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New OCC Help Is Here!

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  • New OCC Help Is Here!

    I've been playing Civ games since the early days of Civ 1. I've played SMAC, liked it, but IMHO, Civ II is KING.

    I've been reading about OCC for a long time on these forums, but I never thought I was ready for the challenge myself. Until now.

    After not reading the strategy forum for a few weeks I came back this week to found the
    "Fortnight OCC, Results and Logs" threads. Here I found not just advice or hints and tips, but actual blueprints of games!

    For me, this was the motivation I needed. After reading some of the logs and commentary, last night I started my very first OCC game, and man, this is a wonderful, new, challenge!

    I hope this will motivate others to do as I have done and give OCC a try, it's like no other Civ game you've ever played!

    And to those who participate in Fortnight OCC, Thank you! Thanks for spending the time to make this info available to the Civ community!


  • #2
    so? hows' it going so far?
    The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


    • #3
      Well, I'm using the map linked to in the second edition thread and it's 925 BC.

      I went to republic a few turns ago, and just finished WLTPD from pop 4 to 7. I have a temple, marketplace, library, and Colossus, and I'm currently building the Great Library.

      Tax rate is 30%, Lux is 20, and Sci is 50. Income is 37 trade, breaking down to 18 gold, 10 luxuries, and 27 beakers. I also have 2 food (excess) and 13 shields (2 for support). Discoveries take 8 turns.

      When I started this game I did not start a log but I'm beginning to realize taht that would have been a good idea in case I want to play the same start again. Oh well, live and learn.



      • #4
        sounds pretty good so far.I assume you started The Library in prep for Cope's

        i think the next "fortnight" is the hurry up and refine your strat.
        The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


        • #5
          Hope to see you next week JohnSJ - at least I will provide some easy meat for you to beat.

          Have fun

          Scouse Git[1]

          "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


          • #6
            yes,Those are the rules.That is Paul's very excellent site.Very ,very good strategy and technology path there
            You want to have the "super science city" with Collosus, Cope's and Sir Ike's

            Shakes Theatre is also a great wonder for OCC.Although I think I will suggest the next fortnight be played without Shake's for a challenge.
            The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


            • #7
              Well, I don't think I'll be too much of a threat for the first fortnight game at least. In the game I'm playing now I just made Apollo in 1862. Hehe, my OCC game needs a *little* work I guess!



              • #8

                Well, to be honest, at the time I read your message I hadn't even considered Copes. In my "normal" play style I never used too many of the "single city benefit" wonders. I think it's past time I went through the wonders list and re-evaluate my "must have wonders" list.

                I'll be looking forward to the next challenge! BTW, is the rules used for this challenge?

                Scouse Gits, I'll be there!



                • #9
                  Smash, how about just Paul not building Shakes. That would even things out.

                  Actually, he'd probably still beat everyone by 20 turns.

                  [This message has been edited by Tom DeMille (edited February 14, 2000).]


                  • #10
                    lol...sad but true.Its only a couple extra techs to get a cathedral.Thats only 2-4 turns for him.

                    Ah geez.If he can do 1600s or better,then we can too.Just not sure how.
                    The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                    • #11
                      My first OCC game, final report.

                      As I mentioned above, when I started this game I did not start with a log, but here's the ending, and some observations.

                      I launched a minimal spaceship in 1899 with an arrival daye of 1927. The year after I launched, the English launched with an arrival date of 1918,

                      One problem I had was that the French, not too powerful in this game, would NOT make peace for more than a few turns. While they were never a serious threat they were an almost constant irratant! I finally resolved the problem by using bombers to clear defenders and leave their cities open for my "worshipful allies" the aztecs to take over. This created a buffer so the Aztecs had to deal with the French, not me.

                      I think my biggest mistake was in population growth. When I got sewers I WLTPD up to pop 21 (22?), then stopped even though I had food enough for a couple more citizens. I let this continue for a *long* time and then finally realized, "Duh! More citizens means more specialists, i.e. SCIENTISTS!" So, when I finally got my population up I was pulling in about 940 beakers/turn, but it was too late, the damage was done.

                      Conclusions: I have a lot to learn about super-city management, , and I'm *really* looking forward to the next fortnight game!


                      Additional note. I went back to a save game to look again at the space race era primariy between myself and the English, and I found the source of my defat. (defeat rather than a late win)

                      While I was building my ship the English came by to do some negotiating, nice and friendly. As I'd done for the entire game I said, "Sure", and we commenced to trade techs. What I didn't pay attention to during the actual game is that the English had one goal in mind, PLASTICS! If I had denied them this trade I probably would have won as they would have been unable to produce space modules for at least awhile longer!

                      Conclusion: Keep at least one tech secret in order to avoid shooting oneself in the foot!


                      [This message has been edited by John-SJ (edited February 16, 2000).]

