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The Covert Action Rule: Or What We Can Guess About Civ3

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  • #16
    "A real drag to hear Sid's site say big maps are a problem ... I think a map size should be entirely up to the player ... yes, many people like a smaller map .. fine, but I actually like huge maps .. "

    My point exactly, Viceroy. In CTP 2 you can make any size maps you want, so why should it be impossible in Civ 3?
    Rome rules


    • #17
      On the matter of AI numbers and AI ability .. Ralf does have a point .. there are ways of short cutting the system, so that AI's cheat a little, instead of consider all available options, but that always reduces the quality of the system .. as us humans quickly spot the behaviour.. If you want a rich and varied response, that involves more calculations.

      Even so, we all have more powerful machines, and I think its not beyond the programmers ability to let the user pick how many civs they wish to play with ..

      Eg. I have a P2 350, 64Mb ... I decided to play with 7 civs, a quick calculation to determind how the processor will handle all civs, well developed in 2000AD ... calculates that the average AI time will be 35sec per turn... Thats fine by me,

      lets say I start another game, I pick 16 civs, it calculates an average of 5mins ... well, now its up to me, I can either reduce the civ numbers, or stick with a 5 min average AI turn time.

      but for those of you lucky lot , who have nice P3, 1000Mhz 256Mb .. 16Civs may only result in 1min AI time, and may be perfectly acceptable.

      So, although I agree with Ralf, we can't have it both ways, I do think we can if we're prepared to wait for the AI on slower machines.

      "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon
      "Wherever wood floats, you will find the British" . Napoleon

