In addition to the normal tech tree, which allows new units and new advances, I'd like to see enabling techs dispersed throughout the tree.
Like what you ask? Well, like...
Radar can be researched as a tech. When it is discovered, air units in that Civ gain +1 on attack and defense, and maybe then get 2 space visibility.
You guessed it, sea units can now spot submerged subs. All units in said Civ can attack subs, and the sub gains 2 space visibility.
Currently, the only enabling tech I can think of in Civ2 is Nuclear Power, which doesn't do much besides give +1 on sea movement. Not a whole lot, but perfect as an enabling tech.
The nice thing about these techs is they are easy to add and don't require fancy graphics or other changes. They can really fill out a tech tree and make for a really robust research race.
AND...they avoid unit hell, witness SMAC. Who wants to worry about "Oh, my Silksteel Plasma Missile Speeder doesn't have ECM, so I have to now obsolete a unit and upgrade all my old units...". The enabling tech simply gives a slight boost to existing units, giving the player an advantage for his research without the administrative overhead of worrying about obsolete units.
So...what do you think?