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  • criminals

    It has been suggested there be "corporation civs." After hearing about the Texas 7, I thought, what about a civ of criminals? They would have the abilities of spies (killing a citizen, destroying improvements) and would be a super stealth unit. In cities, it would appear as a member of the population. If they struck in a city, they would cause disorder that could only be stopped by building a police station (fear of attack). Also, how to catch a criminal: first, they will automatically die in 5 turns, but, they have 10 moves and can move after attacking. To kill them before the 5 turns, attack them with a military unit or police. Police-unit that can see criminals 2 squares away, only built in cities with a police station. But anyway, when you attack a criminal, they will have a 75% chance of fleeing as opposed to 50% (see a topic I started, Misc. Ideas)

  • #2

    Originally posted by Jer8m8 on 01-25-2001 09:50 AM
    I thought, what about a civ of criminals?

    Do you mean a 'criminal' civ government type? Isn't this just Anarchy, as we know it in the game? Or if an organised crime boss rises to the top of society, surely this is Despotism.

    Josef Given
    A fact, spinning alone through infospace. Without help, it could be lost forever, because only THIS can turn it into a News.


    • #3
      Or organized crime is simply the corruption that a government has in a city.

      Not that this isn't a good thought, I just don't really want to worry about more micromanaging dealing with escapee criminals running around.
      About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


      • #4
        I agree with not enlarging the micromanagment aspect of the game. But here's an idea. What about incorporating some of the stealth ideas of the criminal into the spy unit?


        • #5
          Jer8m8, being in New York has gone to your head, cuz come on government control criminals? the only thing that should come close to the unit you described should be like barbarian terrorists or something kind of terrorist

          People in New York aren't crazy cuz of the pollution by New Yorkers-its the damn pollution coming from New Jersey
          [This message has been edited by New Yorker (edited January 25, 2001).]
          [This message has been edited by New Yorker (edited January 25, 2001).]


          • #6
            A civ of smugglers sounds more likely... a criminal civ would be hard to organize... perhaps a mob or smuggler civ that trades heavily... perhaps...

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            • #7
              What I meant is that the criminal units will not belong to any one civ-they will belong to a "crime civ" that plagues all countries. In ancient times they produce barbarians, and in more modern times, criminals. They do not need cities; they can use your cities as home cities. THEY WOUILD BE AN AI CIV, similar to the idea that corporations would be seperate entities.


              • #8
                fine with me if these guys don't have their own cities. civ II brought some versatility into Civ I's concept of barbarians. We can expect even newer stuff (like your suggestion, for example) in Civ III.
                'We note that your primitive civil-^
                ization has not even discovered^
                $RPLC1. Do you care^
                to exchange knowledge with us?'^
                _'No, we do not need $RPLC1.'^
                _'OK, let's exchange knowledge.'


                • #9
                  Jer8m8, since you cleared a bit about your idea, i agree on what you suggested, kind of remindes me of my topic on barbarian terrorists

                  Now who whats to come to New York?
                  [This message has been edited by New Yorker (edited January 27, 2001).]


                  • #10
                    Another part of the criminal civ: sea going pirates


                    • #11
                      Yes! Pirates would be a great idea. I have always hated how the ships that deliver them barbarians never get to land. I think Barbarian Frigates and Caravels should roam the seas as well, preying on mercahnt shipping.

                      Also: Why should barbarians stop in the modern era? I think a terrorist unit should be made, that is on the side of the barbarians (and fundamentalists, maybe) that has certain abilities and is invisible as per submarine.
                      Lime roots and treachery!
                      "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


                      • #12
                        Having pirates in CIV3 is an excellent idea!


                        • #13
                          Another idea: train robbers. They would either hurt a unit traveling on the railroad or they would stop a unit on the rails and take x gold from your coffers. 1%?

                          Also works as wagon robbers

