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The city square

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  • The city square

    As we know, a city isn't just used the same way as the surrounding area is. So I don't see why a city square should produce as few resources as a farming square or something like this.

    My suggestion: e.g. in the industrial age the city square could produce more resources, in the modern times more trade etc.

    What do you think about this?

  • #2
    I think cities themselves need to be separated from farming communities, and that cities need to span several squares as they grow. This way cities will be what they usually are, centers of commerce and industry.


    • #3
      I think someone mentioned this in another thread, but I agree. If they're going to keep the idea of a city radius, it should change as the city grows. Start off with only being able to use radius one square and expand as the city grows. Only when the inner radius has been totally used can you expand into the next set of squares. Also, expansion shouldn't stop at radius 2 squares, but rather keep growing indefinitely.


      • #4
        After tech advances yes, and infastructure squares should be used to their MAXIMUM capacity whatever that is Stuff like tree replanting, fertilizers, genetic food, automated manfucturing plants make stuff much faster in the modern age than in industrial, factories and centralized industries along with capitalism in the industrial age produced vast amounts of goods too. Remember than in ancient times many things were made in the home and in small workshops not on a large scale like today.

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        • #5
          Trade after "The Corporation". I Like that idea.

          ~~~I am who I am, who I am - but who am I?~~~
          "Oh, they have the Internet on computers now!"


          • #6

            Originally posted by OrangeSfwr on 06-10-2000 12:16 PM
            I Like that idea.

            You were supposed to. It's my idea.

            The corporation could be a good trigger. But why should the bonus be changed I'm wondering now.

            It's a fact that the main economics of western countries are forced to the 3rd sector, the services sector. The 2nd sector is the industry and the 1st sector the agricultural sector.

            Well, in the western countries the cities have their economies divided in:

            about 5% 1st sector/agricultural
            about 20% 2nd sector/industrial
            about 75% 3rd sector/pure capitalism...

            This should be recognizable with the city square's organization

