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How to get Civ2 freely?

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  • How to get Civ2 freely?

    Do you know ho to get the full-version of Civilization 2 freely? I need it! Please!

  • #2
    CIV 2 will ALWAYS sell

    (well at least untill civ 3 comes out )


    • #3
      Well, there is FreeCiv for Linux. Then there are birthdays and theft as metioned above.

      Hmm... I don't know how the store shelves in Estonia are looking these days but here in the US you can get CIV2 for $10 in the bargin bins, Civ2 MGE as part of a 3 pack of games for about $20, or ToT for around $20. I think you can even find SMAC for $15. You really beat the $10 price tag.

      "Bonjour, you cheese-eatin' surrender-monkeys."
      Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him |"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years


      • #4

        Originally posted by Sidewinder on 01-30-2001 11:55 AM
        Do you know ho to get the full-version of Civilization 2 freely? I need it! Please!

        You don't "need" it, there is no game that you "need". You may want it badly, in which case you'll have to buy it, or get someone to give it to you.



        • #5
          If you'd be willing to pay shipping+cost I bet some adult around here would buy it at Wal-Mart and send it to you surface, and have you send a check. Mabey this would be breaking some laws, and possibly very unsafe, but it looks like the easiest way for you to get it.
          A genunine Matt Gaston post.


          • #6
            Look guys «theft» is a big word if you take into consideration other things like availability.

            15 years ago in Greece software piracy was the LAW. The games were few and overprised and the regulations conserning piracy were from lax to non existant. Was it theft to pirate games in those days?

            I remember 90% of my Amiga titles were pirate copies - I COULDN'T find the games I wanted anywhere else.

            Today things are hugely different, stores are pacted with the newest titles, prices are reasonable and laws are strict. Piracy has declined immensly.

            But still I can understand sidewinder.

            I was looking for CIV 2 from the moment I got my new pentium II. I found it 3 weeks later in a shady forgotten small store for minimum price. Everywhere else I checked they told me civ 2 was «too old» of a game to have it still on shelves.

            Ok I bought it, it was the multiplayer edition and of course I got hooked (I was a veteran of civ 1).

            Then I wanted the regular edition of CIV 2 (2,48?) because of the problem with AI hostility that ruined the game.

            I searched and I searched like crazy, everywhere. I even managed to find .... fantastic senarios!!!! BUT NO CIV 2.

            I wrote to activision explaining the situation and I asked for them to send it to me.
            They replied that they don't do that anymore.
            I tried Amazon and other sites and they wanted a credit card that I didn't have. There was an option of no-credit card but the game would take 1 month to get here.

            What was I supposed to do?

            I contacted some of my acquintances from the old pirate days and he gave me the address of one of the few remaining pirates. I got CIV 2 from him the next day for 1.000 drachmas (which is nothing - 2 euros or something).

            I was prepared to pay for civ 2 as well. I didn;t mind having paid for multiplayer and have gotten crap for my money.

            BUT there was NONE.

            I don't know who is to blame but what I do know is that if you don't give people what they want they're gonna take it anyhow and at your expense.


            • #7
              Short of having a birthday and receiving it as a gift or some sort of illegal activity, you'll have to shell out the bucks to get it.


              • #8
                There are no Civ2 in Estonia. I'm desperate. Could you somebody send it by e-mail? Please!? my e-mail address is but i don't think that smb who bought the game would like to send it...


                • #9
                  8.99 Civ Gold sale.....
                  If you can't afford it, then you shouldnt be playing civ. Etoys will probably be able to ship it right to you without much effort too.

                  8.99 Sale
                  I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                  Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


                  • #10
                    Of course skrobism.
                    I was being a little bit too descriptive because of the pain and suffering I had to endure untill I got my CIV

                    When civ 3 comes out I'd be amongst the first to buy it. Don't want to go through this again

                    By the way - what do you know - the pirate copy was defective - terrain information wouldn't appear correctly.

                    I'd have waited for the shipment if civ 2 to arrive but I had already waited too long. I couldn't take it.
                    I only take comfort in the thought I bought civ 2 multiplayer. Piracy of CIV 2 is abominable no question about it


                    • #11
                      Like I said, "I don't know how the shelves in Estonia are looking these days..."

                      Hmm I wonder if all the files could be emailed, put into the correct folders and played without a CD? Not that I would ever do such a thing.

                      "Bonjour, you cheese-eatin' surrender-monkeys."
                      Banano Laŭrajta Registaro en Ekzilo - Bananoj gismorte!| Cows O' Plenty|Wish List For ciV | Ming on Spammers: ...And, how do you know that I'm not just spamming by answering him |"This is all about peace; and in the quest for peace you have none." -my son wise beyond his years


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by Sidewinder on 01-31-2001 01:03 PM
                        There are no Civ2 in Estonia. I'm desperate. Could you somebody send it by e-mail? Please!? my e-mail address is but i don't think that smb who bought the game would like to send it...

                        A quick search for "civilization ii" at brought up 71 items for sale. Why on earth do you think you should get it for free?


                        • #13
                          check private message, sidewinder.
                          Gaius Mucius Scaevola Sinistra
                          Japher: "crap, did I just post in this thread?"
                          "Bloody hell, Lefty.....number one in my list of persons I have no intention of annoying, ever." Bugs ****ing Bunny
                          From a 6th grader who readily adpated to internet culture: "Pay attention now, because your opinions suck"


                          • #14
                            drake - eToys doesn't even ship to the UK!!! (I haven't got Gold so I tried at that price you can't miss out)

                            Scouse Git[1]

                            "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
                            "The Great Library must be built!"
                            "A short cut has to be challenging,
                            were it not so it would be 'the way'."
                            - Paul Craven
                            "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                            "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                            • #15
                              No wonder those e-businesses are going under Scouse. These places are on the WORLD WIDE web and they don't even ship to the UK huh? Well I'd guess they don't ship to Estonia either than huh?
                              I see the world through bloodshot eyes
                              Streets filled with blood from distant lies.

