Matthew's "Beginner's Guide to Deity" thread taught me something new: in View mode, the third "location" number in the box in the lower right of the screen will tell you whether a given square is part of a given continent or ocean, even if it's an unexplored square. It immediately occurred to me that you could use that to map the land and water of the WHOLE WORLD on the first turn, without "cheating" (it would be laborious, of course). Personally, I think this would be very powerful and would also be unethical in a competitive game (do whatever you want to the AI, though....).
This got me thinking. I know there are a number of other ways to gain information that your tribe really shouldn't have. Click on your boat and find out what city it's closest to, even if you haven't mapped it yet. Use F8 to find out what civs are in the game after the first couple turns. Use F5 to find cities that you haven't mapped yet. Has anybody collected a list of this kind of "legal informational cheats?"
This got me thinking. I know there are a number of other ways to gain information that your tribe really shouldn't have. Click on your boat and find out what city it's closest to, even if you haven't mapped it yet. Use F8 to find out what civs are in the game after the first couple turns. Use F5 to find cities that you haven't mapped yet. Has anybody collected a list of this kind of "legal informational cheats?"