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AU501: The Power of Seafaring - Info and Discussion

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  • AU501: The Power of Seafaring - Info and Discussion

    Welcome all to the first Conquests Apolyton University course!

    No, no, this is not the official thread for the course, because we're still working out a few issues (namely, the finishes touches on the AU mod, and which patch to use). If all goes well, the game should be up this Friday, January 21.

    (Are you completely lost? Are you asking questions like: what's AU, why should I play this game, and will the mod mess with my C3C installation? Fear not. All these and more will be answered on Friday in the official thread.)

    For now, we can have some fun! As many of you know, the theme for the first Conquests AU course was (undemocratically) decided to be the Seafaring trait. The point of the course is therefore to determine the ins and outs of this wonderful new trait. Here are some other game variable that were (undemocratically) chosen for this scenario:

    Civ: Byzantines (see below)
    Rules: Default
    Victory Conditions: All
    Rivals: ?
    Difficulty: Any

    World Size: Large
    Land Form: ?
    Climate and Temperature: Standard
    Age: 3 billion
    Barbarians: ?

    The amount of map "tweaking" by the scenario creator is ~5-10%. This means that you can expect a pretty standard game of Civ3, but if you're very familiar with the map generator some things may strike you as fishy. Hopefully this will not detract from your enjoyment.

    Below are a few more posts to whet your appetite.
    And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...