Not gettin' any answers here I decided to ask Jeeves my question about vets. Got lots of answers. Starting with stuff about some guy whose a veteran of 100 weddings!
Now there's a guy who ought to have kept his helmut on. Don't know what he waves in the air tho'.
Kinda hard to tell whether he would be a guy who knows a lot about women or pretty much nothing at all.
Only thing I ever learned is not to underestimate the power of the demon drink. And I learned that far too late to do me any good.
Not gettin' any answers here I decided to ask Jeeves my question about vets. Got lots of answers. Starting with stuff about some guy whose a veteran of 100 weddings!
Now there's a guy who ought to have kept his helmut on. Don't know what he waves in the air tho'.
Kinda hard to tell whether he would be a guy who knows a lot about women or pretty much nothing at all.
Only thing I ever learned is not to underestimate the power of the demon drink. And I learned that far too late to do me any good.