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i want demographic maps!

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  • #16
    With the attempts being made to reinforce the non-military aspects of the game I would also like to see breakdowns of the health and education levels of your nation like SimCity. Even if it does not have any direct bearing on how much science/happiness your cities produce individually it would give an alternative peaceful goal to aim for, i.e. watching your average health level and education level rise through decades of peace, prosperity and fully funded amenities. Items like this will help you feel like a nation rather than a loose confederation of independant city states (which is CtP2's biggest failing, IMO.)
    To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


    • #17
      sim city has excellent mini-maps. i think they would perfectly fit in here too. good point!
      weird god, EUROPA


      • #18
        I would like it, if all this features wouldn't become directly available in a game. You would have to "earn" them by discovering new techs. i.e. The more advanced your Civ is, the more information you will have at hand.


        • #19
          i don´t think you should earn them because these infos have nothing to do with techs. but maybe it´s a good idea that certain techs (spys, space techs, economy,..) or alliances could give you infos about terrain outside your borders.
          weird god, EUROPA


          • #20
            I like the idea of "earning" the demographic information. You wouldn't miss it in the early stages of the game, as there isn't much going on anyway. Iow, you wouldn't really need it until you earned it, and then there might be some strategic advantage to having this information, which would just add to the gameplay. Good idea.


            • #21
              well, you are right that the people in the civ-series only live in some dozen "cities". if you compare it with the real world (not with a sf scenario like AC) almost all people lived in rural areas till the 20st century. don´t take me wrong but it´s not that hard to find a solution here since computers are pretty good in interpolating whatever data you put in. (city radius, city size, techs, trade,...)

              god made don´t really think he fails sometimes?

              weed god, chief of EUROPA
              visit EUROPA:
              weird god, EUROPA


              • #22
                Not to rain on the parade, because I like the extra information that demographic maps would give, but I have one thought on the issue.

                That is in the civ series your population only lives in your cities. So now when you use these different demographic maps what information is it going to be displaying?

                There is no representation for your rural areas around cities. So is the game going to force these demographic maps to the rural areas where no one lives?

                Instead this information that you want probably could be included in each city screen. How many people are literate, what the average income is, etc. Then there would be another menu for the averages of your entire nation.

                It just doesn't seem like these maps would work in the present civ style with no one living in the suburbs.
                About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


                • #23
                  Yes, like the Civ1 ending animation this was so wonderful. I'll love it forever!!! I Hope they'll put something like this in Civ3...

                  [This message has been edited by rixxe (edited January 30, 2001).]


                  • #24

                    Originally posted by weird god on 01-29-2001 07:05 PM
                    well, you are right that the people in the civ-series only live in some dozen "cities". if you compare it with the real world (not with a sf scenario like AC) almost all people lived in rural areas till the 20st century. don´t take me wrong but it´s not that hard to find a solution here since computers are pretty good in interpolating whatever data you put in. (city radius, city size, techs, trade,...)

                    I understand that people lived in the rural areas and not in cities. But how do you represent this?

                    How does the rural areas produce crops and production?

                    And if Civ stays with the normal cities than how can we have different demographic maps that show up in the country where according to the game no one lives?
                    About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


                    • #25
                      ok. wanna start on top or at the bottom - at the top? fine. as we mentioned people used to live in rural areas. the cities of civ symbolise areas for they have a city radius and are more than the city icon on the civ-map in total. you see civ itself uses the idea of areas. ok, now we´ve the ares in civ symbloised through "cities". a high-pop city actually means that this is a high-pop area.
                      now we take the step to the maps. we got some big cities and some small ones. we now interprate what this is meaning. right: we have areas with a different pop-density - now it´s up to the computer and to sids-team to decide which model they take. should it be one which considers only of the city-pop? one which implements trade-offs?..........

                      god made don´t really think he fails sometimes?

                      weed god, chief of EUROPA
                      visit EUROPA:
                      weird god, EUROPA

