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OCC fortnight #13 - discussion and logs

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  • #16
    Hey Paul, are you still browsing the strategy board? what do you think of this "who's online thing??" it's quite funky ain't it!!!!!

    I'm almost done with occ13, it got to 2:30 last night just started researching flight, and i saved and went to bed?!!?! now, that's Will Power!!!! i think my eta is 1839ad if everything goes on plan,
    "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
    ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:


    • #17
      Boy, did they open up a can of Whoop-ass on me!!!! So close but sooooo far!! anyway the log:

      2.42 Diety - Billy the Oldman of the Outlaws!!

      Monarchy: 2450bc
      Republic: 525bc
      Democracy: 780ad

      Colossus: 2250bc
      Observatory: 160ad
      Theatre: 340ad
      College: 820ad
      Darwins: 1510ad
      Apollo: Just 1 more turn!!!

      1st Trade: 850bc
      2nd: 675bc
      3rd: 550bc

      Trade: 1750bc
      Cons: 525bc
      San: 600ad
      Refridge: 1200ad
      Auto: 1730ad
      SF: 1774ad

      Pop 12: 75bc
      pop 25: 1730ad

      3950bc 50 from hut
      Persians Destroyed, Bronze working!
      Carthage Destroyed, Code of Laws!
      Souix Destroyed, Alphabet!
      Vikings Destroyed, Cere Bury!
      Wild Wild West Founded!!
      3800bc archers (hut)
      3700bc chariot (hut)
      3600bc archers disbanded in city
      3550bc 50 from hut
      3350bc 50 from hut
      Peace with Spanish
      3250bc Barbarian from hut
      Peace with Japanese
      3200bc order restored
      3050bc 25 from hut
      2950bc Barbs in hut
      2450bc Monarchy, Kingship Established
      currency (hut)
      2400bc peace with chinese
      2300bc 50 from hut
      rushed Colossus
      2250bc Colossus!!!!
      2200bc WLTKD starts
      2150bc barbs (hut)
      2000bc militia
      1800bc temple
      1750bc Trade
      1600bc peace with triffids
      1350bc war with spanish??
      1300bc marketplace
      1250bc peace with english
      1000bc war with english for 50 from triffids
      950bc caravan (hides)
      850bc 1st Trade (68 rev) hides
      825bc caravan (gems)
      750bc gave mapmaking to spanish for ceasefire!
      725bc caravan (dye)
      675bc 2nd Trade (114 rev) gems
      650bc Literacy
      3rd Trade unwanted (38 rev) dye
      550bc republic - revolution
      525bc Republic Established!!!!!!
      Construction from chinese
      Gave away loads of Techs
      500bc caravan (wine)
      mysticism from english
      375bc maths from chinese
      325bc Philosophy
      Astronomy (free)
      300bc Aquaduct
      275bc disbanded last of own militia
      175bc Colosseum
      150bc WLTCD (9)
      75bc caravan
      Size 12!!
      25bc caravan
      WLTCD cancelled
      sold temple
      20ad caravan
      60ad caravan
      100ad caravan
      140ad caravan
      160ad Observatory!!!!!!!
      caravans x 4
      340ad Theatre!!!!!!!!!
      400ad 200 for war on chinese
      440ad University
      480ad Bank
      520ad engineering from spanish
      600ad Sanitation!!!
      640ad Sewer system
      WLTCD (12)
      680ad invention
      700ad war with french for 250 from english
      760ad democracy - revolution!
      780ad WLTCD cancelled (18)
      820ad Newtons College!!!!
      860ad chemistry
      900ad gunpowder
      940ad explosives
      980ad metalurgy
      1020ad navigation
      1060ad physics
      1100ad magnetism
      1140ad electricty
      1200ad refridgeration
      1240ad steam engine
      1280ad railroad
      1320ad industrialisation
      1380ad corporation
      1420ad war on french for 250!
      1440ad electronics
      1480ad factory
      1500ad steel
      1510ad darwins Voyage!!
      1530ad hydro plant
      1550ad supermarket
      1560ad automobile
      1570ad engineer
      WLTPD (16)
      1600ad mass production
      1630ad chivalry
      1650ad leadership
      1670ad tactics
      1690ad machine tools
      1710ad miniaturisation
      1730ad Computers!!!!!
      WLTPD cancelled (25)
      1750ad science lab
      mobile warfare!!
      1754ad robotics!
      1756ad manu plant
      1758ad engineer
      1760ad engineer
      1762ad radio
      1766ad adv flight
      1770ad rocketry
      1774ad Space Flight!!!!!!!!!
      added caravans to Apollo Program, space race starts next turn!!!
      1776ad Sneak attack by Japanese and Spanish Forces!!!! all 12 caravans destroyed?!?! 4 engineers, 1 settler, a horseman and a legion and my city all in one turn?!?!!?

      Billy the Oldman the Pathetic 1%, 19 points

      Just for the record i was on target for an eta of 1839ad!!!
      [This message has been edited by Oldman (edited July 25, 2000).]
      "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
      ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:


      • #18
        OCC #13 Comparison Table now available.


        • #19
          That is what I call seriously tough luck Oldman - and they say the AI can't play this game!

          Scouse Git[1]

          "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
          "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
          "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


          • #20
            Tough luck? are you sure that's all you'd call it? i'd call it much more, in fact i did!!! But they'd just bleep it out here?!?!

            I thought i was getting along with everyone quite nicely too, giving away flight, computers, radio!! i normally stop giving away my techs when i reach flight!! but nevermind, the next one should be interesting...

            [This message has been edited by Oldman (edited July 25, 2000).]
            "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
            ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:


            • #21
              I hope some of you had a little bit of fun with this. The "find another city-site" option didn't occur to me until after I emailed the scenario to Paul.

              There's a trade-off, of course. By killing the 4 AIs that were in your starting area, you gain Bronze Working, Alphabet, Ceremonial Burial, and Code of Laws, which was designed to jump-start you into Monarchy.

              Plus, you get to found your city on your first turn rather than searching.


              Well, on a personal note, I will be going on vacation tomorrow (Wednesday) for about three weeks or so. I don't think I will be playing Civ2 during that time. Take care!
              The only way to stop a terrorist, is with a bullet.


              • #22
                Oldman, ouch. Pretty aggressive of the AIs to attack without warning. They made a few demands of me late in the game (demanding Advanced Flight, Superconductor, that sort of thing - I was only too happy to oblige, since they would have declared war if I hadn't), but no sneak attack thank goodness.

                Vik, SG1 was still able to get all the techs from the 4 neigbour civs before he wandered off to found his city. But you're rightthat precious time was wasted (if there had been another ideal city site nearby it might have been a different story). Enjoy your vacation


                • #23
                  Have a nice holiday Vik!!! I enjoyed the scenario, even though i ill treated by the opposition?!?!!? this now makes 2 occ's i've fluffed in a row!!!! i lots the observatory on occ11 and gave up, this one!! i daren't even try occ12!?!?

                  After the "Incident" with the Japs and Spanish last night i reloaded to see just what their problems were!!! they were just mightily pissed that i existed i think!!! i gave them all my gold, gave them both space flight, and grovelled as much as i could!! it put the Japs off attacking me, but the spanish still finished me off regardless?!?!?

                  I guess it's just not to be... I'm thinking that my style of play was a bit aggressive, Machiavellian you might say, cause i only had one alliance and they were tight gits, i waged war on people for money, and then siding with the winners for more money later on!! maybe i rubbed the spanish up the wrong way!??!
                  "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
                  ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:


                  • #24
                    Oldman, what was your reputation like just before the AIs destroyed you? My reputation started at dishonorable after the 1st turn, and then improved to questionable ~1000AD, where it stayed for the rest of the game (unlike you, I was nice to my AIs ). If your reputation was the pits, it might explain why the AIs didn't like you towards the end.


                    • #25
                      Pfew, this was a hard one. Though I had incredible luck with huts in the beginning (Monarchy in 3600BC) I couldn't get to two-turn advances until 1580AD and only then till 1772AD. I was researching Space Flight and one turn into it the needed beakers jumped from 2170 to 3290! Next to the Japanese and the Spanish there were only Indians and Chinese on the continent and I was at war with the Chinese for a long time so I couldn't dump techs on them. Luckily the AI left me alone till the end.

                      Monarchy: 3450BC
                      Republic: 525BC
                      Democracy: 780AD

                      Colossus: 2400BC
                      Copernicus: 225BC
                      Shakespeare: 1AD
                      Newton: 500AD
                      Darwin: 1340AD
                      Apollo: 1778AD

                      Trade: 1800BC
                      Construction: 2500BC
                      Sanitation: 240AD
                      Refrigeration: 1200AD
                      Automobile: 1560AD
                      Computers: 1730AD
                      Space Flight: 1776AD

                      1st Trade: 900BC
                      2nd Trade: 800BC
                      3rd Trade: 625BC

                      Size 12: 325BC
                      Size 21: 1460AD

                      Landing on AC: 1841AD

                      3950: Hut-Horseman, destroyed 4 civs, Bronze, Code of Laws, Ceremonial Burial, Alphabet
                      3900: Hut-Horseman, Cardiff Founded
                      3800: Hut-100 gold
                      3750: Hut-Archer
                      3700: Hut-Archer
                      3600: Hut-Monarchy-50 gold, Revolution, Spanish-Pottery
                      3550: Japanese-peace, Hut-Horseman
                      3450: Monarchy
                      3350: Hut-100 gold
                      3250: Hut-Barbs
                      3200: Hut-50 gold
                      3050: Hut-Barbs-Currency
                      3000: Hut-50 gold, Indians-peace, Tributes-50 gold
                      2850: Hut-Archer
                      2750: Indians-war
                      2700: Indians-peace
                      2600: Hut-Horseman
                      2500: Chinese-Masonry, Construction, 50 gold
                      2450: Tributes-100 gold
                      2400: Colossus
                      2250: Market Place
                      2200: Japanese-Warrior Code, Spanish-Horseback Riding
                      1950: Archer killed by Barbs, Hut-Polytheism
                      1900: Tributes-125 gold
                      1800: Hut-Trade
                      1750: Chinese-Map Making, gave Trade, Monarchy and Warrior Code, shared maps
                      Japanese-gave Map Making, Horseback Riding, Pottery and Polytheism, shared maps
                      Spanish-gave Map Making, shared maps
                      Indians-gave Map Making, Construction and Polytheism, shared maps
                      1550: Hut-Barbs
                      1500: Tributes 75 gold
                      1400: Writing, built Colosseum, sold Colosseum
                      1300: Library
                      1250: Dumped all techs to all 4 civs, share maps, tributes 125 gold
                      1200: Hides Caravan, Indians-25 gold
                      1100: Wine Caravan
                      1000: Temple
                      950: Gems Caravan, tributes 175 gold
                      900: Hides Caravan, Hides route Madrid 100 gold
                      875: Mysticism
                      825: Hides Caravan
                      Japanese-gave Mysticism, shared maps, allied
                      Spanish and Chinese-gave Mysticism, shared maps
                      Indians-gave Mysticism, shared maps, allied, gift 100 gold
                      800: Wine route Madrid 64 gold, Chinese tribute 50 gold
                      775: Hides Caravan
                      725: Food Caravan
                      675: Hides Caravan
                      650: Literacy, Chinese-Feudalism, shared maps, Japanese and Indians-shared maps
                      625: Food Caravan, Hides route Sevilla 100 gold, Gifts and tributes 125 gold
                      600: Gems route Madrid 216 gold
                      575: Philosophy, Republic, Revolution
                      550: Tributes-75 gold
                      525: Republic, Hides route Toledo 112 gold
                      500: WLTCD size 5, Japanese-gave Republic, Spanish-gave Republic, shared maps, allied (War with Chinese), Indians-shared maps, gift 25 gold
                      475: Colosseum, Hides route Seville 108 gold, Japanese-gave all techs, gift 25 gold, Spanish-gave Philosophy
                      450: Spanish-gave Feudalism
                      400: Aquaduct
                      375: Mathematics, Hides route Cordoba 232 gold
                      350: Food caravan, Spanish-gave all techs, shared maps
                      325: Sold Colosseum, size 12, Japanese and Indians-gave Mathematics, gifts 50 gold
                      300: Food Caravan
                      250: Astronomy, Food Caravan
                      225: Copernicus' Observatory
                      175: Dye Caravan, Japanese-gave Astronomy, Spanish-Iron Working, Indians-gave Iron Working, gifts 150 gold
                      125: Clothes Caravan, Medicine
                      75: Food Caravan
                      25: Food Caravan, Japanese-gave Iron Working, Indians-gave Astronomy, gifts 350 gold
                      1: Shakespeare's Theater
                      20: University
                      40: Dye route Madrid 248 gold
                      60: University built, Spanish-gave all techs, Japanese and Indians-gave University, gifts 150 gold
                      80: Wheel, Cloth Madrid 126 gold
                      100: Dye Caravan
                      140: Food Caravan
                      160: Engineering, Japanese and Indians-gave Wheel, gifts 50 gold
                      180: Food Caravan
                      240: Sanitation
                      260: WLTCD size 12, Dye route Madrid 272 gold
                      280: Sewer System, Japanese-gave Engineering, Spanish-Bridge Building, Indians-gave Sanitation, gifts 200 gold
                      300: Banking
                      320: Bank
                      360: Food Caravan
                      380: Japanese-gave Iron Building, Spanish-gave Engineering, Indians-gave Bridge Building, gifts 100 gold
                      400: Theory of Gravity, Food Caravan
                      420: End WLTCD size 19
                      440: Spice Caravan
                      480: Economics, Food Caravan, 150 gold Barb Leader, Gave all techs to allies, shared maps, gifts 200 gold
                      500: Newton's College
                      540: Chemistry
                      560: Stock Exchange
                      600: Invention, Food Caravan, All techs to allies, gifts 50 gold
                      640: Food Caravan
                      660: Gunpowder
                      680: Food Caravan, gave Gunpowder to allies, gifts 150 gold
                      720: Explosives
                      740: Engineer
                      780: Engineer, Democracy, Revolution, Democracy, Spice route Valencia 300 gold, gave Explosives to allies, gifts 175 gold
                      820: Food Caravan
                      840: Metallurgy
                      860: Food Caravan
                      880: Spanish-Monotheism
                      900: Seafaring, Food Caravan, gifts 100 gold
                      960: Navigation, Food Caravan
                      1000: Food Caravan
                      1020: Physics, gave all techs to allies, shared maps, gifts 100 gold
                      1040: Food Caravan
                      1080: Magnetism, Spice Caravan
                      1120: Gold Caravan
                      1140: Electricity
                      1160: Food Caravan
                      1200: Diplomat Refrigeration
                      1240: Supermarket
                      1260: Steam Engine, Chinese-peace, gave all techs, shared maps, Allies-gave all techs, shared maps, gifts125 gold
                      1320: Railroad
                      1340: Darwin's Voyage, Industrialization, Corporation, Spice route Toledo 142 gold, Gold route Madrid 62 gold
                      1360: WLTPD size 17
                      1380: Dye Freight
                      1400: Steel
                      1420: Spice Freight, Gave Railroad to all, gifts 250 gold
                      1460: Food Freight
                      1480: Refining
                      1500: Food Freight
                      1510: Gifts 250 gold
                      1520: Food Freight
                      1530: Combustion, End WLTPD size 24
                      1540: Food Freight
                      1560: Automobile
                      1580: Superhighways, Chivalry, Chinese-Conscription, shared maps with all, First time 2 turns per tech...
                      1590: Food Freight
                      1600: Leadership, Dye route Beijing 782 gold
                      1610: Gold Freight
                      1620: Tactics, Spice route Beijing 391 gold, Chinese-Athomic Theory, gifts 300 gold
                      1630: Wine Freight
                      1640: Machine Tools
                      1650: Food Freight
                      1660: Electronics
                      1680: Mass Production
                      1690: Food Freight
                      1710: Miniaturization
                      1720: Wine route Chengdu 557 gold
                      1730: Computers, Food Freight
                      1740: Research Lab
                      1750: Gold route Shanghai 1016 gold
                      1752: Wine Freight
                      1754: Robotics
                      1756: Food Freight
                      1758: Flight
                      1760: Food Freight
                      1762: Radio
                      1764: Factory
                      1766: Advanced Flight
                      1768: Hydro Plant
                      1770: Rocketry
                      1772: Manifacturing Plant, Chinese-gave Computers
                      1776: [q]Space Flight[/b]
                      1778: Apollo Project, Wine route Chengdu 272 gold
                      1782: Plastics
                      1788: Nuclear Fission
                      1796: Nuclear Power, Spanish cancel alliance (no way I give them Advanced Flight!), Bribe Spanish Cannon
                      1802: Bribe Chinese Destroyer
                      1804: Laser
                      1806: 15 Structurals
                      1812: Super Conductor
                      1820: 6 Components
                      1822: Fusion Power
                      1826: 3 Modules, Launch
                      1828-1840: The usual stuff, allied with Greeks!
                      1841: Landing on AC
                      Within weeks they'll be re-opening the shipyards
                      And notifying the next of kin
                      Once again...


                      • #26
                        Since I managed to get a dispicable rep playing a normal game (OCC 14), I left those 4 civs to fight it out in the fertile crescent and moved elsewhere. In hindsight, going to the landlocked, 3 silk 1 wheat site with no rivers probably cost me several turns. With only 1 grassland, my growth was stunted and i never did get the wheat turned into silk. I also had 2 ocean squares i couldn't do anything with. I could have founded 4 turns earlier, and gotten a coastal city with 7 grasslands, 3 river squares, whale and 2 silk. On the other hand, I would have been closer to all 6 of the other capitols too, so maybe it wasn't that bad. I had fantastic luck with the huts, even getting a musketeer late in the game (used a peace treaty to get him home), and obtained pottery from 1 which allowed me to trade for monarchy (don't remember when, but was at the latest 3400BC). On the other hand, I got 3 advanced tribes forcing me to reload, including 2 consecutive... I also keep forgetting to sell my improvements when they have served their purpose, also started the apollo program about 7 turns late, which forced me to use a several freights earlier than I had planned, leaving me scrambling to rush-buy SS parts and even giving away all sorts of SS and modern warfare techs to get gold out of my allies. I also managed to overcompensate for last games research mistakes, costing me 6 turns by discovering nuclear fission/power preflight. (In OCC 14 I couldn't get 3 turns/tech post spaceflight...)

                        Diety, 2.42
                        AC 1869

                        Monachy -2900
                        Republic -425
                        Democracy 1020

                        colossus: -1250
                        copes: 100
                        shakes: 920
                        isaac: 700
                        darwin: 1360
                        apollo: 1810

                        trade routes: -725, -675, -600

                        construction: -1950
                        sanitation: 540
                        refrigeration: 1360
                        automobile: 1660
                        computers: 1764
                        space flight: 1808

                        size 12 : 440 (canceled WL @10 in -150)
                        size 21 : 1580

                        -3950 hut horseman
                        -3500 hut horseman
                        -3400? hut pottery
                        -3050 hut archer
                        -2950 Home Founded (3 silk, 1 wheat),Alliance with Sioux, mapmaking, monarchy (revolt) (should have contacted earlier), Alliance with vikings, alphabet, ceremonial burial, mystism, alliance with Carthagenians, code of laws, peace with persians, bronze working, currency, no alliance
                        -2900 Monarch Founded, King SCGunner
                        -2750 hut, warrior code - gift techs, discoveries go from 140 to 165?
                        -2600 hut, barb horseman (killed it)
                        -2500 size 2, hut - NON horseman
                        -2300 hut, 50 gold
                        -2200 hut - Advanced tribe, reload - masonry
                        -2150 horsebackriding, 25 gold from carts, size 3
                        -1950 hut advanced tribe, reload(x2) - construction
                        -1600 50 gold from vikings
                        -1400 hut - NON archers
                        -1350 alliance, 100 gold from spanish
                        -1250 colossus
                        -1150 size 4, hut - NON hoseman
                        -1100 commencing WL
                        -975 hut, trade
                        -950 marketplace
                        -925 wheel from vikings, alliance dissolved, 75 gp(spanish), 50 gp (carts),100 gp (sioux) 100 gp, alliance (persians) war with vikings
                        -900 caravan (silver)
                        -875 caravan (hides)
                        -850 caravan (hides)
                        -775 writing
                        -725 hides to toledo (demanded)
                        -700 caravan (hides)
                        -675 silver to parasagad (demanded)
                        -650 library
                        -600 hides to seville (demanded)
                        -475 caravan (hides), philosophy, republic (revolt), hides to toledo, seafaring, 100 gold (spanish)50 gold (persians) 50 gp (carts) 50 gold (sioux)
                        450 temple, hides to madrid (undemanded)
                        -425 republic!
                        -400 caravan (silver) WL, hides to toledo (undemanded)
                        -325 colisseum
                        -300 polytheism (persians), no gold from anyone
                        -200 aquaduct (finally), iron working (spanish)
                        -150 size 10 (out of food) cancel WL
                        -125 silver to Madrid (undemanded)
                        -100 100 gold (carts) for war on vikings
                        -50 caravan
                        1AD caravan, hut - medicine
                        40 caravan
                        60 Astronomy
                        80 100 gold (spanish), 150 gp (persians)
                        100 Copes!
                        140 caravan
                        180 University
                        300 Engineering
                        320 university, 75 gp (spanish) 100 (persians) 50 (carts) 25 (sioux)
                        360 caravan
                        380 Banking
                        400 archer lost to barbarian, start WL
                        440 cancel WL (size 12)
                        460 bank, Theory of Gravity
                        520 caravan, hut - 25 gp
                        540 Sanitation, Spanish (monotheism, 50 gp), persians (100 gp), carts (50 gp), sioux (50 gp)
                        560 caravan
                        580 hut - bridge building
                        600 caravan
                        640 caravan
                        660 Invention
                        680 caravan, 50 gold (spanish) 100 gp (persians) 50 gp (carts) 100 (sioux)
                        700 Isaac Newton's College!
                        720 gunpowder
                        760 sewer system, size 13 (should have gone for demo...)
                        780 navigation, 100 gp (spanish) 50 gp (persians) 50 gp (carts) 50 gp (sioux)
                        800 hut - 50 gp
                        820 caravan,chemistry
                        860 caravan
                        880 explosives
                        900 caravan, 50 gp (persians), 50 gp (carts),100 gp (sioux) (rep back up to honorable from questionable)
                        920 Shakes theater
                        940 hut - NON musketeer
                        980 Democracy, revolt
                        1020 caravan, democracy founded
                        1040 start WL, hut - 50 gp
                        1060 engineers
                        1100 physics, 100 gp (persians), 50 gp (carts) 150 gp (sioux)
                        1120 engineers
                        1180 caravan,
                        1220 Railroad, spanish (metalurgy) persians (50 gp) 50 gp (carts)
                        1280 Magnetism
                        1340 Electricity
                        1360 Darwins (refrigeration, industrialization) Spanish (economics,75 gp) persians (50gp) carts (50 gp) sioux (50 gp)
                        1400 supermarket
                        1420 steel
                        1440 stock exchange
                        1520 corperation, atomic thoery(spanish) 50 gp (persians) 100 gp (carts) 150 (sioux)
                        1550 freight, cloth to valencia (undemanded)
                        1560 refining, carthage destroyed by soiux (no more alliance)
                        1570 freight
                        1580 size 21
                        1590 freight
                        1600 combustion, gems to seville (demanded)
                        1630 electronics
                        1650 power plant, size 25
                        1660 freight, Automobile, spanish (conscription, 100 gp),sioux (150 gp)
                        1670 superhighways
                        1680 mass production
                        1690 freight
                        1700 freight, feudalism
                        1710 freight
                        1720 freight, chivalry
                        1730 freight
                        1740 freight, leadership
                        1750 freight
                        1752 freight, tactics
                        1754 freight
                        1756 freight, machine tools
                        1758 freight
                        1760 freight, miniturization, 100 gp (spanish),200 gp (persians), 200 sp (sioux), gold to seville
                        1762 freight
                        1764 Computers
                        1766 Research Lab
                        1768 freight, Mobile Warfare
                        1770 freight
                        1772 Robotics
                        1774 manufacturing plant
                        1776 freight, Nuclear fission
                        1778 freight
                        1780 freight, Nuclear power
                        1782 freight
                        1784 freight, Flight
                        1786 freight
                        1788 freight
                        1790 freight, Radio
                        1792 freight
                        1794 freight
                        1796 freight, Advanced Flight
                        1798 freight
                        1800 freight
                        1802 freight, Space Flight barb leader captured (i think its my first this game!)
                        1808 Space Flight
                        1810 Apollo Program (not good - spanish demand advanced flight for keeping alliance and they have a city overlapping mine...)
                        1812 structural #1 (fundamentalism, ampibious warfare from spanish - at least i have some control over what I give)
                        1814 #2, Plastics
                        1816 #3
                        1818 #4 (production up to 70 now, but cost a few rounds of pollution...)
                        1820 #5, Laser
                        1822 #6
                        1824 #7 (no pollution this round, so i finally caught up )
                        1826 #8, Superconductor, sell sewer system (never did get past 25...), and has a food deficit
                        1828 #9
                        1830 #10
                        1832 #11, Fusion Power, sold aquaduct
                        1834 #12
                        1836 #13
                        1838 #14
                        1840 #15
                        1842 component #1
                        1844 #2, communism, fundamentalism from spanish (they have fission, advanced flight, mobile warfare and rocketry now)
                        1846 #3, temple sold
                        1848 #4 (just 5 more rounds to hold the alliances together before I can build a military, city walls, SDI, SAM...*crossed fingers*)
                        1850 #5...
                        1851 #6, sell research lab
                        1852 Module #1 combustion for 400 gp (persians) ,Advanced flight for theology, 100 gp (sioux) ,sell university (valencia stole mined hills - down to 63 production)
                        1853 Module #2, sell library
                        1854 Module #3, launch
                        1855 marines
                        1856 marines
                        1857 city walls
                        1858 SAM
                        1859 barracks
                        1860 armor
                        1861 armor
                        1862 alpine troops
                        1863 alpine troops
                        1864 alpine troops, space flight and robotics for combined arms (spanish)
                        1865 howitzer
                        1866 spy (spanish start going structural wild )
                        1867 fighter (spanish build 7 structurals and a module, just happy to keep them worshipful )
                        1868 alpine troops
                        1869 AC!!! new PR (SCGunner the Terrible (40%) of the Posse)

                        April Cantor: Sire, in order to expand further we must first gain favor of the King

                        SCG: darn, I've never really got the hang of that tribute thing, guess it will be a long time until i make prince

                        *goes off and starts gifting gold and techs*
                        Insert witty phrase here


                        • #27
                          You are catching up.

                          In landing dates and Fortnight OCCs
                          The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                          • #28
                            OCC #13

                            Quite a challenge for the MGE player ! Of course we had no choice but to whipe out those 4 little civs. Later, we found a great 4 Whales spot not too far away ....
                            As it was, it was hard work to improve all that land , we were almost too late.
                            We decided to build both Marco Polo and Eiffel to get rid of a horrible science penalty and to restore our reputation. It worked rather well

                            ================================================== ==============
                            AC: 1746

                            Monarchy: -3800
                            Republic: -1050
                            Democracy: 460

                            Colossus: -2000
                            Marco Polo: -875
                            Shakespeare: -600
                            Copernicus: -150
                            Newton: 420
                            Eiffel: 720
                            Leonardo: 1000
                            Darwin: 1300
                            Apollo: 1510

                            Trade routes: -1250, -1200, -1100

                            Size 12: -450
                            Size 19: 400
                            Size 27: 1460

                            Trade: -2600
                            Construction: -725
                            Sanitation: 260
                            Refrigeration: 720

                            Automobile: 1140
                            Computers: 1320
                            Space Flight: 1500

                            -3950 What the h... - oh well, before they destroy each other - this is MGE, remember? ...
                            Demanded tribute - no wars declared
                            Sioux destroyed -> Alphabet, Excellent
                            Carthagians destroyed -> Code of Laws, 1 gold, Honorable
                            Vikings destroyed -> Ceremonial Burial, Questionable, N-Archers(h)
                            Persians destroyed -> Bronze Working, status not given (do we start at spotless again??)
                            Rio Pecos founded
                            -3900 50(h)
                            -3800 Monarchy(h)
                            -3700 50(h), revolution
                            -3650 Temple, starting Colossus, MONARCHY, N-Archers(h)
                            -3600 Currency(h) , Spanish, traded for Pottery, Peace, 5 techs->S, no Ally , our reputation is Dishonorable (they remember ...)
                            -3500 S2
                            -3450 100(h) , Barb Horsemen(h) - killed
                            -3350 Japanese, Peace, 6 techs->J, no Ally
                            -3250 S3
                            -3200 Mysticism(h)
                            -3150 English, Peace, 6 techs->E, no Ally
                            -3100 N-Chariot(h)
                            -3000 Mongols, Peace, 7 techs->M, no Ally , 50
                            -2950 S4, 75<-S (saw them catch a Barb Leader)
                            -2900 French, Peace, 3 techs->F, no Ally , "Mongols destroyed by French"
                            -2850 Horseback Riding(h)
                            -2750 Barb Chariot, 2 techs->S, 50 (knew they had more )
                            -2650 S5
                            -2600 50(h) (after 3xKells), Trade(h)
                            -2450 N-Archers(h), starting to mine the Wheat
                            -2400 50,50 <- J,S
                            -2350 S6
                            -2250 50(h), Barb Horsemen
                            -2050 Barb Chariot
                            -2000 COLOSSUS, S7, Barb Leader (150), 50,50 <-J,F,S
                            -1950 Marketplace
                            -1900 Barb Archers
                            -1850 Barb Leader (150)
                            -1800 Writing
                            -1750 Library, Wheat into Silk #1, 3 techs->F, 50 <-E
                            -1700 Gems
                            -1600 Cloth, 50(h)
                            -1500 Hides, S8, Barb Archers, 50<-S
                            -1400 Hides
                            -1300 Hides
                            -1250 Literacy, We Love , Gems to Madrid (80), traded for Warrior Code(J), 4 techs->J, 50 , Ally(E) for War(F) -> reputation is Poor
                            -1200 Wine, Cloth to Madrid (80), Barb Archers (Barbs cutting off route to Tokyo), 5 techs->E
                            -1100 Food, Philosophy -> The Republic, Hides to Madrid (80), Feudalism(h), traded for The Wheel(S), 6 techs->S, Revolution
                            -1050 REPUBLIC, Cease Fire(F), 6 techs->F, Where are the remaining 2 tribes??
                            -1000 Hides, 50(h)
                            -975 N-Archers(h)
                            -950 Hides
                            -900 Hides, Medicine
                            -875 MARCO POLO'S EMBASSY, Indians: traded for map Making, Seafaring and Masonry, Peace, 6 techs->I, Maps, no Ally ,
                            Americans: 12 techs->A, Maps, no Peace!, 4 techs->E, Maps, no gift , 1 tech->S, 8 techs->J, Maps, Barb Archers
                            -825 Hides
                            -800 Hides to Osaka (d,160)
                            -775 Hides, Hides to Kyoto (86)
                            -750 1 tech->F,E
                            -725 Hides, Construction, Hides to Madrid (d,184)
                            -675 Hides, 50(h) (after 4xKells)
                            -650 Barb Leader (150)
                            -625 Hides
                            -600 SHAKESPEARE'S THEATRE
                            -575 We Love , Wheat into Silk #2, 3 techs->E, no gift , 1 tech->I, beaker req goes up, not down
                            -550 Aquaduct, S9
                            -525 Mathematics, S10
                            -500 Settlers
                            -475 S11, traded for Iron Working(S)
                            -450 Hides, S12, traded for Banking(F), 5 techs->F, Maps, 3 techs->I, Peace bug, no renewal of treaty , 4 techs->A, 1 tech->E, 25 (wow!)
                            -425 We Love ends
                            -400 Hides
                            -375 3 techs->E, 25
                            -350 Bank
                            -300 Hides
                            -250 Hides
                            -200 Hides
                            -175 Astronomy, 1 tech->F,A,E, 50<-E , Americans: LIGHTHOUSE
                            -150 COPERNICUS' OBSERVATORY
                            -100 Gold, 5 techs->J, Maps, English end Alliance
                            -50 University
                            -25 French: PYRAMIDS
                            1 University, traded for Chivalry(S), 6 techs->S, Maps
                            40 Food
                            60 Economics
                            120 Stock Exchange
                            160 Food, Theory of Gravity
                            200 Food
                            220 Traded for Engineering(I), 4,5,4 techs->I,F,E, Maps
                            240 Food
                            260 Sanitation, We Love , di N-Chariot, 1 tech->J
                            280 Sewer System, S13
                            300 S14
                            320 Food, S15, Senate signs Peace Treaty with the French behind our back - we could not do that by ourselves
                            340 S16, Wheat into Silk #3
                            360 Food, S17, everybody has turned hostile now
                            380 Invention, S18, A demand 100, we refuse, no war , traded for Navigation(A), 6,3 techs->A,F, Maps
                            400 Food, S19 (no food surplus anymore), Gold to Lyons (125), 7,6 techs->J,S, Maps, 3 techs->I, Peace
                            420 ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE, Democracy, We Love ends , Wheat into Silk #4 -> hunger=3, 1 tech->F
                            440 Revolution
                            460 Spice, DEMOCRACY
                            480 Physics, English capture Rheims
                            500 Food
                            520 Magnetism
                            540 Gold
                            560 Steam Engine
                            580 Wine
                            600 Gunpowder, Spice to Madrid (d,249), 5,4,6 techs->J,F,I, Maps
                            620 Food
                            640 Metallurgy
                            660 Food
                            680 Electricity
                            700 Food, Gold to Toledo (d,195) - building up the Spanish
                            720 EIFFEL TOWER -> Honorable, Refrigeration, Wine to Madrid (83), Americans: GREAT LIBRARY
                            760 Supermarket, Chemistry, 4,11,4 techs->J,E,F, Ally(F) for War(E)
                            780 Traded for Bridge Building(S), 8 techs->S, Maps, Ally(S) for War(J) (huh? how did they get into contact??), 75 , 10 techs->A, Peace
                            800 Food, Explosives, 1,2,2 techs->F,E,J Cease Fire(E,J)
                            840 Food, Railroad, 7 techs->I, Maps, Ally(I) for War(A), 50 , Barbs take Madras
                            860 Traded for Conscription(F), 1,2,3,2,1 techs->F,J,A,E,S Cease Fire(A), no gifts
                            880 Industrialization, 1 tech->I
                            920 Factory, reputation now Excellent , 1 tech->J,F,S,E,I, 125<-F , Indians recapture Madras
                            940 The Corporation, 1 tech->S,F, 100,50 , 1 tech->E
                            960 1 tech->I,S, 100<-S
                            980 1 tech->S, 50 (they still have 1789 gold though)
                            1000 LEONARDO'S WORKSHOP
                            1020 Refining, 1 tech->S,F,I, 125,50,25
                            1040 Spice
                            1060 Steel, 1 tech->S,F,I, 125,50,50
                            1080 Gems
                            1100 Combustion, 1 tech->S,F,I, 200,50,50 , 3,2 techs->E,J, J won't trade their Leadership
                            1120 Engineers, S18, J break Cease Fire, J Cannon, only F declare War(J)
                            1140 Automobile
                            1160 Superhighways -> science output almost doubles
                            1180 Electronics, S19, 1 tech->S,F,I, -,50,50
                            1200 Hydroplant
                            1220 Mass Production
                            1240 3 techs->E, Peace, Japanese still won't trade Leadership
                            1260 Leadership, Gems to York (d,722), 1 tech->S,F,I, -,50,50 , 9 techs->A, Peace
                            1280 Tactics, We Love , French capture Hastings
                            1300 DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Machine Tools, Miniaturization, S20, 1 tech->F,S,I, -,75,50 , 1,3 techs->E,A
                            1320 Computers, S21, Spice to Tours (d,1070), J Cannon, 1 tech->S, 75
                            1340 Research Lab, Flight, S22, J Dragoons
                            1360 Engineers
                            1380 Radio, S23
                            1400 S24
                            1420 Advanced Flight, S25
                            1440 S26
                            1460 Rocketry, S27, sold Sewer System
                            1480 We Love ends , sold Aquaduct
                            1500 Space Flight, sold Temple, 1 tech->S, 200 , J Cannon
                            1510 APOLLO PROGRAM, Grassland/r into Hills/r, 1 tech->S, 200 , we make 50+ shields
                            1520 S01, Plastics, 1 tech->S,F, 200,50 , Spanish: STATUE OF LIBERTY
                            1530 S02, Space Flight->S,F, 200,50
                            1540 S03, Atomic Theory, Plastics->S,F 200,50
                            1550 S04, 11,8,12,6,8 techs->E,A,I,S,F, Maps, 50<-F
                            1560 S05, Nuclear Fission, Grassland/r into Hills/r, mined -> 60+ shields
                            1570 S06, Spanish: MAGELLAN'S EXPEDITION
                            1580 S07, Nuclear Power
                            1590 S08
                            1600 S09, The Laser
                            1610 S10
                            1620 S11
                            1630 S12
                            1640 S13, Fusion Power, sold Research Lab
                            1650 S14, sold University
                            1660 S15, sold Library, J Dragoons
                            1670 C01, disbanded 2 Engineers
                            1680 C02, di N-Knights, sold Hydroplant
                            1690 M01, di N-Knights, sold Factory
                            1700 M02, di N-Riflemen, sold Bank -> 19 gold, 3 N-Riflemen, 1 N-Engineers, 1 Engineers
                            1710 M03, LAUNCH 15-1-1-1-1-1
                            1711 Bank
                            1712 Library
                            1713 Factory, traded for Mobile Warfare(S), Monotheism(S), Communism(F), Polytheism(F), 1 tech->S,F, 150,200
                            1714 University
                            1715 Research Lab, 50->J for Cease Fire
                            1716 Mass Transit, Recycling
                            1718 Environmentalism
                            1720 Solar Plant, Robotics
                            1721 Japanese: WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE
                            1722 SAM Missile Battery, Stealth, Japanese break Cease Fire, J Cannon
                            1724 City Walls
                            1726 Manufacturing Plant, Future Tech 1, traded for Theology(F), 1 tech->F, 150
                            1729 J Cavalry, all AI tribes are building spaceships, no modules yet, J Bomber can't reach us
                            1731 Future Tech 3
                            1733 Future Tech 4
                            1734 UNITED NATIONS, reputation is Spotless by now, Peace(J), Spanish: M01
                            1736 Future Tech 5, 90 shields
                            1739 MICHELANGELO'S CHAPEL, Future Tech 6
                            1741 Traded for Amphibious Warfare (S), Guerilla Warfare(I), 1 tech->S,I, 100 , French: JS BACH'S CATHEDRAL, Japanese sneak attack, J Armor
                            1742 Future Tech 7
                            1743 Sold Research Lab
                            1744 SETI PROGRAM
                            1745 Stealth Fighter, Future Tech 8, J Cannon, J Diplomat
                            1746 ALPHA CENTAURI

                            Score: 428 (55%)

                            If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
                            [This message has been edited by Ribannah (edited October 18, 2000).]
                            A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
                            Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute

