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Difference between gold and multiplayer?

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  • Difference between gold and multiplayer?

    Is there a difference between civ II multiplayer gol and simply civ II multiplayer?
    I just downloaded the patch for civ II gold, and it said that it could not find civ installed on my machine.
    Can anybody help?

  • #2
    Hehe, you have the same problem that broke my nerves 3 months ago! But do not dispair!

    Check your e-mail at the evening I will send you the necessary patch for the simple Multiplayer edition. With it you can play in servers like Zone etc and with other players that have the gold edition without any problems.

    If you cannot wait untill the evening then try to visit the microprose site at the support section (I can't remember the URL) and select the patch that says «multiplayer not gold not classic».

    Beware though because half of the time this patch is unavailable.
    I was trying to get it for 3 days.
    SHAME MICROPROSE (or should I say Hasbro?)


    • #3
      Thanks for the help my friend. I hope i can help you back once.

      But tell me, what is really the difference between "gold" and simply "multiplayer"?


      • #4
        You are welcome.
        I am afraid I don't really know what the difference between these two are, but I suspect Gold has some add-ons that the simple version has not. I am positive some of the great gurus in this site will know!

        One thing that it's worth noting about the multiplayer edition of CIV versus the classic (single play) version is that in the first one the AI is EXTREMELY hostile towards you.

        As far as I am concerned playing single player with the multiplayer version is unacceptable because of this. It really ruins the game. So I had to buy the classic as well. (best money I've ever spent on a computer game!)


        • #5
          Really? Now that you mention it, I had noticed that. Why would they dumb down the AI for the multiplayer version?

          Anyway, I'm really offended at their nerve releasing only the hacked down version here in Australia. We had to pay full price and only get the old game plus multiplayer, where in the US they got a complete version. Bastards.


          • #6
            Same here! Bastards

            By the way if you search the forums you will find some very large threads about the constant AI aggression in civ multiplayer. Some even say it's a bug.


            • #7
              You should say hasbro. Back in the day before the evil hasbro took over, microprose would not have these problems (ok, maybe thats not completely true, but I really do not like what hasbro has done with microprose for the most part)



              • #8
                I didn't know there was a difference. I just got Multiplayer Gold and I thought that that was the only multiplayer available.

                Save the whales, collect the whole set!!

                If Al Gore invented the Internet, then I invented the spell check- Dan Quayle

                If someone doesn't agree with you, you haven't explained yourself well enough-Luther Ely Smith


                • #9
                  What exactly does Multiplayer Gold has got?


                  • #10
                    Same here in the UK - however, I got round the problem by using Julius' 'NoLimits' patch - which seems to make me compatible with Gold Patch 1.3 (and be able to play on gigamaps - I have done little else since I got it...

                    As far as I can tell the gold edition 'claimed' to subsume 2.42, CiC (Conflicts in Civilization - a minor upgrade to 2.5something IIRC + some fairly poor scenarios), FW (Fantastic Worlds - another minor upgrade to 2.78 + more slightly less cruddy scenarios) and the multiplayer version. It was in fact a con - only one executable the multiplayer + the scenarios many of which are simply not viable in Gold (America declares war on UK in turn three of a WW2 'sim')

                    I think on the whole we in Europe were spared something by the non-release of gold over here - or maybe we have stricter rules on conformance to advertising??

                    Hope this helps - any Americans out there going to fill in any details or correct my errors?

                    Good civin'

                    Scouse Git[1]

                    "CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
                    "The Great Library must be built!"
                    "A short cut has to be challenging,
                    were it not so it would be 'the way'."
                    - Paul Craven
                    "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
                    "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


                    • #11
                      Thnx for the help guys
                      [This message has been edited by KaiserIsak (edited January 07, 2001).]


                      • #12
                        Well, all my American version has with it is the FW, CiC scenarios, and Multiplayer.

                        Save the whales, collect the whole set!!

                        If Al Gore invented the Internet, then I invented the spell check- Dan Quayle

                        If someone doesn't agree with you, you haven't explained yourself well enough-Luther Ely Smith


                        • #13
                          Thanx. By the way a friend of mine managed to get a copy of CIV gold which by itself is an oustounding accomplishment due to the fact that no computer game shop has any of the original civ ii games anymore.

                          When I inquired about WHERE he got it he replied: pirates. It would be good if hasbro kept supplying shops with civ ii. It still would sell.


                          • #14
                            I have been playing 2.42 for a couple of years now. Last month I saw MGE on sale at Wal-Mart for $7.98. What a bargain. I snapped it up.


