I really, really, really like how you can customise a random world in FreeCiv. You can say that there should be half as many big continents as players total, and that each human should share his continent with 1 and only 1 ai fraction, and that there should be half again as many smaller islands (3-4 cities?) as big continents.
The way I would like this to work:
Deciding how many major landbodies there should be. This could either be a fixed number or a number based on num players. (Both options should exist!)
Deciding on how many civs share each major body, and if there should be empty major bodies to encourage early exploration. Also stating whether or not human controlled civs get to share starting continent.
Decision on the amount of smaller islands, and the size variation of those.
You might want to have two different mp setup pages, one basic and one advanced. The basic can look like SMAC for all I care, as long as there is an advanced one that is atleast as refined as FreeCivs setup. In multiplayer controlling the world parameters is essential to a good and fair game. We often have to restart smac mp games, as 2 players end up landing together on a small continent, when a more warlike player ends up the only human on a big continent with potential slaves all around...
The way I would like this to work:
Deciding how many major landbodies there should be. This could either be a fixed number or a number based on num players. (Both options should exist!)
Deciding on how many civs share each major body, and if there should be empty major bodies to encourage early exploration. Also stating whether or not human controlled civs get to share starting continent.
Decision on the amount of smaller islands, and the size variation of those.
You might want to have two different mp setup pages, one basic and one advanced. The basic can look like SMAC for all I care, as long as there is an advanced one that is atleast as refined as FreeCivs setup. In multiplayer controlling the world parameters is essential to a good and fair game. We often have to restart smac mp games, as 2 players end up landing together on a small continent, when a more warlike player ends up the only human on a big continent with potential slaves all around...