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Toggle either geographical or political mini-map

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  • Toggle either geographical or political mini-map

    The mini-map that gives you an overview of the entire world in a little a separate window, should have a toggle-button underneath it:

    Button toggled out: Standard geographical mini-map.
    Button toggled in: Political empire colour-coded mini-map.

    I dont know if its necessarily is that important feature, but its nevertheless something that can add som fun to the empire-expanding closet megalomaniacs amongst us.
    Wouldnt it be great, from time to time, to ogle that political mini-map and, with a satisfied grin, verify how your colour gradually swallows up the land, like a voracious amoeba! And to see how, perhaps the other "amoebas" gets pushed aside?

    [This message has been edited by Ralf (edited January 07, 2001).]

  • #2
    Your proposal could be OK for me, but I would prefer to see the mini map as a rotating globe, with a button to quickly switch the two view (I mean a button to put into the main window the strategic -rotable globe- and the tactical view as limited but highly zoomed in, into the mini window.

    So you can switch on globe view, rotate it to have an overview (visible details as at extreme zoomed out view) at a glance, click to define the cursor position area, switch again the two windows to go back on tactical field.

    Admiral Naismith AKA mcostant
    "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
    - Admiral Naismith


    • #3
      Ralf, your idea, with more options, is already in CTP2.
      "Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible." - Confucius
      "Give nothing to gods and expect nothing from them." - my motto


      • #4
        Speaking of seeing your colour slowly take over the world, I hope they have the replay at the end like in Civ I



        • #5
          What it could be like is when you are doing other things it is a mostly transparent shere, with the current screen location front and center, so you can see things behind it but it is still visible. Then when you click on it's bring-to-front button (probably on one of your menu bars, or it pops up nearby when you move your mouse over it. Somewhere out of the way) it becomes completely opaque and some buttons appear on the top/bottom of the sphere (depending on where it is on the screen)that allow you to rotate it in 4 directions, toggle political map, send-to-back, and move (so that you can move it arround if you don't like it where it is). Clicking on the regular map and on it's send-to-back button reverts it automatically to it's transparent state (They both work so that those that like the button can have the button, and those that don't can just ignore it)

          When it's transparent then you can click on things behind it without selecting it, you just have to watch out for it's bring-to-front button.

          Of course if they decide to stick it on one of the menu bars then this idea is pointless. The only problem with sticking it on a menu bar is that is that much less menu bar space that they could use for other things.
          I don't have much to say 'cause I won't be here long.

