I had this idea posted on another thread,but I thought it would get a better response as its own heading(and should have its own);
I think it might be interesting if everytime you had a revolution,there would be a percentage chance that a part of your empire,lets say for example,3 cities on another island,decided not to go in the direction you chose and these 3 cities form their own nation independent of you.This new nation would retain all advances that they had been a part of and would be a force to be reckoned with in their own right;especially if they had room to expand(like the U.S.revolting against England).This might make players think twice about switching governments all the time.
This would also be a way for new empires to "emerge" onto the world stage even though they were not there at the beginning of time.
Maybe spies could be used in this manner as well.Instead of the nation causing the revolt getting control of the city,the spy(s)would attempt to cause unrest in the region in the hopes of causing the area(a group of cities)to revolt and declare independence
(like having a civil war)
I think it might be interesting if everytime you had a revolution,there would be a percentage chance that a part of your empire,lets say for example,3 cities on another island,decided not to go in the direction you chose and these 3 cities form their own nation independent of you.This new nation would retain all advances that they had been a part of and would be a force to be reckoned with in their own right;especially if they had room to expand(like the U.S.revolting against England).This might make players think twice about switching governments all the time.
This would also be a way for new empires to "emerge" onto the world stage even though they were not there at the beginning of time.
Maybe spies could be used in this manner as well.Instead of the nation causing the revolt getting control of the city,the spy(s)would attempt to cause unrest in the region in the hopes of causing the area(a group of cities)to revolt and declare independence

(like having a civil war)