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Extra-Hard Nomads Challenge

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  • Extra-Hard Nomads Challenge

    This is for you experts out there (you know who you are, Ming, Xin, Makeo! :P ) who take special joy out of sadistic challenges.

    I challenge each and all of you to successfully win a game with the following rules:

    1. The game must abide by Cold Wizard's varient of the Nomads Challenge: you may never build a city, only capture them, or take them from the ai.

    2. The game settings are as follows:

    7 civs
    large world
    raging hordes

    Now, should two people pass this challenge, the winner will be the one who wins first.

    (Personally, I think it's impossible, but go ahead... :P )

    -KhanMan the LLSS
    Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...

  • #2
    It sounds like something that would be interesting... But, I don't see it as being very difficult. Using the old goody hut strategy, you should be able to get enough military units to take a few AI cities that can be used as a base of operations to crank out military units. Unless you start on a small island, or get pinned in early before getting some non units, it would just be a matter of how long it took to hunt everybody down.
    Heck, I can even see a scenario where you could capture enough cities to actually get into the lead for sciences... and maybe even be able to land on AC before the AI does
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #3
      Do you get to take a city from a hut or do you have to reset it?

      I'm with ming, this doesn't sound that tough unless you get screwed at the start.

      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        Heck, I would assume that you would just reset it like you do in OCC games (a rule I still disagree with)
        Keep on Civin'
        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #5
          OK... I've tried it three times... two times, I was on a large land mass with no other civs... those were quick.

          The third time, I was on a decent size land mass with one other civ... but i didn't find them until 1400 bc, and they only had two cities... I kept trying to take one of their cities, but they would just spit out a settler when they got to size two. I tried baiting them to come out so I could take the city... no such luck. I finally quit. (I did destroy them first, because I was pissed)

          Oh well, time to try again.
          Keep on Civin'
          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


          • #6
            Although my name wasn't mentioned among those challenged , I'm not a fan of "artificial" challenges like this. I hate having to play under some self-imposed limitation; I'd rather play the game all-out and still be challenged. I'm messing around now with using the cheat menu to give all the AIs several (well-sited, for a change) cities at the start of the game. I don't expect they'll put up much of a fight anyway.

            The real answer, of course, is playing against humans...


            • #7
              The fourth time might be the charm. I found the Bab's around 2400 and was able to take their capital with some legions and chariots.
              The timing worked out good because the city moved up to pop 3 just as I was moving my units into position. They even made it easier by attacking out of the city with one of the defensive units.

              I then distroyed their other city... it was a size one that kept kicking out settlers.

              There was a second civ nearby, so I was able to take it's capital, and then bribe the other city. But, there was one major problem, none of the cities were on the coast, so I was still land locked.
              After many years, I did find the french far away from my starting position, and the Aztecs also share the same large land mass.

              The French had lost a costal city to barbs, so after taking Paris, I built a diplo and bribed it, and their other city. Now I have access to the ocean. The Aztecs are next on my list.

              It's about 200 bc, so I should be able to win this one. I'm ahead in science and population.

              Most of the huts I got before taking a city were units (maybe 70 - 80%) However, the money I got from some was very useful once I had a city. I also got a bunch of sciences, but not as many as I would have liked... Plus, I didn't start with any sciences.
              After taking a city, I did start getting barbs, but only one advanced tribe... I reset after getting the advanced tribe.

              This one won't be a speed record, but I'm pretty sure that I will be able to win...
              A good start would consist of starting near a civ that built a costal city...

              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • #8
                RAH-Actually, the only way to get cities in this challenge is to:

                a) conquer or bribe them

                b) get them from goodie huts as advanced tribes.

                Te restriction is that you can't ever build a city in ColdWizard's version.

                Ming-Nice to see someone take it. I must say, I couldn't repeat your results at deity 7 civs raging, though...

                Dave-Interesting to see you object, since some of my favorite fortnight and other challenges have come out of your hands...

                -KhanMan the LLSS
                Odin, Thor, and Loki walk into a bar together...


                • #9

                  I think Rah and I revised the rules to make it harder without realizing it. We are both playing that you can NOT get a city from a hut. Otherwise, it would be too easy

                  But it is still fun. I had stopped playing civ SP, playing only MP. This has been keeping amused almost as much as the OCC
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • #10
                    Yeah, we made it harder, but more fun.
                    I posted my update to the thread in the stategy forum.

                    Thanks for the Idea. It's been fun.

                    And it keeps reminding me why I dislike 1x1x games in MP.
                    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O

