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Civil Disorder Control

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  • #16
    Holy S___! i'm beginning to see why every1 thinks U R 1 of the best Civers, Xin.

    U crunch #'s & make sense of quantative chaos for a living (& i'll bet U sneak-try some of these theorms @ work, ay?)

    I'v read all about creating a "science city" using wonders, lib's, labs, etc. located near trade specials.

    What U just proposed, i'v done to a limited degree... running units thru a "happy" city on their way to the front. But U'v devised a way to build a maxed-out, highly efficient/effective "military-happy city"! For use with democracies. Good thinking.

    U get away with this in MP games? I'll bet U do, since every1 else races for & thinks that Michael's is THE wonder to have & w/o IT U mite as well conceed. (which is why i'd love to play some of these people, if they would only stay in the game long enuf to get to the modern era)

    Great idea! Nice to know SOMEONE is using all that stat stuff we HAD to study just to get our degree(s)!

    "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"
    "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"


    • #17
      Playing MP - either against the AI or hot seat - I've noticed the following:
      In the late stages of Monarchy (30+ cities), immediately after building a settler, the city will riot. I remember some weeks ago a dicussion on how moving troops out of a city can aid happiness - in certain circumstances. Is this all part of the same bug?
      SG (2)
      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


      • #18
        Here's more tidbits on disorder control. For the science city advocates, set your luxury to the minimum that allows your science city to be content without Elvis. Manage the other cities by using Taxmen or scientist if possible. For a normal science city citizen, he/she can generate 18 science per turn (library, university, Observatory, and College). It does not worth putting any Elvis to that city.
        For a successful democracy at war, JSB is a must. Try a size 2 city (High resource preferred, Plain + 2 x Mined Coal is ideal). Put all your expedition army to home at that barrack city. JSB should handle the happiness problem.
        Fundamentalism does have a riot factor. It has an impact on We-Love-the-Highpriest-Day. For prolong stay in Fundamentalism, it is sometimes better to set your L-T-S rate at 3-7-0, than 0-8-2.


        • #19
          I wonder how I missed this thread before. Anyway, good to have it all in one place.

          Also I believe that you cannot control "double unhappy citizens" with marshal law. For example: size one city has "pirate", and you put 3 phalanxes in it it still has unhappy citizen(ordinary one).

          DaveV, great info, though I wonder are the map size modifiers set or not. What if I play a custom size map? Perhaps it depends on number of tiles through a formula?


          • #20
            Vett Legion there are times when a temple is the only way to go..... i hate that as then the city is defensless even longer unless you have an extra troop
            Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


            • #21
              Yes and I hate temples . I never played communism though, so I dont know how double martial law applies to double unhappy citizens.


              • #22

                Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 02-24-2000 02:36 AM
                Playing MP - either against the AI or hot seat - I've noticed the following:
                In the late stages of Monarchy (30+ cities), immediately after building a settler, the city will riot. I remember some weeks ago a dicussion on how moving troops out of a city can aid happiness - in certain circumstances. Is this all part of the same bug?
                SG (2)

                I would doubt it's the same bug. When you build a settler, the game tries to remove the least valuable citizen. Unfortunately, it doesn't consider disorder when calculating "least valuable"! So it may provoke disorder by removing a citizen from a trade hex instead of a shield hex, or by removing an Elvis.

                Whether that's a bug or not is a matter of opinion. It can be painful. I lost a game in the final stages because one of my cities grew naturally, provoking disorder, and I foolishly just made an Elvis out of the new citizen. Of course, the next turn I lost a citizen do to starvation and the game chose the Elvis to remove! Therefore disorder, government collapse, 3-4 turns of anarchy, and I was nosed out in the spaceship race.

