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Which is the best advisor?

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  • Which is the best advisor?

    I'm sorry if I'm posting a lot tonight.....Its just that since I've been back in the US (Gotta change that on my profile...I'm no longer in Stuttgart) I haven't been able to connect with Apolyton easily (my laptop kinda died prompting me to buy this new computer that my wife will kill me for when she gets here) and I had a lot of questions and comments about Civ3. I guess they're all coming out in a gush since I'm finally online again.

    So heres the silly poll...which advisor do you find the most helpful? I'm more of a pacifist builder type, but I think the foreign minister is the only one that really helps me out. (and his expression when someone declares war is hilarious) Thats only because when making deals you can guage how the other party is gonna take it from him.

    The Military Advisor HARDLY pops up with any good info to me. But I've yet to play an entire game successfully. Maybe someone else has had better luck.

    The Trade Advisor reminds me too much of an old schoolteacher. And she kind of pisses me off with her "We need to find more resources and trade it with our friends". Yeah, Gee, I would never have thought of that, lady. Maybe you oughtta ask them to trade some of their crap without asking for my firstborn child in the process.

    The Domestic Advisor though really gets to me. Sometimes when I'm concentrating og expansion or surviving the barbarians at the gates she'll pop in and say "The Treasury is dangerously low!" and it'll be around only ten gold left. You know, Ma'am, if you warned me about the depleting bank account when we still had 100 gold I'd appreciate you more!

    The Science advisor isn't too much help, but at least he doesn't give advice too late. Actually he doesn't give any advice! He just pops up with what he thinks you should research, which is usually nowhere near what I think so I don't listen tyo him anyway. (Like i really give a crap about Free Artistry when I really need some good defensive weapons. What does he want me to Shakespeare to our enemies and put them to sleep?)

    What do you guys think? (Did I miss an advisor?)

    "I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown