar.
    But anyway we are talking about screens here. Ah yes the City Screen I found quite positiv. This could look really good when the city is growing hot. Then the military Advisor screen is also cool. I find it quite positiv to enforce advisors. Even though you dont use them much, its just unrealistic being the leader and NOT surrounded by people who give you advise. Thats what CTP lacked of for example.
    Overall I am still waiting desperately for the game, though I can be sure now that what I will get is CIV! Decide for yourself how to value that.

    [This message has been edited by Atahualpa (edited April 10, 2001).]

  • #2
    edited: more seriously


    • #3
      Don't worry dude, they're just alpha graphics. They'll change heaps. But I'll agree with you, it still does look "civ-y" doesn't it? But did you really expect Firaxis to do something revolutionary?
      If the voices in my head paid rent, I'd be a very rich man


      • #4
        Yeah the alpha thing.


        • #5
          I don't believe too much to all that hope about alpha graphics. They had artists working from a lot of time, and because Civ III is, well, a sequel , they don't have to squeeze their mind into as much prestudies and concepts as in a new game.

          I don't keep my breathe to wait for too many improvements into revealed graphics, not if release date will end to be this year (Yin26 can keep his hopes, then, given he believes an end 2002 release ).

          Graphic retouche, some other tile and units, may be.
          Completly new graphics? I'll believe when I'll see.

          Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
          "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
          - Admiral Naismith


          • #6
            LOL! Yes, I have my hopes. I do believe, however, they have MUCH better art in the works but just haven't put it in the game yet. Honestly. Those screens can't possibly be even half as good as what we will see come release time.
            I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

            "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


            • #7
              You know, it'd be funny if those were the final grpahics and Firaxis thought they were okay!!
              If the voices in my head paid rent, I'd be a very rich man


              • #8
                Well, I, for one, think that they're okay, for the most part, at least. The city view looks mostly nice, as does the city screen - the only thing that could use more refinement is the map screen. E.g. those Civ2 shields and plain blue dotted Alpha Centauri border lines, as well as the horrific city and irrigation graphics, have to be replaced with something that looks better, but some of the details on the map already look good enough and, as the caption says, it is an early main map screen, so I do not see why this couldn't make a good Civ3 main map after replacing some of the bitmaps with something more beautiful (and more colorful, I hope) and perhaps tweaking the look of the rest.


                • #9
                  I would be completely satisfied with the graphics presented so far, even though some of you call them "Alpha".
                  Rome rules


                  • #10
                    I guess Sid just spoiled me with Gettysburg! I really liked the way that terrain looked (and played).
                    I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                    "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                    • #11
                      And I though Civ would get a Populus/B&W style engine



                      • #12
                        "The moment Firaxis inked the deal with Hasbro, Meier and his design team started playing Civ III. They replaced the art assets of Alpha Centauri (Firaxis' last big strategy title) with crude Civilization-style placeholders, and modified the rules to reflect their design decisions for this new game."
                        - CGW preview

                        The screenshots might still be the messed with SMAC placeholders. That's why everything is so familiar. I'm sure we haven't seen anything close to the final screenshots.


                        • #13

                          Originally posted by SerapisIV on 04-11-2001 11:37 PM
                          I'm sure we haven't seen anything close to the final screenshots.

                          I certainly hope we haven't as well. I've still got my fingers crossed for "Railroad Tycoon II-esque" 3-d terrain.
                          If the voices in my head paid rent, I'd be a very rich man


                          • #14
                            Thats good news Seraphis!!

                            I also hope for some real good look and feel.


