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Best players Tourny #2

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  • Best players Tourny #2

    If you remember way way back when i suggested the first tourny as a way to get all the good players to have a chance to play each other.

    In all the games i was involved in we managed to finish in one or 2 sessions and the tounry was usually held up by one group that couldn't continue. Here is what i suggest for tourny 2.

    2. If no city bribing then no great wall
    3. 4 weeks max for one round/game.
    4. 3-4 players max per game

    5. NO tech stealing(?)
    6. Frieght should be outlawed. 4000 gold/turn and a tech a turn from frieght is just rediculus.

    I find it interesting in games where there was little to no tech stealing i have managed to make it to modern times. One game i am in right now with arii and carnide we are researching advanced flight and fighting it out. During the whole game no one stole any techs. This keeps stupid things from happening like someone just stealing mono when they are 5 techs away from it and building the wonder.
    Join the army, travel to foreign countries, meet exotic people -
    and kill them!

  • #2
    Don't like my 1500 gold freight markus?
    I have 4 of those lined up in our game.


    • #3


      • #4
        Man what a rule nut you are markusf. "caravaning" or "freighting" someone to death is a favorite A-Team strategy. So is tech stealing. Its all preventable if you work hard at it. I am starting to like no bribe city games however. If you want to play a fun game, heres what you do:
        1) no building wonders
        2) design a board where everyone starts with say, 125 square cont. same number of huts,forests,rivers,swamps,mountains,plains etc.
        3) and a lot of islands
        4) no bribing citys
        5) big board to prevent easy tech stealing
        optional:start everyone with 30 settlers on 3 squares spread out on cont. then make settlers and engineers obselete so no more then (3 player game) 90 citys can be on the board at any one time.
        Must remove huts for this to work.


        • #5
          Unbelievable. What else? Let everyone start with 30 howitzers on 10x10 squares island and no settlers at all?

          This game is cool as it is. Only additional rule i like is no city bribe,because it eliminates early warfare. Once when someone discover Democracy,game is pretty much no city bribe to everyone anyway.
          My life, my rules

