quote: Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 01-24-2001 06:04 AM I briefly studied Classical Greek - Demotic Greek is I fear a closed book to me |
Well, if you can remember some classical greek you have an advantage if you visit Greece since 70% of the words in demotic (or modern) greek are the same. Especially the nouns but less the verbs.
Still the syntax has changed SO much that a whole sentence in modern greek would be very hard to understand although you could still get some of the words.
A english friend of mine actually amazed me when we first met since he could understand almost half of what I was saying in greek. He KNEW (and I mean to the point of near perfection) ancient greek and he would answer me in ancient greek too! and I'd understand half of it and so on. After some mintues though we always switched to english, otherwise the conversation would take too long