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Bird's OCC Comparison game

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  • Bird's OCC Comparison game

    Since it's archived, a new thread for my log. The game is still available from Paul's site .

    OCC - Bird's comparison game

    Phew! The tech tree was all messed up, maybe because of the Warrior Code we started out with. We never had the chance to research Monarchy and all the other OCC goals showed up late on the list as well. Of course we insisted on cutting one of those mountains down to size, too !
    A big bother was Susa that overlapped our terrain, so after the spaceship was safely on its way we made sure the city was wiped from the Earth. On the bright side, the Greek were very loyal allies all the way to the end.

    ================================================== ==============
    AC: 1843

    Monarchy: -625
    Republic: -425
    Democracy: 700

    Colossus: -1200
    Gardens: -275
    Copernicus: 400
    Shakespeare: 780
    Newton: 1000
    Darwin: 1590
    Apollo: 1776

    Trade routes: 160, 220, 300

    Size 12: 220
    Size 19: 500
    Size 32: 1640

    Trade: -150
    Construction: 100
    Sanitation: 560
    Refrigeration: 1340

    Automobile: 1590
    Computers: 1710
    Space Flight: 1774

    -3250 [Warrior Code]
    ROME founded
    Archers (supp )(h)
    -3100 Alphabet(h)
    -2900 Persians, Peace(P), Alphabet<->Bronze Working(P)
    -2850 Barb Horsemen
    -2700 S2
    -2650 Barb Leader (100)
    -2500 Writing
    Sioux, Peace(S), Writing<->Cermonial Burial(S)
    -2450 Library
    -2400 Barb Horsemen
    -2350 Barb Horsemen
    -2300 Barb Archers
    -2200 Horseback Riding(h)
    -2000 Vikings, Peace(V), Writing<->Map Making(V)
    -1950 Writing<->Code of Laws(P)
    -1900 Barb Archers/Leader (threatened our Settlers)
    Map Making<->The Wheel(S)
    -1700 S3
    -1600 50(h)
    -1500 The Wheel<->Currency(V), Code of Laws->V,
    Horseback Riding->V, 50<-V
    -1450 Greeks, Peace(G), The Wheel->G, Horseback Riding->G,
    Code of Laws->G, Maps(G), Ally(G), 150<-G
    * Hey! Do I know this map? *
    -1350 Iron Working(h)
    -1250 Iron Working<->Pottery(P), The Wheel->P, Currency->P, 50<-P
    Iron Working->S, Pottery->S, Currency->S, 100<-S
    -1200 COLOSSUS
    -1100 Marketplace
    -975 Literacy
    -925 Diplomat
    -875 Iron Working->G, 25<-G
    -750 Literacy<->Mysticism(V), Iron Working->V,
    Pottery->V, 100<-V
    -650 Mysticism<->Monarchy(P), Literacy->P, no tribute
    Mysticism->S, Literacy->S, Monarchy->S, 100<-S
    -625 MONARCHY, Masonry(h)
    Persians have overlapping city
    -600 We Love
    -550 6 (all) techs to Greeks, Maps(G), 50<-G
    2 (all) techs to Vikings, 100<-V
    -500 The Republic,
    The Republic->G, 100<-G
    The Republic<->Philosophy(S), Masonry<->Feudalism(S)
    -450 Revolution
    -425 REPUBLIC, di Archers
    -400 We Love
    -375 S4
    -350 S5
    -325 S6
    -300 S7
    P sneak Warriors
    -275 HANGING GARDENS, S8, Br P Archers (87)
    -250 We Love ends
    -225 Pikemen, Barb Legions
    -150 Trade
    3 (all) techs to Greeks, 25<-G
    3 (all) techs to Vikings
    200<- for Peace(P) , 3 techs->P, War(S) makes Ally(P), Maps(P)
    * Still missing 2 civs *
    -125 Silver
    Barb Chariot
    -75 Gold, Barb Legion/Leader
    -25 Hides
    20 Hides
    60 Hides
    80 2 S Legions
    100 Construction, S Chariot
    120 Aquaduct
    140 S9, 150->S for Cease Fire
    160 Hides, We Love , Silver to Little Bighorn (d,300)
    180 S10
    200 Hides, Mathematics, S11
    Construction<->Banking(P), 2 (all) techs to Persians, 50<-P
    3 (all) techs to Greeks, Maps(G), 50<-G :
    3 (all) techs to Vikings
    1 tech to Sioux
    220 S12, Gold to Little Bighorn (190)
    240 Bank, We Love ends , di Archers
    260 Hides, di Pikemen
    2 (all) techs to Sioux, Maps(S)
    Sioux break Cease Fire, kill Diplomat
    280 S Chariot
    300 Astronomy, 2 Hides to Little Bighorn (2x212),
    340 University, Hides to Wounded Knee (172)
    380 S Chariot, Hides to Wounded Knee (172)
    400 COPERNICUS' OBSERVATORY, Medicine, S Catapult
    3 techs to Greeks, <-50(G)
    Sioux kill N-Chariot
    420 Hides to Wounded Knee (176)
    440 University, Bridge Building
    480 Hides
    500 Engineering
    2 techs->S, Cease Fire(S)
    520 Hides, University->P
    560 Hides, Sanitation
    600 Sewer System
    3 (all) techs to Greeks, 50<-G
    620 Invention, Hides to Little Bighorn (110 :confused
    640 Hides, S13
    680 Hides, Democracy, Revolution
    Egyptians, 9 techs->E, Peace(E), Maps(E), no Ally
    700 DEMOCRACY, Hides to Little Bighorn (116)
    Vikings demand 600 -> War(V)
    Invention<->Seafaring(G), Democracy->G, 50<-G
    720 Barb Knights
    760 Economics
    800 S14, 4 techs to Persians, Alliance dissolved over gift
    10 techs to Egyptians, Maps(E), no Ally
    Barb horde (10+)
    820 Stock Exchange, Chemistry, S15
    840 S16, Persians demand 350 -> War(P)
    P Pikemen (almost destroy vet river-fortified Archers),
    Barb Chariot
    860 Gems, S17, Chemistry->G, Economics->G, 50<-G
    880 Gunpowder, S18, sold Temple, Barb Chariot, P Chariot
    900 Food, We Love ends , P Chariot
    (GREAT LIBRARY - Vikings)
    920 P Catapult
    940 Food, Theory of Gravity
    980 Food, Explosives
    5 techs to Sioux, traded for Chivalry, Peace(S), Maps(S), no Ally
    1040 Engineers, Metallurgy, S17
    1080 Engineers, Navigation, S16
    (PYRAMIDS - Babylonians)
    1100 3 techs to Greeks, 100<-G
    1120 Gems, Physics
    1160 Wool, Magnetism, We Love , P Chariot
    * no option to research towards Refrigeration *
    1180 S17, P Legion, * beaker req suddenly up 20% *
    4 techs to Greeks, 50<-G
    9 (all) techs to Egyptians, Maps(E), no Ally
    1200 Food, S18
    1220 Steam Engine, We Love ends , * beaker req back on 900 *
    1240 Food, 2 P Chariots
    1260 Electricity * no Refrigeration on list *
    P Catapult, P Legion
    (LEONARDO'S WORKSHOP - Babylonians)
    1280 Engineers, S17, P Diplomat, P Legion
    Persians kill N-Chariot
    1300 Conscription, P Chariot
    1320 Riflemen , P Chariot
    1340 Refrigeration (finally!)
    (KING RICHARD'S CRUSADE - Egyptians)
    1360 Engineers, S16, Peace (V), 4 techs to V, Maps(V), no Ally
    * Hey! There is Babylon! *, P Chariot
    1380 Railroad (1 turn too soon :mad
    * no research towards Automobile *
    Hills into Plains, P Catapult
    1400 Supermarket, 4 techs to Greeks, 100<-G
    (SUN TZU'S WAR ACADEMY - Vikings)
    1420 Leadership
    Babylonians, demand 200 -> War(B)
    1440 Oil, P Chariot
    * Beaker req suddenly up 30% *
    Gems to Little Bighorn (97), Wool to Wounded Knee (81)
    * Beaker req down again - has it to do with income standings? *
    1460 Industrialization
    1480 Food
    1500 The Corporation
    5 (all) techs to Greeks, 50<-G
    Peace(V) (senate overrules!)
    1510 Food
    1520 Refining
    1530 Factory
    * Beaker req up 30% *
    6 (all) techs to Vikings, Maps, no Ally
    9 (all) techs to Egyptians, Maps, no Ally (at war with Vikings)
    22!! (all) techs to Persians, Maps, Ally(P) for War(V), * no Gift! *
    * Beaker req down 40% *
    1540 Electronics
    1550 Hydroplant, Barb Musketeers
    1560 Steel
    1570 Desert into Plains
    1580 Combustion
    * no Automobile *
    1590 DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Tactics, Automobile , We Love ,
    Barb Musketeers
    1600 S17
    Tactics->G, 100<-G
    1610 Mass Production, S18
    * nothing leading to Computers *
    * next tech requires 1298, we make 1296 *
    1620 Superhighways , We Love ends
    1630 Atomic Theory
    1640 (ADAM SMITH'S TRADING CO. - Sioux)
    1650 Mass Transit, Machine Tools
    * again nothing leading to Computers *
    Automobile->G, 50<-G
    Tactics->P, 25<-P
    1660 Wine
    1670 Food, Mobile Warfare
    1680 Food
    1690 Food, Miniaturization
    1700 Food
    1710 Computers
    1720 Research Lab, War(Sioux), Mountains into Hills (finally!!)
    1730 Food, Robotics, We Love , Wine to Wounded Knee (250)
    1740 Food, S19
    1750 Food, Flight, S20
    * no Radio *
    1752 Wine, S21, Alliance(P) dissolved over Mobile Warfare
    1754 Food, Nuclear Fission, S22
    1758 Manufacturing Plant, Radio, S23
    1760 S24
    1762 Advanced Flight, S25
    1764 We Love ends
    (WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE - Sioux)
    (EIFFEL TOWER - Sioux)
    1766 Rocketry
    * no Space Flight *
    1768 Grassland/r into Hills/r
    1770 Nuclear Power
    1774 Space Flight, Hills/r mined
    1776 APOLLO PROGRAM, di Archers
    1778 SSS, Plastics, Hills mined -> 80+ shields, di Engineers
    1780 SSC
    1782 SSS, The Laser, Wine to Kaupang (152)
    * no Superconductor on research list *
    1784 SSS, Alliance(P) dissolved over Advanced Flight
    1786 SSS, Communism
    1788 SSS, S Cavalry
    1790 Armor, Superconductor, Plains into Grassland(s)
    Sneak P Cavalry
    1792 Armor, Famine -> Engineers lost
    1794 SSS, Fusion Power
    1796 SSS, S Cavalry
    1798 SSS
    1800 SSS, S Cannon, Peace(B)
    1802 SSM, S Cannon, S Cavalry
    1804 SSM
    1806 SSM, S Marines, S Cavalry
    1808 SSC, S Cannon
    1810 SSC, Plains into Grassland(s), Peace(S)
    1812 SSC
    1814 SSC, 2 P Cavalry
    1816 SSC, Espionage
    1818 SSS, P Cannon
    1820 SSS, Recycling
    1822 SSS
    1824 SSS, Environmentalism
    1826 SSS
    1828 SSS, Combined Arms, LAUNCH, di N-Horsemen, sold Hydroplant
    Babylonians steal Fusion Power
    1829 Solar Plant
    1830 Stealth, traded for Amphibious Warfare, Polytheism,
    Genetic Engineering (S), gave them Space Flight
    to make it interesting
    1831 Airport, Peace(P)
    1832 Stealth Fighter, V Cavalry -> War(P), 2 P Engineers -> War(S),
    P Cavalry
    * Sioux build 1 SSS *
    1833 Stealth Fighter, Guerilla Warfare, P Alpine Troops, P Destroyer
    * overlapping Susa is now undefended but S2 *
    * Sioux build 2 SSS *
    1834 Stealth Fighter, S Alpine Troops, P Alpine Troops
    * Sioux build 2 SSS *
    1835 SAM Missile Battery, S Armor, S Alpine Troops
    1836 City Walls, Labor Union, S Alpine Troops, S Marines
    P Engineers, P Alpine Troops, Susa destroyed ,
    B Sneak kill our last Freight, Greeks War(B)
    1837 B Catapult, B Chariot, S Alpine Troops -> Three Forks destroyed
    Plains/r into Grassland/r
    * Babylonians build 1 SSS *
    1838 Monotheism, 2 P Riflemen (Arbela now empty, but S6),
    Cease Fire (V)
    1839 P Riflemen
    * Babylonians build 1 SSS *
    1840 ORACLE, Fundamentalism, 2 S Marines, P Alpine Troops
    * Vikings build 1 SSS *
    1841 S Explorer
    * Babylonians build 2 SSS *
    * Vikings build 1 SSC (mini-spaceship? ) *
    1842 Theology, P Alpine Troops
    * Sioux build 1 SSM and 3 SSC *

    Score: 325 (42%)

    If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
    A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
    Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute

  • #2
    I did not have a good start, mistaking the Tax for Science in the TLS setting! The Egyptians were destroyed by Barbs very early in the game and then the Spanish by the Greeks. Five AI civs meant slower tech rates - the Tom de Mille Effect.

    My caravan commodities were unattractive – Hides were produced most of the time. Only Ashur needed Gems and nobody really demanded Gold. I was not successful in bribing a Barb Frigate or even trireme, which would have expedited the route to Zululand.

    Finally about 3 techs away from Computers, the Sioux developed Flight, slowing down my advances from that time on.

    Good initiative, Ribannah.

    Paul, it would be worthwhile to have a comparison table for this and the other non-fortnight comparison game on your site, if they don’t already exist.

    2.42 Deity
    AC: 1805

    Monarchy: -925
    Republic: -325
    Democracy: 460

    Colossus: -1650
    Copernicus: -125
    Shakespeare: 60
    Newton: 460
    (Leo’s Workshop: 780)
    Darwin: 1060
    Apollo: 1710

    Trade routes: -475, -400, -375

    Size 12: -75
    Size 21: n/a 860 (Pop 19)

    Trade: -625
    Construction: -875
    Sanitation: 160
    Refrigeration: 920
    Automobile: 1200
    Computers: 1530
    Space Flight: 1700

    3250 BC Rome founded
    3200 BC Hut=Masonry
    3100 BC Hut=alphabet
    3050 BC research Bronze Working Egyptians destroyed by Barbs
    3000 BC Warrior
    2950 BC Persians: exchange Bronze Working + tribute of Pottery
    2900 BC research Ceremonial Burial Greeks: exchange Map Making + tribute 100 Persians: exchange Ceremonial Burial
    2850 BC Sioux: Peace, give all techs, share maps
    2600 BC Spanish: give all techs, Alliance, no gift
    2550 BC Vikings: give all techs, peace Persians: 25 Spanish: sharemaps
    2500 BC Spanish war with Greeks
    2450 BC Spanish destroyed by Greeks Persians: alliance no gift
    2300 BC Sioux: 50
    2250 BC Greeks: 25
    2000 BC Persians: 100 Sioux: Alliance by declaring war on Vikings
    1900 BC Persians: 50
    1700 BC Persians develop Iron Working Sioux develop Mysticism
    1650 BC Colossus
    1500 BC Hut=Horseman
    1450 BC Code of Laws Sioux: exchange Mysticism
    1400 BC Hut=50 Sioux: 25
    1350 BC Granary BarbLeader=150
    1300 BC Babylonians: exchange Writing, Masonry for Alliance + gift 100
    1100 BC Hut=Legion Vikings: ceasefire
    1050 BC Library
    975 BC Temple
    925 BC Monarchy rev Govt. Monarchy Persians: gift of Iron Working
    900 BC Persians: 100 Greeks: gift of Horseback Riding Sioux: 25
    875 BC Greeks: 150 Babylonians: 25 Vikings: exchange Construction and Currency, Peace
    850 BC research Trade Diplo built
    825 BC Sioux: 50
    750 BC Colosseum Persians: 50 Greeks: 100
    625 BC Trade Greeks: 2 techs for Alliance Sioux: 50
    600 BC Gold caravan built
    575 BC Hides caravan built Hut=Mathematics Persians: 50 Sioux: 50 Vikings: 75
    550 BC Silk Caravan built
    525 BC Hides caravan built
    500 BC Hides caravan built Disband Warrior
    475 BC Gold to Susa (not demanded)=42 Hides caravan built Vikings: 100
    450 BC Babylonians: 50
    400 BC Silk to Susa (demanded)=132, Babylonians: 25
    375 BC Hides to Madrid (demanded)=116
    350 BC Republic rev Babylonians: exchange Seafaring Sioux: 50
    325 BC Govt. Republic Persians develop Polytheism Greeks: gift of Bridge Building
    300 BC Greeks: 75
    275 BC Persians: 25
    250 BC Start WLTCD
    225 BC Persians: 25 Greeks: 100
    175 BC Hides to Cedar Creek (demanded)=204
    150 BC Astronomy Hides to Pasargadae (demanded) =204
    Persians: 25
    125 BC Copernicus Vikings: Peace - give them all techs and sharemaps
    100 BC Greeks: 50
    75 BC Philosophy get Medicine Pop=12 Stop WLTCD Persians: 50
    50 BC Babylonians: 25
    25 BC Dye to Little Bighorn (demanded)=333

    1 AD Wheel Babylonians: 25 Greeks: 50 Sioux: 25
    60 Shakespeare's Theatre
    80 Engineering Greeks: 50 Sioux: 25 Sell Colosseum
    100 Sell Temple Babylonians: 25
    140 Persians: 75
    160 Sanitation Hides to Trondheim (demanded)=373
    180 Sewer System Start WLTCD Greeks: 50
    200 Banking (no option for University! ) Disband Horseman Persians: 50
    220 Bank
    240 Silver to Little Bighorn (not demanded)=222
    260 University Persians: 100 Disband Chariot
    280 built University Vikings: war
    Greeks: 50 Babylonians: 25 Sioux develop Navigation
    300 Stop WLTCD (hunger at pop=18)
    320 Theory of Gravity
    Hides to Wounded Knee (demanded)=396 Sioux: 75
    340 Babylonians capture Barb Thebes! Sioux: 75
    400 Persians develop Monotheism
    460 Democracy rev Govt. Democracy
    Isaac Newton's College
    Hides to Wounded Knee (demanded)=200 Sioux: 50
    480 Gold caravan built, Sharemaps with all 4 allies
    500 Economics Sioux: exchange Navigation + get gift of 100
    520 Stock Exchange Babylonians: 50
    540 Chemistry
    Sioux: 100
    580 Gunpowder
    Sioux: 100
    620 Explosives
    Sioux: 100 Persians: exchange Monotheism
    640 Engineer built Babylonians: 100 Sioux: 150
    660 Physics
    Start WLTPD Hides to Pasargadae (demanded)=170
    680 Hides to Pasargadae (demanded)=170 Greeks: 50
    720 Magnetism Pop=18 Stop WLTPD
    Coal to Little Bighorn (not demanded)=118
    740 Vikings: Peace but refuse knowledge! Persians: 50 Babylonians: 100
    760 Sioux: 150 g for war on Vikings
    780 Leo's Workshop Metallurgy Gold to Little Bighorn (not demanded)=125 Greeks: 50
    820 Start WLTPD
    840 Electricity
    Babylonians: 100 Sioux: 25
    860 Pop=19 Stop WLTPD
    880 Conscription
    Babylonians exchange Feudalism + 200 Greeks: 100 Sioux: exchange Steam Engine + 25
    920 Refrigeration
    Persians: 150
    940 Supermarket
    960 Railroad
    1000 Industrialization
    Dye to Wounded Knee (demanded)=167 Persians: exchange Atomic Theory
    Babylonians: 50 Greeks: 100
    1020 Gold caravan built
    1040 Chivalry
    1060 Darwin's Voyage get Corporation Refining
    1100 Steel
    1140 Persians: 75 Greeks: 100 Sioux: 25 Babylonians: sharemaps (finding Ellipi for freight
    1160 Combustion Start WLTPD
    1180 Gems to Ashur (demanded)=468
    1200 Automobile
    1220 Persians: exchange Polytheism + 150
    1240 Electronics Greeks: 100 Sioux: 25
    Gold to Little Bighorn (not demanded)=294
    1280 Mass Production
    Persians: 150 Sioux: Sioux: exchange Communism + 25
    1300 Engineer built
    Babylonians: 75 Persians: 150 Sioux: 100
    1320 Leadership
    Gems freight built Max pop=25 End WLTPD Sell Sewer System
    Sioux: 50
    1360 Tactics
    Sell Aqueduct Persians: 50 Sioux: 50
    1380 Greeks: 50 Babylonians: 50
    1400 Nuclear Fission
    Sioux: 50
    1440 Machine Tools
    Zulu Destroyer destroys 2 Barb Crusaders threatening Rome from north
    1460 Babylonians: 50 Greeks: 50 Sioux: 50
    1480 Sioux develop Flight
    Mobile Warfare Sioux: exchange Flight + 50
    1500 Babylonians develop Theology Sioux: 50
    1510 Miniaturization
    1520 Hides to Little Bighorn (not demanded)=151
    Babylonians: 150 Greeks: 50
    1530 Computers
    1540 Research Lab
    1560 Nuclear Power
    Persians: 50 Babylonians: 150
    1590 Robotics
    Gems to Ashur (demanded)=498 Greeks: 50
    1600 Sioux: 25
    1610 Sharemaps all allies
    1620 Radio
    1640 Advanced Flight
    Hides to Ashur (not demanded)=166
    1660 Laser
    1670 Hides to Little Bighorn (not demanded)=151
    1680 Rocketry
    1690 Sioux exchange Espionage
    1700 Space Flight
    Spy built
    1710 Apollo, Sioux war with Persians
    1730 Guerilla Warfare
    1752 Plastics
    1758 Superconductor
    1764 Labor Union
    1772 Fusion Power
    1778 Vikings destroyed by Persians
    1782 Stealth
    1790 Launch 15-3-3-1-1-1 SS
    1791 Stealth Fighter built
    1792 Barracks
    1793 Armor built
    1794 Armor built
    1795 Armor built
    1796 Hydro Plant sell Power Plant (Persians develop Space flight)
    1797 SAM
    1798 Mass Transit
    1800 SDI
    1801 Mech Infantry
    Greeks: war
    1805 Landed AC


    • #3

      Originally posted by tonic on 09-13-2000 10:51 PM
      Paul, it would be worthwhile to have a comparison table for this and the other non-fortnight comparison game on your site, if they don’t already exist.

      I agree, these are good scenarios.

      Btw excellent landing date, Tonic
      Makes me wish I had my 2.42 back, hehe

      If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
      A horse! A horse! Mingapulco for a horse! Someone must give chase to Brave Sir Robin and get those missing flags ...
      Project Lead of Might and Magic Tribute

