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Magellan's Voyage (etc?)

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  • Magellan's Voyage (etc?)

    Why not have a special reward for being the first to circumnavigate the world using your actual units? My memory's atrocious, so I can't think of any other wonders that could be treated differently than in Civ2. For the first time each player sets foot on an alien landmass, maybe you wouldn't want a tangible reward, but how about a movie or something? If so, you surely should be able to turn it off before play, separate from turning wonder movies off. Maybe both of these things could be part of a SMAC Monument sort of feature.

  • #2
    This is something that has been implemented in Call to Power II. It's called a "Feat of Wonder". I think it's a neat idea. Others believe it just gives civs that are already ahead that much more power. I happen to like the idea, though.


    • #3
      well, I could say you have to be ahead to have the resources to allocate for wonders in Civ2.


      • #4
        Feats of Wonder.

        Now, when I was editing the Wonders thread a year ago, a few people suggested something like what Brent is talking about. The first to circumnavigate the world gets a trade bonus or something. The first to reach the north pole gets a bonus. I didn't think much of it at the time because I was more interested in modifying and perfecting the more standard Wonders.

        Then a few days ago I'm reading a Call to Power II review, and it mentions feats of wonder. The screenshot gives an example: The first civilization to retake a captured city. It sounds like a great idea, and it would make the "end replay" of the game a lot more interesting. And it would spice up the early game, so that it's not just explore, build city, explore, build city, learn tech, build city, etc. There would be a better historical "feel" to things. Especially when some far-off civ performs a feat of wonder, and the news reaches you. That would be cool. In the days before the mass media, only truly wonderous events would be spoken of halfway across the world.

        Kraken, if I may ask: Do you have a list of all the Feats of Wonder in the game? (I'm not going to buy it, see, because, well, I played the original CTP...)
        "Harel didn't replay. He just stood there, with his friend, transfixed by the brown balls."


        • #5
          Here are the "FEATS of WONDER" folks might enjoy pondering....

          Duration 15
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseProduction 5
          SlicMessage "FeatGotConcrete"

          Duration 25
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectReduceCityWalls -5
          SlicMessage "FeatGotGunPowder"

          Duration 15
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseProduction 5
          SlicMessage "FeatGotMassProduction"

          Duration 15
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseScience 5
          SlicMessage "FeatGotComputers"

          Duration 15
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseProduction 5
          SlicMessage "FeatGotRobotics"

          Duration 15
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseHappiness 2
          SlicMessage "FeatGotLifeExtension"

          FEAT_THEATERS {
          Duration 15
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseHappiness 5
          SlicMessage "FeatBuiltTheaters"

          Building { Building IMPROVE_THEATER Num 8 }

          Duration 20
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseCommerce 10
          SlicMessage "FeatBuiltBrokerages"

          Building { Building IMPROVE_BROKERAGE Num 10 }

          FEAT_INTERNET {
          Duration 25
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseScience 10
          SlicMessage "FeatBuiltInternet"

          Building { Building IMPROVE_COMPUTER_CENTER Num 12 }

          FEAT_SYNDICATE {
          Duration 25
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseHappiness 5
          SlicMessage "FeatBuiltSyndicate"

          Building { Building IMPROVE_TELEVISION Num 15 }

          Duration 25
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseScience 10
          SlicMessage "FeatBuiltOrbitalLabs"

          Building { Building IMPROVE_ORBITAL_LABORATORY Num 20 }

          Duration 25
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectBoatMovement 100
          SlicMessage "SailedAroundTheWorld"

          Duration 25
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseHitPoints 1
          MinimumSizeOfCiv 5
          SlicMessage "FeatConqueredByForce"

          Duration 10
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseHappiness 1
          SlicMessage "FeatRecapturedCity"

          Duration 15
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseProduction 5
          SlicMessage "FeatGotConcrete"

          Duration 25
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectReduceCityWalls -5
          SlicMessage "FeatGotGunPowder"

          Duration 15
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseProduction 5
          SlicMessage "FeatGotMassProduction"

          Duration 15
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseScience 5
          SlicMessage "FeatGotComputers"

          Duration 15
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseProduction 5
          SlicMessage "FeatGotRobotics"

          Duration 15
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseHappiness 2
          SlicMessage "FeatGotLifeExtension"

          FEAT_THEATERS {
          Duration 15
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseHappiness 5
          SlicMessage "FeatBuiltTheaters"

          Building { Building IMPROVE_THEATER Num 8 }

          Duration 20
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseCommerce 10
          SlicMessage "FeatBuiltBrokerages"

          Building { Building IMPROVE_BROKERAGE Num 10 }

          FEAT_INTERNET {
          Duration 25
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseScience 10
          SlicMessage "FeatBuiltInternet"

          Building { Building IMPROVE_COMPUTER_CENTER Num 12 }

          FEAT_SYNDICATE {
          Duration 25
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseHappiness 5
          SlicMessage "FeatBuiltSyndicate"

          Building { Building IMPROVE_TELEVISION Num 15 }

          Duration 25
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseScience 10
          SlicMessage "FeatBuiltOrbitalLabs"

          Building { Building IMPROVE_ORBITAL_LABORATORY Num 20 }

          Duration 25
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectBoatMovement 100
          SlicMessage "SailedAroundTheWorld"

          Duration 25
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseHitPoints 1
          MinimumSizeOfCiv 5
          SlicMessage "FeatConqueredByForce"

          Duration 10
          Description str_ldl_0
          EffectIncreaseHappiness 1
          SlicMessage "FeatRecapturedCity"
          Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

