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Setting up the best Diplo game in a generation!

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  • #31
    Not to rain on your parade Ozzy, but I am really not angry at you, just surprised that you are angry at me.

    But as far as starting locations go, I think that if you grasp the idea of a random continental situation, then I believe that the positions should be randomized, if you guys are making a special map for this, I think that the cartographer should decide the starting positions, but shouldn't necessarily due so with the idea of "equality" in mind.

    The best Diplogamer is not the guy with the biggest cities, baddest armies, and most refined tech at the end of the game. The best Diplogamer is the one who plays the game effectivley, so that not only does everyone enjoy the game in the end, but that he uses the resources he was granted "by God" to do so.

    That's what the game's all about, its better that everyone starts out "equally" but I don't think it should be a necessity.

    The Cap'

    "We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."

    -Winston Churchill

    "Ceterum censo Carthaginem esse delendam"
    "Also I think that Carthage must be destroyed"

    -Cato the Elder, Roman Statesmen

    One Love.
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.


    • #32
      How do you define equal start spots also? Consider that being alone in North America gives you considerably more resources then say someone in the Middle East would have. But someone in NA has far less political influence and strategic land, because he is off in the nether regions of the world, while the Middle Easterner is wheeling and dealing fairly early, and in a position to influence and expand in areas of his choosing.

      Just thoughts

      As to the dismal turnout for this game, perhaps had you not concentrated on looking for so-called "experts" and perhaps paid attention to the more significant factor at hand, having fun, you would have had more participation.


      • #33
        Well said! Here - here!
        Now we're talking compromise & reason!! Just like real life nego's between ALWAYS unequal civ's.

        Now i certainly can go with the laying out by a non-participing civ map maker. As long as NONE of the PLAYERS knows what the deal is.

        Add in the speed of simul moves during peace times + the challenge & fun of reporting (or not) about an unfolding world = the stuff of legends!

        I'm ready, willing, & semi-able. Let's get on with racing to A-C & the team it takes to get there! With of course, an occasional war or 2 to keep bad guys in line (or grab some much-needed resources or... oops, gotta be nice?).

        Good point about needing "experts"... it's flexiblity of schedule & stick-to-it-ness that counts much more.
        It takes a LONG time to go from before the Pyramids to the next planet. Plenty of time to learn, be mentored, screw up, repent, find good friendly rulers / civ's.

        Let's do it... excuse season is over.

        "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"
        "Hm-m-m, doubt me you will?"

