One thing that I didnt like in Civ-2 was the fact that you in late end-games (with most of the AI-civ tiles railroaded), rather easily could "pick the raisins from the cake" so to speak, by conquering vitally important (but also often deeply imbedded) AI-cities first.
You could, more or less, pick and choose what cities to conquer in that critical first turn attack-wave (later followed by a fullscale invasion round-up); The capitol city > the 2-3 most productive cities > cities with any war-effort helping Wonders.
The only units that should be allowed to attack/conquer any cities deeply imbedded within an empire (with surrounding still un-conquered cities) is the combination bomber/paratroopers. Any other of your military unit must have, either...
- Their own civ-empire border adjacent to the border-creating foreign city.
- "No mans land" adjacent to the border-creating foreign city.
- An allied AI-civ's border adjacent to the border-creating foreign city.
- Any ocean-squares adjacent to the foreign coustal city (all ocean-squares is neutral in terms of foreign city-conquerings - but, of course: NOT in terms of expected-to-hold diplomacy-rules).
... in order to conquer any foreign cities.
It is important to remember however that both land-, sea- and air-units can still move around freely (according to ZOC- and diplomacy-rules), and also attack enemy-units freely (anywhere and everywhere on the map). Above restrictions applies only to unit/city-attacks. Not unit/unit-attacks.
[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited January 27, 2001).]
You could, more or less, pick and choose what cities to conquer in that critical first turn attack-wave (later followed by a fullscale invasion round-up); The capitol city > the 2-3 most productive cities > cities with any war-effort helping Wonders.
The only units that should be allowed to attack/conquer any cities deeply imbedded within an empire (with surrounding still un-conquered cities) is the combination bomber/paratroopers. Any other of your military unit must have, either...
- Their own civ-empire border adjacent to the border-creating foreign city.
- "No mans land" adjacent to the border-creating foreign city.
- An allied AI-civ's border adjacent to the border-creating foreign city.
- Any ocean-squares adjacent to the foreign coustal city (all ocean-squares is neutral in terms of foreign city-conquerings - but, of course: NOT in terms of expected-to-hold diplomacy-rules).
... in order to conquer any foreign cities.
It is important to remember however that both land-, sea- and air-units can still move around freely (according to ZOC- and diplomacy-rules), and also attack enemy-units freely (anywhere and everywhere on the map). Above restrictions applies only to unit/city-attacks. Not unit/unit-attacks.
[This message has been edited by Ralf (edited January 27, 2001).]