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Possible First News

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  • Possible First News

    Just for the fun of it, I'm trying to figure out when we might hear some of the first news or see the first screenshots from Civ3. Screenshots I suspect will be a while, but we might seem some art or something, ala Dinosaurs.

    Anyway, my bet, off the top of my head, would be maybe early this winter... possibly November? Does anyone know how long before the release of Alpha Centauri the first info came out? Perhaps then would could apply that to the rough info we know about possible release dates for Civ3.

    Heck, Morrowind (the other game I'm follwing) has already released screenshots and it's not coming out until late 2001.

    [This message has been edited by Joe Bourque (edited May 12, 2000).]
    Joe Bourque

  • #2
    I think I remember seeing the first SMAC ad about 10 months before it was released. I didn't follow it much. I bought it after I got the demo.

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