Using an arbitrary grouping (from months of observational research
) civers may be thought of as:
1. Players
a. MP
b. SP - 2.42, MGE, FW, ToT
c. Challenge-specific eg OCC...
2. Scenario-Makers
a. Historians
b. Futurists
c. Fantasists
d. Challenge-specific
e. Map-Makers
3. Iconists
Basically all graphics oriented development and collection
4. Theorists
a. Development
b. Testing
c. Collecting & Collating
5. Other
(Well, no research is ever complete) Please specify
Which are you?
I'm 1c (70%), 4b (15%) and 2d (incipient, 15%)
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by tonic (edited November 25, 2000).]</font>

1. Players
a. MP
b. SP - 2.42, MGE, FW, ToT
c. Challenge-specific eg OCC...
2. Scenario-Makers
a. Historians
b. Futurists
c. Fantasists
d. Challenge-specific
e. Map-Makers
3. Iconists
Basically all graphics oriented development and collection
4. Theorists
a. Development
b. Testing
c. Collecting & Collating
5. Other
(Well, no research is ever complete) Please specify
Which are you?
I'm 1c (70%), 4b (15%) and 2d (incipient, 15%)
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by tonic (edited November 25, 2000).]</font>