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Simul Turn and Mac OS

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  • Simul Turn and Mac OS

    A bit of good news for Mac OS Civ2ers... while I still do not know how to flip the simultaneous switch for Mac Os... I was able to join a game today and play a simultaneous turn game. Apparently only the host has to flip the switch.

    The game does speed up a lot, too much in my opinion. There is not much time to chat or negotiate with other players. I suppose part of the problem with this was the fact that the host insisted on setting the timer at 2 minute.

    The message boxes (Your Move, Waiting on others to complete move or production turns, etc) become annoying because they pop up so frequently.

    I cannot be certain, because things went by so quickly, but I think I missed some unit movements when I tried to check my cities during the movement phase.

  • #2
    I agree, I don't think simulturn is a very good option to use, it gives the first mover a clear advantage, plus the fact that it is annoying and stalls a lot.
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.

