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Poll: Top-10 most important changes

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  • #16

    I fully support you on 1 & 2. Give us;

    1. Unit Workshop
    2. Terrain Workshop

    I don't know about an improvement workshop.. That sounds tougher to implement.

    Instead, my third request is;

    3. Social Engineering table similar to the one in SMAC. NO FIXED GOVERNMENTS.
    Don't like to wait? Program your own bloody game.


    • #17
      Both "Unit workshop" and "Social engineering" seems too SMAC:ish in my ears. I believe that Firaxis wants to distance themselves from SMAC-solutions, arguing that "it aint Civ". I tend to agree.

      But, then again - what do i know? Maybe...
      [This message has been edited by Ralf (edited December 28, 2000).]


      • #18
        That makes total sense, and unfortunately, I figure there's a good chance that they won't use 'Social Engineering' like in SMAC, but really, don't you find CIV2-style 'absolute governments' restrictive? Or at least overly simplistic?

        Besides. If they aren't willing to make changes, then why make a sequel?

        The aspect of S.E. that I liked in SMAC was that you could change an aspect of your civ without changing everything. You could take an industrial war-driven democracy, and turn their focus from war to research, and then 100 years later, when pollution becomes a problem, you switch your focus from freemarket to more green-friendly practice, while retaining the democracy and research-driven orientation.

        I don't care how they do it.. add more slider bars, or copy the SMAC system outright. But it's unrealistic to have to change governments outright just to go to war. When WWII broke out, the allies didn't all change to communism or Fascism. There were changes in the structure and economy to be sure, but they weren't outright revolts or revolutions!

        Ah well. I still have a while to play SMAC and get sick of SE I guess.
        Don't like to wait? Program your own bloody game.


        • #19
          Oops. Forgot one of the main things I was going to say -

          Civ is Civ because it let's you build an empire to stand the test of time - Not because it uses 2d units instead of 3d ones, or because of the way it approaches government types.
          Don't like to wait? Program your own bloody game.

