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Different types of wonder

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  • Different types of wonder

    There could be different types of wonders- scientific, social, architectural and military.

    "Scientific" would be achieved through scientific discovery- Cure for Cancer would be an example. They require research, not production.

    "Social" would be through a breakthrough in society. For example, "Womens Suffrage" or "Magna Carter".

    "Architectural" would be achieved in the same way wonders are now. They would include the pyramids, etc.

    "Military" would be achieved through building the first type of miltary unit on Earth or something like that.

    They would have different benefits. Architectural wonders would increase trade (through tourism) as well as the wonders normal benefits and the trade would never expire- people still visit the pyramids don't they?

    Scientific and social wonders cannot be destroyed- women wouldn't lose the right to vote through the loss of one city would they? Neither would the cure for cancer be lost.

    ...And if the British Commonwealth and its people live for a thousand years, man will still say "this was their finest hour"- Winston Churchill.

  • #2
    Yes!! I believe realism is the most important issue for Civ3 and you have made that clear, red_jon.



    • #3
      2 Points
      1.If all information about the cure was lost then the cure for cancer would
      be lost and thus the wonder.

      2.This system (hopefully) would allow the designers to make 7 wonders plus
      one for each sphere of influence.
      Though I doubt the designers will have any less than 7 wonders an age.

      [This message has been edited by DarkCloud (edited December 29, 2000).]
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      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


      • #4
        Great idea. This would add a lot of realism.


        • #5

          Originally posted by red_jon on 10-27-2000 06:02 PM
          "Scientific" would be achieved through scientific discovery- Cure for Cancer would be an example. They require research, not production.

          "Social" would be through a breakthrough in society. For example, "Womens Suffrage" or "Magna Carter".

          "Architectural" would be achieved in the same way wonders are now. They would include the pyramids, etc.

          "Military" would be achieved through building the first type of miltary unit on Earth or something like that.

          i would like to address each situation you bring up. i think this is a decent idea but i would have some questions on its actual application.

          first..'scientific' question here would be this.. i discover the "the cure for cancer (or whatever)" first and i am rewarded with my +3 happiness (or whatever) and that is fine. but i for see a problem in when the other civ's discover this as well. i mean when one thinks about it, they should get it too right? they have the same technology, why not? i think that would take away from the true "wonder" of the wonders.

          second.."Social"- i have a hard time with this one too. when do social changes take place in the real game (aside from myabe gov, religious, or sci advances/changes)? i think if a social aspect was added it would add another difficult aspect into the game. sometimes too much is worse. don't want civ III to be just for civ junkies such as us.

          third.."Architectural"- like you said how they already are, which is fine.

          and lastly.."Military"- tough one. not sure how i feel about this one but very interesting idea.
          [This message has been edited by thor015 (edited December 30, 2000).]
          [This message has been edited by thor015 (edited December 30, 2000).]

