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  • Game-editor

    One thing i would like to see is a 'game-editor'.

    In the game editor you can easily change rules, add techs e.t.c. Instead of editing a lot of text files you get a more user-friendly way to create modpacks e.t.c.
    Maybe some a library of pictures and icons can be added for the creation of new units, techs, terrain types e.t.c.

  • #2
    One of the functions of the no-doubt sophisticated dedicated scenario editor ( ) should be the ability to create mod packs, with the features such as the ones described above.

    No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary...
    No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)


    • #3
      I agree that the editing should be enhanced.


      • #4
        about the scenario editing:

        It should allow you to change the basic models for parameters such as Sewer System size need and Aqueduct need...

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        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


        • #5
          I dont' find the text files all that unweildy. Changing stats of units and improvements is pretty easy, although I admit that it would be sweet to have a 'visual tech tree' editor to make it easier to swap and add techs to the tree, and make it easy to see how these changes all interact.
          Don't like to wait? Program your own bloody game.


          • #6

            Originally posted by Stuff2 on 10-20-2000 12:35 PM
            One thing i would like to see is a 'game-editor'.

            In the game editor you can easily change rules, add techs e.t.c. Instead of editing a lot of text files...

            I agree. I dont mind the txt-files, but it would be nice with a front-end interface, with some tabs to click trough. Anything that can make txt-tweak file tinkering, a little more accessable for everyone, is good.

