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Global mood

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  • Global mood

    An overall global mood toward certain things would be nice. Example, in today's world, wars of conquest and land grabs are looked down upon greatly. However, in the 19th century (hell, and every century before that)it was the order of the day.

    In Civ2, there's that blue bar that shows how long there has been peace between the civs. If this were applied to Civ3, then when it reaches full length, the global mood for warfare will drop. As a consequence, if you (or anyone)were to start up again, it would sour relations with the other civs.

    This could be applied to nuclear weapons, enviromentalism, certain tech research, etc.

    Another thing I think would be fun, after every turn, have a newspaper type thing pop up. And say the Egyptians and Vikings aren't getting along too well, there will be headlines along the lines, "Egyptians condemn Viking terrorism" or "Vikings speak out agains Egyptian hegemony." Kind of a third party outlet to show diplomatic relations. It would help in the immersion effect of playing the game.
    "Let us kill the English! Their concept of individual rights could undermine the power of our beloved tyrants!"

    ~Lisa as Jeanne d'Arc

  • #2
    Kyle, I have also wondered about this subject and I agree with your solution. A peaceful world will more likely be one that condems aggression by any civ. Even a world with two major Pacts (alliance groups). I would tie it into advances (I think I started a thread about that way back when) and also the peace scale. Great idea!

    ~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~
    "Oh, they have the Internet on computers now!"


    • #3
      What blue bar?

      There is no spoon

      The newspaper is cool

      No war=no like wars

      How is my new style

      I like idea global mood good

      What about peacekeeping?

      Shouldn't count as war

      Is this annoying

      I think it is I will stop

      I use this email
      (stupid cant use hotmail)
      Don't ask for golf tips
      Your game will get worse


      • #4
        How about the global mood could extend to research as well the militaristic stuff stated above. Nowadays research is very strong, but back in the 1600's it was frowned upon if it went sagainst the teachest of the all-powerful Church (I just read the Life of Galileo). So if the world is dedicated to research then everyone gets a bonus of something.

        (I haven't played SC3K but I know the newspaper idea was in SC2K - a newspaper would pop up every 12 months and you could tell from it whether your Sims were happy/sad etc.)

        No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards...
        No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)


        • #5
          I think the research/ church incident Galileo went through was more a European mood than a global mood. But the idea that research as well as militarism are affected by a global mood is a good one.

          In SC3K, there is a news ticker at the bottom of the screen. News scrolls across it, some important, others just for fun. The important ones had hyperlinks for you to connect to to read the whole story. But for civ, this probably wouldn't work. The newspaper idea, some sort of 'World Report', at the beginning of each turn, would be a great addition to a great game.


          • #6
            My favorite line in any movie of all time, well except for

            "No dumb b***ard ever won a war by dying for his country" Patton, great movie I watch it every weekend.

            I use this email
            (stupid cant use hotmail)
            Don't ask for golf tips
            Your game will get worse
            There is no spoon,
            But there is a knife


            • #7

              Originally posted by Par4 on 06-13-2000 01:22 AM
              There is no spoon

              Quoting the Matrix?

              ~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~
              "Oh, they have the Internet on computers now!"
              [This message has been edited by OrangeSfwr (edited June 13, 2000).]


              • #8
                Actually a global mood is, i think going a bit to far.

                Just beacouse two major countries think that war is bad doesn't mean that a small nation cant think: "it is our duty to conquer the world".
                The ideologies of countries should in my opinion be well represented in their governments. A democracy have other opinions about what is right or wrong than a monarchy e.t.c.
                I like the newspaper idea (As long as you can choose not to have it also). World peace is good, but let every country have their own opinions about things, that's what makes it interesting.


                • #9
                  Stuff - I agree that world peace ties in with democracy, but I still don't see what you have against the Global Mood idea. If most civs are democratic, and another civ is not and they declare war, they will lose respect from the other nations. But if the world is mostly barbaric, young, and despotic, than they won't care and maybe even look up to your civ for being so powerful and expansionistic. The western powers would frown on any nation today who decided to declare a territory based war, like if China decided to invade Russia for more land.

                  ~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~
                  "Oh, they have the Internet on computers now!"

