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How about reinforcements?!?!

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  • How about reinforcements?!?!

    I haven't looked around The List recently, and I only skimmed over the topics for the last while unless something grabbed my attention, but I was thinking the other day. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to rush troops to the front lines? A major factor in wars historically has been the ability to send in extra troops at a moments notice, heve them run in, arrive unable to take two more steps, and with their one step left win the war. Fast reactions are a must. So how about this. There can be a "reinforcement" option on every unit, like disband, pirate, etc. This one doubles or triples their movement for the turn, but seriously hurts them. This way I can get my troops to the front line when they are needed, not 1000 years later. Sounds good to me.

  • #2
    Something has to be done about movement of troops, I'm just not sure what. The current movement rates are impractical. It did not take riflemen 10 years or so to cross the Americas. They could do it and back in a year if they worked hard (Lewis and Clark). Wars were fought in Europe in a year, World War II took five or six years, yet wars in Civ are thousands of years because of how long it takes to move troops. I am not sure how exactly reinforcements would work but I am in favor of anything that will make it so that I can move troops more practically.
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