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Interface suggestions

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  • Interface suggestions

    I admit that I haven't read the manual so if the "requested feature" is already in the game I apologize.

    1. The ability to see the map in gridlines with city radius displayed.

    2. The ability to change all those "pop up" messages (like city disorder, we love the [leader] days, military unit production and a few others) into prompt menus.

    3. The ability to tell a city to indefinitely produce a military unit until told otherwise. I want to have a choice: some cities should prompt me when it has produced a military unit, some should indefinitely produce until told otherwise.

    4. The ability to list all current diplomatic and trade agreements in a list without having to talk to the leader.

    5. A summary screen with info on other civs. I don't want to endlessly click on the advisors to know if AI civs are in awe of my culture or not. I want a summary screen with info such as culture comparison, military comparison etc.

    6. The ability to turn off AI movements unless its inside my borders or within 3 squres of my borders.

    7. When I right click on a military unit, it should tell me whether the unit has moved or not.

    8. Some way to tell me whether a unit with a movement point larger than 1 has fired in this turn or not.

    9. A list of what wonders the AI is currently building. Sometimes I forgot what the advisor told me.

    10. The ability to sort cities (its broken now).

    11. Happiness analysis. Gold analysis (10 base gold, plus 5 due to market place, plus another 5 due to banks that sort of thing)

    12. Option to choose single click to access cities and advisors.

    13. Casualty lists.

    14. Access to civlopedia in the production menu.

    Another major request of mine:

    Fix air interception. Its broken now.