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RolePlay (Resuscitated RP1?)

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  • #16

    Status report:

    We have six confirmed:

    Hydro as the Gaians
    XWaste as the Believers
    Hobbes_One as the University
    Deimos as the Spartans
    stuntman19 - open
    Googlie - open

    I am trying to entice Allie Cove to join us and play her favourite character, Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang.

    That would indeed give us an awesome group

    (s19 - any preferences between Lal and Morgan? - I'm easy either way)

    Keeping fingers crossed for AC's response ...........


    Putting a spin on it


    • #17
      Sounds good to me. As long as whoever is playing as Lal isn't a SMAC heavyweight (*ahem* Googlie, Velocyrix, etc), I'm game!

      May the most convincing faction win!
      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


      • #18
        OK - we're off (Googlie has asked me to CMN . )


        SMAC v4.0
        Huge Random Map, 50 - 70% water (Planet's default)
        average everything
        Librarian settings (everyone at the default/neutral cost algorithm)
        all victory conditions on
        blind research (so check only your faction preferences)
        ironman off (but we trust each other to not reload without a convincing explanation)
        usual PBEM no-cheat rules apply

        special rules:

        you must play your faction's preferences and aversions and move to your choice as soon as available and deviate only with a convincing (to the others) posted reason


        :- Believers: aggressive, research priorities Explore and Conquer, move to Fundamentalism as soon as available, may not treaty or pact with anyone running Knowledge

        :- Gaians: pacifist, research priority is explore, move to green as soon as availably, may not treaty or pact with faction running Free Market

        and so on.

        No contact between factions until commlinks discovered or traded or contact physically made between Units


        Hydro as the Gaians
        XWaste as the Believers
        Hobbes_One as the University
        Deimos as the Spartans
        Alinestra Covelia as the Hive
        stuntman19 as the Peacekeepers
        Googlie as Morgan

        Feel free (but not obligatory) to post snippets about your society, characters, interactions with other factions, etc.

        While therte will inevitably be a winner, there really is no winner - the game's objective is to see how a game would run with humans playing these AI agendas/preferences, etc

        (Unless we explicitly set various victory conditions by faction - can't be done in game settings but can be discussed once underway.

        e.g. a faction wins by:

        University: transcendence;
        Peacekeepers: diplomatic (Supreme leader);
        Gaians: cooperative (transcendence with at least 2 pact brothers);
        Morgan: economic;
        Hive: conquest;
        Believers: conquest
        Spartans: conquest

        what do you think? Or should Transcendence be a default for everyone with the other victory method "doubling" the final AC score?

        turn 1 to the Gains



        • #19
          Sorry I haven't posted here for awhile, but it looks like were rolling into the game. I have a couple questions about the game if Googlie or someone could fill me in that would be great.

          1)Is this a normal start(not accelerated)
          2)Are random events on or off
          3)Are pacts\treaties forbidden against agenda conflicting factions? or only when SE setting is conflicting? Examples: Hive-Peacekeepers or Believers-University or Spartans-Morgan

          Anyway, thanks and look forward to the game. Good luck to all!


          • #20
            Random events are on, and it's a normal (2101) start.

            The intent of the original, discontinued RP1 was that a faction, say the Believers, could not treaty or pact with another faction running knowledge. if the Uni, for example, were running simple or power, then a treaty or pact could be made. However if Miriam were running fundy, then the pact or treaty could not be made, as that is Zak's aversion.

            If Miriam were running simple or, say, police, and fundy were available to her, then a case would need to be presented in this thread, perhaps as a story, or a newspaper piece, perhaps just in memo form, explaining why the preferred choice isn't being followed.

            Likewise with the Uni, if running, say Power, with knowledge available. Explain convincingly why knowledge is not being made as an SE choice at that time.

            Prolly harder for Morgan and Yang as FM and police come very early in the process, followed by Fundy and Green. Lal too will be tough as demo will spawn drone riots if not kept under control.

            (but that might be a sufficient justification for postponing democracy, if available)

            Changing from a choice SE settring just to treaty or pact would (in my opinion - let's hear from the others) be justifiable only to forestall a military threat, or enter a treaty or pact that was a necessity for survival (and not just for the commerce income). Again, an explanatory item re the threat or oppotunity should be posted so that the judges (the other players) can deride or praise as appropriate.



            • #21
              I opened a turn reporting thread.

              let's keep this one for asking and answering queestions, concensus rulings, mutual derisions, clarifications, etc.



              • #22
                Hi RPG1ers,

                The Gaians just sent RPG1 turn 1 move to the Hive (Ali). I forgot to change my name - will do next time (Googlie had it as Lord Hydro - nice, but a bit pretentious). I'll revert to Lady Deirdre Skye.

                A couple of questions (based on reading multiplayer and cheat threads) and comments:

                · I assume that no diplomacy is possible until you actually meet the other faction (True? That is what makes sense to me, and is how SP works).
                · I think I understand the aversions (e.g. FM for Gaians) and preferences (Gaian green and demo) based on G's explanation. What if another faction doesn't choose your preferred SE, but has not chosen your aversion? For instance, Dee constantly whines about Planned SE (even though the AI uses it). Perhaps this is a minor aversion and would be grounds to get negative brownie points in the diplomacy ledger? Note that if this is held as an aversion than all the factions will probably hate each other. In other words, how much latitude is reasonable? Or maybe a posted justification would be appropriate?
                · Maybe we need another thread to post these pronouncements for SE rationale and deviations. Should these go here?
                · A turn-by-turn summary of each faction's exploits, like a running editorial, would be fun. Note that this would effectively be free info of a pretty detailed nature for other factions. But, if we are honest in our efforts to role-play, it would help the game come alive, and personalize the game a little. If done correctly it might even be a great story!
                · Are private e-mail after two factions have met legal in PBEM? I image the diplomacy screen might be a little limited (based on my non-existent experience). Real diplomacy is much more detailed than a 'give me XXX or I'll crush you like a bug', after all…

                Looking forward to the game. It should be fun!

                BTW - pods are on. I saw one in my start. Was that intended? Not that I am complaining, mind you. Gaians LOVE pods!!


                P.S. - The Thanksgiving holiday is coming up in the States. I'll be out from Tuesday through Sunday.


                • #23
                  You make good points, Hydro.

                  At the risk of thread spamming, I'll open another called RP1 Narrative. That will give three RP1 threads. This one for the types of questions Hydro has posted, answers, clarifications, etc. There is a formal RP1 turn thread = please use (vital for when the game stalls, as it will from time to time - we can infer/detect where the turn stall is. And the fiction/story thread.

                  yes, pods are on. They are such an integral part of the SP game (for most of us, anyway) that they add 'game realism' - and make for good story lines. Plus, with semi-directed research (follow your faction research preferences as nearly as possible) they will in the early years give these hard-to-get techs.

                  No communicartion until contact is made. After contact is made, particularly for pact bros/sisters, e-mail or ICQ is universally used for negotiations. With the convoluted multiplayer diplomacy screens a trade can take up to six turns to complete - better to complete the trade by e-mail and use the diplomacy to clinch the deal in two turns.

                  Trading, treaty or pact with neutral SE's are OK (eg if you are running planned you can pact with gaia. Only FM is verboten [so long as Gaia isn't running one of your aversions, such as knowledge if you are Miriam]}



                  • #24

                    I have a suggestion. Could you please edit the first post of the RP1 Turn thread to include all the players, their faction, and their email addy? This would make this information easier to locate, rather than having to sift through this thread. Also, it would make a good place to outline the allowed/disallowed actions for the game.

                    "That which does not kill me, makes me stronger." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
                    "That which does not kill me, missed." -- Anonymous war gamer
                    "I fear that we have awakened a sleeping giant and instilled in it a terrible resolve." - Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto


                    • #25
                      Provost Hobbes, you can download the zip of the save game here:

                      (Right click and click save as)
                      "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                      • #26
                        Provost Hobbes, you can download the zip of the save game here:
                        "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                        • #27


                          Can you post your e-mail addy?

                          (At the least send it to XWaste so that your turns can be sent to you)


