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  • Plumbing???

    I saw this advance in the Rules.txt file but it is not available in normal game.

    Anyone know what it is?

  • #2
    It is a placeholder tech that you can use without having to use any of your extra techs at the bottom of the rules text file. You just have to activate it.



    • #3
      Activate it?? How is that done?


      • #4
        don't you have to change the prerequisites fomr "no, no" to real tech(s)? I don't have the time to check the rules.txt right now to tell you...


        • #5
          PLU is Plumbing tech. In their creative madness, Civ 2 authors ( and i mean the very first version ) left this tech free in order to personalize other techs. By giving "Plu, nil," as prerequisite, you'll be able to forbid other civilizations to research what i call a "tribal tech"...
          Maybe this will explain you better... go to my Classic Civilization Home Page , then download Antigonos scenario ( both versions, if you have FW, because graphic files are placed into MGE modpack), then take a look at Rules.txt file. Antigonids and their opponents, thanks to this trick, are able to build a peculiar tribal unit:
          Antigonids) Flamethrower
          Seleucids) Elephants
          Tolemaics) cheapest ships
          Lisimacids) Thracian light infantry... and so on.
          Not to be mentioned that, by acting this way, you can create historical figures also ( but i don't want to waste the surprise... ).
          [This message has been edited by Prometeus (edited December 10, 2000).]
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          "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


          • #6
            There are three User Defined Techs and if you take out plumbing then there are four. I added a couple for more advanced units. One of my techs is Advanced Rocketry for instance.

            What if the Hokey-Pokey is really what its all about?

            Save the whales, collect the whole set!!

            If Al Gore invented the Internet, then I invented the spell check- Dan Quayle


            • #7
              Is this how you create the units like the blimp and such or am i off base here? I always thought adding a tech or two would be fun. You can add up to four can't you?


              • #8
                I like to activate Plumbing, then make it a prerequisite for Aquaduct.

                Some other Techs I added to the user defined:

                Hover Technology
                Solar Power

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