I hate it in MP games when my customization doesn't take. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. Many people have b*tched about it here.
I have been trying to figure out why, and I may have stumbled onto something.
Due to a fast machine and a cable connection, I usually end up hosting games that I play in.
I usually take the green civ, in an attempt to not move first (to have time to respond to Barb appearances), and not have too many civs placed before my civ is delegated to a crappy location.
I've been keeping track of when it does or doesn't take my customization.
AND for the last 10 games, THERE HAS BEEN A PATTERN>
When another player takes the white civ and moves first, THE CUSTOMIZATION TAKES and the Ferret Civilization is in the game.
When no other player wants to move first and the white civ is not in the game (we never play with AI's in MP)
I am stuck with BABYLON.
I'm not sure how this affects the other civs. But I believe this is a good starting point. Now I know 10 games is not a large enough sample.
What I would like is to have people keep this in mind and post your experiences here. Let's see if this is valid.
We normally play on small worlds, Deity.
Please list world size, difficulty level (I doubt it matters but you never know)
And list the civs selected, which one is the host, and for which civ the customization took.
I have been trying to figure out why, and I may have stumbled onto something.
Due to a fast machine and a cable connection, I usually end up hosting games that I play in.
I usually take the green civ, in an attempt to not move first (to have time to respond to Barb appearances), and not have too many civs placed before my civ is delegated to a crappy location.
I've been keeping track of when it does or doesn't take my customization.
AND for the last 10 games, THERE HAS BEEN A PATTERN>
When another player takes the white civ and moves first, THE CUSTOMIZATION TAKES and the Ferret Civilization is in the game.
When no other player wants to move first and the white civ is not in the game (we never play with AI's in MP)
I am stuck with BABYLON.
I'm not sure how this affects the other civs. But I believe this is a good starting point. Now I know 10 games is not a large enough sample.
What I would like is to have people keep this in mind and post your experiences here. Let's see if this is valid.
We normally play on small worlds, Deity.
Please list world size, difficulty level (I doubt it matters but you never know)
And list the civs selected, which one is the host, and for which civ the customization took.