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My Very Deepest Thanks...

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  • My Very Deepest Thanks... the owners of Apolyton, Markos and Dan, and to Narck, the 'Forum Helper' who has been w/ us since early on. Today we achieved our goal of $1530 to build 'The Apolytoners' House'. We would not be so far were it not for your ongoing efforts to bring the situation of Karen Mills to the attention of Apolytoners. In this you have succeeded beyond all my hopes. With the news stories and the sticky thread you have helped to alter the life of Karen and her family in a way that will finally bring them some security.


    We still have some donations to come in yet, and these will be used for the many things needed to make 'The Apolytoners' House' into Karen's home.

    Thanks guys...

    Long time member @ Apolyton
    Civilization player since the dawn of time

  • #2
    Many thanks to all who were involved in some way or another in this project, including, of course, all those who donated to this cause, as the house couldn't have been built without the necessary funds . This has been a real group effort, and wouldn't have been successful without everyone's help

    Now... Let's get that house built!!!

    We'll keep track of the construction progress... anyone who wants to see how things are going, can check out the related Apolytoners' House thread, which can be found in the Off Topic Forum. Alternatively, you can check in periodically at the Karen Mills Website, which I will be updating as new info (photos, letters, etc.) comes in.

    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Narck (edited October 29, 2000).]</font>


    • #3
      So this is the thread that Dan quoted from in his news!

      Nice to hear!

      No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary...
      <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by UltraSonix (edited October 29, 2000).]</font>
      No, in Australia we don't live with kangaroos and koalas in our backyards... Despite any stupid advertisments you may see to the contrary... (And no, koalas don't usually speak!)


      • #4
        At the risk of getting slightly off-topic yes, UltraSonix, I provided a link <U>directly</U> to this thread in that news item. How could you miss it?

        Dan; Apolyton CS


        • #5
          Hi Mark & Dan!

          FYI the Apolytoners' House is under construction! Recieved this happy news in an email from Dolores's sister-in-law. It was a list of expenditures, materials, labor, and 'snacks'. There is a listing for Nov 3 for 150P for snacks which I like to think of as my father-in-law having a beer w/ the carpenter and discussing the job. Onthe 4th the full crew is on, and things got really going!

          Right now I'm waiting on a pic of the property which was mailed by Sofronia, Karen's mother, a couple of weeks ago. Either way, recieved or not, I'll start a new thread either Monday or Tuesday.

          They will be taking 2 pics a week, and other pics of Karen and Sofronia, as well as pics of our house there and family, just to use up film. So, if all goes according to plan, we should start recieving construction pics in a couple of weeks or so. Narck will be adding these pics, plus reciepts to his Karen Mills site, where can be found pics of Karen, letters, floorplan for the house and the bid, plus lots of other interesting stuff.

          Apolytoners, w/ the help of the you guys, Mark and Dan, are currently in the process of building a house for a very poor young lady and her family for whom almost nothing went right until right after they heard the word 'Apolytoner'.

          Narck, can you put a link to the site you so kindly maintain? Thanks!

          Watch for pics!


          Long time member @ Apolyton
          Civilization player since the dawn of time


          • #6
            Congrats Lancer and all who helped in the cause. I look forward to seeing the pics. It will be good to see the tangible results produced by the generosity of the ACS community.

            "These were giants [The ‘Hellfire’ Club]. They had standards - not like these whimpering mashers who keep fouling our headlines today."

            Free the D**d Threads!!
            "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
            "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain


            • #7
              Wezil, the digging you did that resulted in the find that Karen might be able to bypass the Canadian Embassy in Manila and become Canadian was a great bit of work. The forms required are on their way to me from Narck, who printed them out. I'll pass them on to Karen and they'll get the documentation she needs to submit to claim her birthright.

              Then Wezil, we'll see if your end run works! If it does, you'll be one young ladies hero!

              Long time member @ Apolyton
              Civilization player since the dawn of time


              • #8
                <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                </font><font size=1>Originally posted by Lancer on 11-05-2000 11:52 AM</font>
                If it does, you'll be one young ladies hero!

                <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

                I'm not too far from Toronto....

                "These were giants [The ‘Hellfire’ Club]. They had standards - not like these whimpering mashers who keep fouling our headlines today."

                Free the D**d Threads!!
                "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
                "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain


                • #9
                  <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                  <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                  </font><font size=1>Originally posted by Lancer on 11-05-2000 10:17 AM</font>
                  Hi Mark & Dan!
                  Narck, can you put a link to the site you so kindly maintain? Thanks!
                  <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

                  No pics of the house there yet, but there is a floorplan and initial construction cost overview.

                  <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Narck (edited November 05, 2000).]</font>


                  • #10
                    Thanks Narck

                    Still waiting on a pic of the property. It's good to take a break now, each day brings us closer to pics of the construction, which have also been taken now.

                    Recieved additional donations from ZkribblerZkribbler (the $300 in doubled donations)
                    Also from Ata, $130 and from Orange, $15. I'll start the new thread out w/ this news.

                    Recieved from Narck the forms needed by Karen. These forms are the result of Wezil's search to date. The end result might be nothing less than Karen getting Canadian citizenship. Dolores has them now and will be working on them after Christmas when things calm down around here. Karen's english is not so good yet so there is translation to be done.

                    Das da news!
                    Long time member @ Apolyton
                    Civilization player since the dawn of time


                    • #11
                      Perhaps this thread should be moved to the OT, so that more people will see it?


                      • #12
                        It's ok Narck, that pic has to arrive any day now. So I'll start a building thread, and send you the pic when it does. There isn't going to be a whole lot of news w/ this one, so it will tend to dive I think. So it's better if we get closer to the pics...or folks will be asking why we started it. Lets give em something to see...

                        Every day brings us closer to house pics too. Right now we're waiting on a pic of the property...not much to see I'd guess.

                        Let me know your thoughts, but nobody is asking about the house yet, so ppl are being patient.
                        Long time member @ Apolyton
                        Civilization player since the dawn of time


                        • #13
                          <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                          <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                          </font><font size=1>Originally posted by Lancer on 11-14-2000 10:49 PM</font>
                          Let me know your thoughts, but nobody is asking about the house yet, so ppl are being patient.
                          <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>That's because the presidential election is drawing everyone's attention away from the important issues


                          • #14
                            <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
                            <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
                            </font><font size=1>Originally posted by Lancer on 11-14-2000 10:49 PM</font>
                            Let me know your thoughts, but nobody is asking about the house yet, so ppl are being patient.
                            <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>That's because the presidential election is drawing everyone's attention away from the important issues


                            • #15
                              Lancer, did you ever get my check - I sent it about 2 and a half weeks ago
                              But I kick that ball, and I pray it goes straight,
                              If it does, then Coach says, "Good job number eight."
                              He doesn't even no my name is Andre Kristacovitchlalinski, Jr.
                              But that's the life I live...Lonesome Kicker

