Just noticed the the CPU player under democratic government had riots in his (several) cities for 3! turns in a row. If get the 2nd turn in a row with a riot in the same city the govornment falls. And its not a pretty sight when you have a large empire.
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Rulus of democracy don't aplly to CPU
Actually I had riots for about 5 before my cities go into disorder. Depends on the attitude of the rest of your civlization. I don't know how its calculated, but if your civ in general is kind of happy, then 1 riot won't usually cause a government to collapse and those computer civilization are usually very happy for some reason.
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Message from an Archangel: Do not try seek perfection for perfection is the most imperfect thing that ever existed.
What? I have the best aprooval rating of all. My civ is the happyies and sometimes a new town riots and I put entertainers and forget the I put a military unit out later. The next turn, boom govornment falls and now every single city is in dissorder!!! You know how much windows I have to close?!