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More Civilizations

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  • More Civilizations

    Having 7 civilizations just isnt enough.Maybe we dont need more human civs than that,but it would sure be nice to have more AI civs out there to create more diversity in the world and to increase the importance of having allies if you happen to be a small civ facing huge empires.I happen to enjoy the "fight from behind" games where I am just barely hanging in there and I think having more civs out there would make it harder to grow big fast.That was my way of beating the AI on deity level,build defensive outpost cities,fill in the gaps with other cities,then defend and micro-manage the AI's to death.Worked 9 times out of ten and I don't like it

  • #2
    DanM - Don't feel disheartened that this hasn't been replied to. It's just that this has been brought up plenty of times before.

    CTP had 32 civs, and that's a pretty nice number. There are always going to be people who want extras though, so being able to customise the civs is of high import.

    How many civs you have playing at once is largely a question of how many resources you want the game to chew through, and how it will affect AI. Hopefully people with high-end PCs (unlike myself) will have the option to play with many civs at a time.

    - MKL
    - mkl


    • #3
      I've since discovered many threads on this topic.(This was my first post)
      I guess it just falls in line with my general overall agenda;Lets get the next Civ to be as realistic as possible.
      You will find that most or all of my posts have this general theme of "realism" at the root of the comment.


      • #4
        I'm with you all the way. Realism, but it has to remain simple. The best strategy games have simple concepts at their heart. A Game like Risk or Chess are perfect examples. The hard part is satisfying both the need for simplicity and the want for realism.

        - MKL
        - mkl

