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The First Space Odyssey Challenge

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  • #16
    I just sent the file. Post here or e-mail me if you have any problems with it. Thanks for the help. This should be fun.
    Old posters never die.
    They j.u.s.t..f..a..d..e...a...w...a...y....


    • #17
      maybe we should use 1 map for this challenge,OCC and BC bloodlust.
      The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


      • #18
        And here it is...

        Adam Smith's SOC1 save game file.

        edit: I just test d/l'ed this file. When I did it saved it as soc14000.sav..sav. If this happens just rename to soc14000.sav.

        [This message has been edited by John-SJ (edited May 27, 2000).]


        • #19
          That was bizarre. I started downloading the file and Windows came up and asked me if I wanted to install Flash 4.

          Just a coincidence - the add at the top of the web page must have been Flash.

          Anyways, the saved game works. Thanks!


          • #20
            Downloaded it without problems.

            So, this is fastest to AC any way but OCC? Two cities are ok, fourty cities are ok?



            • #21
              As far as I understand it's just fastest to AC. I don't think there is any rule that says you couldn't do it as OCC if you think that will get you to AC fastest. But please correct me if I'm wrong.


              • #22
                The idea is first to AC with however many cities you want.
                Old posters never die.
                They j.u.s.t..f..a..d..e...a...w...a...y....


                • #23
                  play as...Rome?
                  The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                  • #24
                    Yes, play as the Romans (white)
                    Old posters never die.
                    They j.u.s.t..f..a..d..e...a...w...a...y....


                    • #25
                      It may be that occ is faster. I built a civ of about 12 cities, and landed in 1901. I had some bad luck early with huts(no units) and barbs. The main problem was that I had to research EVERYTHING. I suspect that with a smaller civ, I could have traded for more techs early and saved lots of turns. I was at 3 turns per advance for a long time.


                      • #26
                        I was at two turns per tech most of the time after University and one turn per tech for the short period from Computers to Advanced Flight (after Flight cancelled Colossus the Caravan bonus helped with that).


                        • #27
                          I have been getting better landing dates with OCC than with regular games lately, so I decided to play it with only one city. This has the added advantage that I can actually finish the game in a not too long time. Anyway, I landed in 1779. I would like to see how much earlier other people can land with more cities.


                          • #28
                            I also went OCC and in my usual mistake filled manner was "only" able to land in 1803.I didn't improve my land correctly which forced me to deviate from normal tech path or I could have saved many turns.

                            Here is a semi complete log

                            3950-hut-horseman-hut 50 gold
                            3800-hut-chariot-Rome(2 gold,iron and?)
                            3650-Bronze Working
                            3600-warrior-start Collosus
                            3550-disband warrior
                            3450-hut-Horseback Riding
                            3400-contact Babs-trade Horseback for Alphabet-peace
                            3250-hut-horseman-NON-contact Spanish-trade Horseback for Burial-gift Alpha-alliance
                            3050-grass river>silk
                            3000-hut-Warrior Code
                            2950-hut 50 gold
                            2900-hut-Code of Laws!
                            2750-contact Vikings-gift Alpha and Warrior Code-peace-hut-barb horse(disappears next turn)
                            2600-barb leader 150 gold
                            2550-gift Horseback and Laws to Vikes-Laws to Babs-Warrior and Laws to Spanish
                            2350-Monarchy-revolt-trade Babs Burial for Writing-trade Vikes Writing for Currency-trade Spanish Monarchy for Pottery-gift Writing-receive 50 gold-hut 50 gold-hut archer-NON
                            2300-tribute-Babs 50-Vikes 25
                            2200-Collosus-Pottery to Vikes and Babs-Currency to Spain-receive 50
                            2100-Monarchy to Babs and Vikes
                            1950-hut-Trade!-trade Babs Trade for Masonary-gift Warrior and Currency-alliance-Trade to Vikes-Trade Spanish Trade for Myst
                            1900-Spanish gift 50
                            1850-library-gift Mason and Myst to Vikes-tribute 50
                            1800-hut 25 gold
                            1600-gold caravan-Babs cancel alliance-3 units returned home-disband supported chariot
                            1550-Spain gifts 50
                            1500-Construction-trade to Spanish for Map Making-share maps-gfit Map to babs and Vikes
                            1450-hides caravan
                            1350-gift Construction to Vikes and Babs
                            1150-dye caravan-share maps with Spanish
                            1100-Spain gifts 50-share maps with Spanish
                            1000-gold arrives in Babylon 54 bonus
                            975-Literacy-market-barb leader 150-
                            925-temple-Spain gifts 50-tribute-Babs 75-Vikes 100
                            900-hides arrives in Babylon 56 bonus
                            875-contact England-gift Construct,Writing and Trade-alliance-share maps-receive 100 gold-share maps with Spanish and Babs
                            800-Philosophy-The Republic-revolt
                            750-Spain gifts 50
                            700-colliseum-start “we love” size 3-dye arrives in Babylon 70 bonus
                            675-contact China-still at war as per Babs request eons ago-remain at war-gift Republic to Babs,English and Spanish-gift Phil,Lit and Repub to Vikes-alliance-share maps-receive Iron Working
                            625-Iron and Phil to Babs-Phil and Lit to Spain-receive 50-6 techs to England-receive 50
                            500-caravan-disband horseman
                            475-Mathematics-caravan-end “we love” size 12-more beakers at 10% lux so I keep colliseum for now
                            400-alliance with Babs-receive 100-Spain gifts 50
                            375-caravan-gift Math to Spain,Vikes,England and Babs
                            300-Cope’s-non sheild river>forest
                            225-gift Astronomy to Vikes-receive 100-Astronomy to Spain-receive 150-Astronomy to England who then cancel alliance
                            200-caravan-gift Astronomy to Babs
                            175-The Wheel-caravan-Babs gift 25-share maps with Spain
                            125-caravan-gift Wheel to Babs,Vikes and Spain-England declares war
                            100-Engineering-Babs gift 25-Spain 100
                            75-caravan-sell colliseum-4 techs to China-ceasefire
                            50-Shake’s-sell temple
                            25-Sanitation-trade China Republic for Seafaring-gift Sanitation-peace-trade Babs Seafaring for University-gift Sanitation-receive 25-Seafaring to Spain-8 techs to China-share maps
                            AD1-start “we love” size 12-hut-legion-NON
                            20-sewer-Babs gift 100-Spain 150-gift engineering to Babs-receive 100-trade Spanish Engineering for Feudalism-gift Engineering to Vikes and China
                            80-Banking-build university-more gifting to all cept England(war)
                            120-caravan-end “we love” 17
                            160-caravan-disband chariot
                            220-caravan-gfit Invention to all cept Vikes who cancel alliance-receive 100 from Babs,50 from Spain-ceasefire with England
                            260-Democracy-revolt-caravan-disband horseman
                            300- govt-Democracy-caravan-tech gifting-Vikes and England declare war
                            320-caravan-Medicine to Babs-receive 50
                            340-Sir Ike’s-gift Wheel to England-ceasefire
                            380-Gunpowder-trade Babs GP for Bridge Building-receive 50-GP to China and Spain-Spain gifts 50-England declares war
                            420-Chemistry-Spain gifts 100
                            480-stock exchange-Explosives to Babs-receive 50-Explosives to Spain
                            500-Metallurgy-start “we love” 17-tech gifting until 2 turns-ceasefire with England
                            540-Navigation -
                            580-engineer-lost my 2 turns due computer reassigning workers to food squares-end “we love” 17-more tech gifting-Babs gift 50-Spain 100
                            660-coal caravan
                            680-Electricity-Physics and Magnet to Babs-Physics to Spain-Physics,Magnet and Metallurgy to China
                            720-Refrigeration-caravan-bribe 2 barb knights-82 a piece-disband 1-England declares war
                            740-disband knight-peace with England-gift Physics and Engineering-share maps
                            760-Steam Engine-supermarket-Babs gift 50-Spain 100
                            880-The Corporation-caravan-more tech gifting-Spain gifts 50-Vikes declare wart
                            900-bribe barb knight 82-coal to Babylon 69 bonus-much tech gifting cept RR of course
                            940-freight-disband knight
                            960-Refining-freight-start “we love” 17
                            1000-Combustion-freight-Spain gifts 150
                            1020-Darwin’s-Automobile-Mass Production-gift RR to all
                            1040-Mass Production to all-Combustion to Spain-Babs gift 50
                            1060-Electronics-Babs gift 50-Spain 50
                            1080-end “we love” 22-sell sewer
                            1100-Conscription-sell aquaduct
                            1160-freight-bribe barb crusader-82-barb leader 150
                            1200-freight-disband crusader
                            1260-Machine Tools-freight-bribr barb crusader 82
                            1360-research lab
                            1380-Mobile Warfare
                            1400-freight-disband crusader
                            1460-Atomic Theory
                            1500-Nuclear Fission
                            1520-Nuclear Power
                            1530-oil freight
                            1540-The Laser
                            1570-nuclear plant
                            1590-manufacturing plant
                            1600-Advanced Flight
                            1620-Rocketry-Chinese declare war-oil to Babylon-116 bonus
                            1640-Space Flight
                            1764-Fusion Power
                            1788-15-3-3-1-1-1-launch-been at war with all civs for awhile
                            various units and city defenses
                            1803-Arrival AC
                            The only thing that matters to me in a MP game is getting a good ally.Nothing else is as important.......Xin Yu


                            • #29
                              OK, I'll give this a try today. I think I'll try with ~4 cities. The extra 3 cities will build mostly caravans, to help speed up the building of wonders. I should be able to launch a spaceship in half a dozen turns too. Hopefully the game won't take too much longer than regular OCC (I shudder to think how long it would take with 20 cities).


                              • #30
                                Can some one e-mail me a copy of the scenario, cause i can't seem to get the save game from the link working?!?! it totally crashes my Civ2, and gives me a funny window with an error code!!!! Cheers

                                Thinking about the strategy, the best thing to do would be to start one city occ style, and with a second settler (assuming you get one!??) start spreading, maybe founding 6/7 new cities!!! surely this would help a great deal, but make sure that one of your cities follows the occ wonder route from the out set?!?! just me thinking allowed...
                                "There are not more than 5 musical notes..." - Sun Tzu
                                ...and we build an Academy for this guy... :confused:

